Gift for the wife



Not a Nova
Dec 26, 2006
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I got my wife a cheese grater once...and she just reminded me of the indoor BBQ I got her one year......I just tell her to buy her own gifts now and put my name on the box.
My wife asked me to get her a new vacuum, I’m buying a iRobot Roomba.
Why wouldn't a woman appreciate a tool that will make her job/work easier, like a $300 vacuum cleaner. If my wife bought me a new $300 tool, I would not complain.
Just saying.......
Why wouldn't a woman appreciate a tool that will make her job/work easier, like a $300 vacuum cleaner. If my wife bought me a new $300 tool, I would not complain.
Just saying.......
If that $300 tool was for daily or weekly maintenance that you were just expected to do, that should have come out of general expenses, and she burned up one of your gifts for you on it. I think you might have an attitude as well. My opinion
Time to go stoke the box stove in the toy box. Going to change thermostat in my 02 olds van. Do these engineers not think about this **** or do they do it on purpose? I would really like to know
I got my wife a cheese grater once...and she just reminded me of the indoor BBQ I got her one year......I just tell her to buy her own gifts now and put my name on the box.
Yup. Mine is no help at all and I told her "I'm not combing the stores any more.." I get a few things and a gift card so she can buy what she wants.
My wife and I agreed years ago that we wouldn't buy/exchange gifts for each other. I buy what I want/need all year without questions/explanations and she can do the same. Never received anything that I had to exchange and same for her. Works great for our marriage.
I get things like days at Thermea, a spa. Novels, jewelry, anything from the Bodyshop, foot bath massager, CD,S. I’ve tied a bow on the end of it she said ah I can get that when ever I want. It’s not difficult and the results are amazing. Happy wife happy life
My wife and I agreed years ago that we wouldn't buy/exchange gifts for each other. I buy what I want/need all year without questions/explanations and she can do the same. Never received anything that I had to exchange and same for her. Works great for our marriage.
I try to do the same but she breaks the rules then its like I'm in a valentines day situation. you know the rule about Valentines day "when a woman says dont get me anything for valentines day, dont beleive it..." :)
My wife and I agreed years ago that we wouldn't buy/exchange gifts for each other. I buy what I want/need all year without questions/explanations and she can do the same. Never received anything that I had to exchange and same for her. Works great for our marriage.
Same here, I used to buy her gift cards for the local greenhouses, she loves planting flowers and gardening, and I have also bought her power tools when she wanted them for her crafts. I told her long ago not to buy me tools or car parts, I prefer to buy my own.
When I was a kid Dad got the neighbor over with his old RD-7? Cat to plow out the lane from the road to the barn, so we could butcher. Our tractor could not have busted the berm in the ditch, and may not have handled the snow, either. This happened on Christmas Eve day

So late, it was getting dark, so likely 3:30--4PM Norm had the Cat shut down near the road, Dad and he were yakking, and Norm says "Well I guess I better get this home, I still have to go downtown and find something for the old lady for Christmas!!"

So here's the deal. This was early 60's, in our small town of maybe 3500 people. There would have been NOTHING much open at that hour on Christmas Eve 'cept maybe the IGA grocery store, what did he buy her, maybe a toaster?
Stater Bros locally is having a 30% off 4 or more 750ml of alcohol...Hmmmm? Ill get her a case of Truly
My wife and I agreed years ago that we wouldn't buy/exchange gifts for each other. I buy what I want/need all year without questions/explanations and she can do the same. Never received anything that I had to exchange and same for her. Works great for our marriage.
We do that as well and we give our kids and grandkids money. Saves going out fighting the crowds or having to take things back for exchange
This one confused me........My wife loves to bake. I wanted to get her a really expensive Kitchen Aid mixer, so I asked her if there were any other attachments that she could use with it. She proceeded to school me on the inappropriateness of a kitchen appliance as a gift. So, I skipped the mixer and spent a few days wandering around the mall trying to find something more "personal". And you know, to this day, neither of us can remember what I ended up getting her that year for Christmas.
This one confused me........My wife loves to bake. I wanted to get her a really expensive Kitchen Aid mixer, so I asked her if there were any other attachments that she could use with it. She proceeded to school me on the inappropriateness of a kitchen appliance as a gift. So, I skipped the mixer and spent a few days wandering around the mall trying to find something more "personal". And you know, to this day, neither of us can remember what I ended up getting her that year for Christmas.
LOL........I just read this to her right now, and the schooling has started all over again.:BangHead: