Go topless



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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While reading an article on a website this morning I noticed a link to an article about a bunch of women that are planning a get together to protest the fact that men are allowed to go topless and they are not. I was going to post a link but I decided not to so as not to ruffle any feathers. While I could have just posted the link in the Blue Forum I did not because I don't really feel that topless woman are in any way "dirty", non-politically correct or what have you. For any one interested just search for gotopless . org.....
Thanks Inkjunkie, I agree, it's a stupid double standard. Breasts are not sex organs, there is no logical reason why a woman should not go topless if she wants too. I hope what those women are doing catches on. :cheers:
Thanks Inkjunkie, I agree, it's a stupid double standard. Breasts are not sex organs, there is no logical reason why a woman should not go topless if she wants too. I hope what those women are doing catches on. :cheers:

It never works out that way though. If women make enough noise the pizzhead politicians will get involved. Then males of all ages will have to cover their nipples in public too.
www.printyourownpasties.com LOL
It never works out that way though. If women make enough noise the pizzhead politicians will get involved. Then males of all ages will have to cover their nipples in public too.
www.printyourownpasties.com LOL

I was thinking the same thing, but since the majority of politicians are men, I doubt it would happen, or be enforced. Anyway, it's fun to talk about women being allowed to go topless but let's face it in our society it's not gonna happen.
Good for them. Protest away I don't mind!

But then I don't know. Do I want my wife or daughter going around topless? Errrrrr????????????????? NO! LOL
i think that for some, and this goes for males too... there are a lot of people you dont want to see topless.

that being said, i think a few good sets would outweigh the bad ones. also i think there would be one or two old hags who would ruin it saying its obscene, the only men you would see in that crowd would be the one that their wives made them go.
You guys should move to Canada - it's legal in Ontario for woman to go topless.... wherever whenever
Thanks Inkjunkie, I agree, it's a stupid double standard. Breasts are not sex organs, there is no logical reason why a woman should not go topless if she wants too. I hope what those women are doing catches on. :cheers:

They may not be sex organs, but I love using them for that!! There was a girl up here that went topless and went to court over it and won. So boobies up here are legal, but do I ever see them NOPE!! They fight for their rights, they win, then they pack them away never too be seen again! Friggin tease I say, its all part of the vuh jj mind-meld!!
Had an opportunity to spend 10 days on Crete for business a few years ago. Had lots of free time to play tourist and my wife went with me as well. Wonderful place and we'd both go back (vacation only) in a heart beat.
Saw a lot on the Mediteranean/Aegean Sea beaches that you don't see here - both female and male. Europeans find our American puritanical culture very amusing.
There are some beaches (Italy is one place, I believe) where they tried, maybe succeeded to make it illegal to be topless, or bottomless for that matter if you were too ugly.
I believe I went to some other website that promotes that. 90% of the women who wanted to go topless were fat chicks.

Is it because they are insecure about their body and that attractive girls can get away with it much eaiser that they seem to be the only ones promoting it? Hell, that seems to be the case with all "women empowerment" organizations. The ugly chicks are always the ones who start these.
You guys should move to Canada - it's legal in Ontario for woman to go topless.... wherever whenever
This is going on in Toronto right now.First they legalize women topless,so they want to setup on a beach.Now the beach police say..no way.If it,s legal I say go for it and fight it in court.If going topless is legal,why is it not legal on certain beaches?:violent1:It,s a viscious circle!:banghead:
There are some beaches (Italy is one place, I believe) where they tried, maybe succeeded to make it illegal to be topless, or bottomless for that matter if you were too ugly.

I know this is a bit of a different subject, but it reminded me of a quote from George Carlin: "Isn't it funny that most people who are against abortion are those you wouldn't want to f*ck in the first place?"
Tell ya what, Ill be cool with women going topless all day, but make fat *** men with man-tits cover up if women cant go topless.