Great Shipping Container for Dash & Grilles



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
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Victoria B.C. Canada
I bought a dash pad from cuda66, Paul, and he came up with a pretty brilliant container for shipping long stuff. It's HEAVY duty cardboard tubing used to pour concrete in, to make pillars. 6 ft. high wet concrete puts tremendous weight on the bottom, so it's gotta be strong.. Reading all the bad experiences about UPS and Fedex, bustin stuff up, his idea held up to UPS shipping, across the nation..

I'd also like to point out as a tube, it's one of those things that doesn't stack well, so ends up on top of the pile, or up on an end, which is also good.. also, I believe you could also add another diameter tube, inner or outer,, but this stuff is pretty tough,,

In this case he put original shipping box inside tube.. pix attached...

thnx very much Paul... grant


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Great idea. Just be sure to pack the ends well and make everything snug inside.
Looks great but that's no guarantee they won't damage it. I once shipped a driveshaft inside a piece of schedule 80 sewer pipe and not only did they break the pipe, they bent the driveshaft at a 30 degree angle! I've also had a big wrap around back glass get sent to me wrapped in a blanket with twine holding it on arrive in perfect shape......go figure!
I've been using the center tubes from rolls of carpet for years now to ship long trim in with no problems. You can stomp on them and try as you may they are nearly impossible to bend. And best of all...they're FREE!!! The local carpet shop regularly throws them out in the dumpster, so when I go in and ask for them they give me as many as I want. I also have a couple tubes from insulation blankets for masonry that I beg anybody to try to destroy, these have 1/2 walls and I can barely cut through them with a saw. I use them to ship only the most expensive trim because they are heavy t start with, but I know for sure the trim will arrive safely!! I'm with Paul here, tubes are a great way to ship items!!! Geof
Grant...Happy to be of service! enjoy!

Comment: It is true ANYTHING can be damaged in transit, life promises no guarantee. The idea is to mitigate the risk by packaging as robustly as possible and there are many here that do exactly that. This can be an example to those that do not.

Try to remember boys & girls, that once that part is purchased, it is no longer your part and should be treated as anything belonging to someone else, with respect and care, unless you plan to replace it or forfeit the price it brought.

I've seen 4" PVC pipe used in shipping stainless trim but this good to know for larger items.
I wish every one took that great of care when shipping. Especially carburators !!! I have received two carbs this year that were damaged in shipping due to poor packing.
That shipper did a great job !!
I shipped a NP833 in one of those tubes about ten years ago. I put a 2 gallon bucket over the input shaft, slid it into the tube, and taped the living crap out of it. The guy flipped out when he got it. He thought I was a freakin' genius.

Well, I am...
Grant...Happy to be of service! enjoy!

Comment: It is true ANYTHING can be damaged in transit, life promises no guarantee. The idea is to mitigate the risk by packaging as robustly as possible and there are many here that do exactly that. This can be an example to those that do not.

Try to remember boys & girls, that once that part is purchased, it is no longer your part and should be treated as anything belonging to someone else, with respect and care, unless you plan to replace it or forfeit the price it brought.


What did you use for caps on the ends, I really like that idea :cheers:
I wish every one took that great of care when shipping. Especially carburators !!! I have received two carbs this year that were damaged in shipping due to poor packing.
That shipper did a great job !!

I don't know if the carbs you bought was from a individual or a company but you could tell the individual to take it to UPS, or Fedex. Let them do the packaging on your dime and buy the insurance to cover it if lost or damaged. Thats what I do and have great success with it. It beats receiving damage goods even though it costs a little more. I learned my lesson with stainless trim that I bought from a individual that was damaged in shipment. It looked like a one armed man had packaged it.