Half of a Smart car......

Top Gear does a few segments on those 3 wheelers, Reliant Robins I think, heck they even tried to shoot one into space.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQh56geU0X8"]Rolling a Reliant Robin - Top Gear - BBC - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b4WzWFKQ20"]Top Gear - Reliant Robin space shuttle - Richard Hammond and James May - BBC - YouTube[/ame]
Tangos are/ were built in Spokane. I don't want one at any price


Seems ta me you need to bring your helmet. "Head bangin" in that thing sounds like no fun at all

Did you read the specs on that thing? 0-60 in 3.2 seconds, 12.255 [email protected] mph in the quarter, and a top speed of over 150 mph!!!!! :wack: Yeah, I think you need a helmet!! :shock: :shock:
Was it this rolling outdoor toilet?

Here's a few more of a Messerschmitt at a local car show. The guy has driven it around town. It does make you look twice.

Check you the old leather pilot's helmet on the seat.

Those are pretty cool. They were actually built from left over fighter plane parts. I understand that they had no reverser in the trans. To back them up you actually turned the ignition key to the "off position", and then one more click to the left, restarted the engine running backwards (???) I supplse you'd then have three forward and three reverse speeds. lol

Still trying to verify the reversing engine rotation thing.
Left over airplane parts!

Correct. The were fashioned from the cockpit sections of German WWII fighter planes of the same brand. It's another look at German ingenuity.

They had the facilities, the materials, and the technical knowledge and ability to make a product that was ripe for the German market of the post WWII era, they were cheap to build and buy, they were super economical to operate, and were very basic transportation. The exact same technology and mindset that gave us the VW Beetle.

Post WWII Germany was an Occupied country, remember. Also a beaten country. While some of their industrialists were able to survive the war and live pretty high after it, the common German was pretty tight for money, and many had lost their homes. and transportation to the war.

As their civilian economy began to return, many needed transportation to get to/from work. Enter the Messerschmitt. Cheap, economical, easy to get around in, and home built.
On the other hand, the East Germans had these........................

No, that smoke is................"normal." They are a 600cc, 2 cylinder, 2 stroke!!!!

The crummy thing had a gravity feed fuel tank in the engine compartment (AKA Model A Ford) and NO oil injection--you had to MIX the oil and fuel

In 2008, Time Magazine rated these cars in the top 50 worst ever made

The Terrible Trabant. ..............


Or when you really get desperate

Did you read the specs on that thing? 0-60 in 3.2 seconds, 12.255 [email protected] mph in the quarter, and a top speed of over 150 mph!!!!! :wack: Yeah, I think you need a helmet!! :shock: :shock:

And it only cost 200,000 dollars

I seen the above mentioned on the link someone posted. I thought it must have been a spoof website at first. If I was in the position to spend that kind of coin on a vehicle that, what did MoparDaddy (?) call it, dildo on wheels, would be pretty close to the bottom of the list. I will be heading to town again later on, will be bringing the wife's camera, perhaps I will get lucky & see it again.....
I seen the above mentioned on the link someone posted. I thought it must have been a spoof website at first. If I was in the position to spend that kind of coin on a vehicle that, what did MoparDaddy (?) call it, dildo on wheels, would be pretty close to the bottom of the list. I will be heading to town again later on, will be bringing the wife's camera, perhaps I will get lucky & see it again.....

Lol am I lying?!!

So, do I understand this correctly? 3-wheeled off-road ATVs were made illegal because they weren't stable enought and could cause injuries, but 3-wheeled on-road deathtraps are OK?
Something is wrong with this so-called logic.
Hmm, it's called the Tango? Looks like it's the meat in a whiskey tango foxtrot sandwich! No thanks!!!