Happy B-day Fastback340!



Orig Stealth Mod
Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento Area, CA
Happy Birthday John! I hope you enjoy the day the way you want to and I am sure that includes taking the Barracuda out for a spin.

Have a great day!8)

I had to look and make sure this was not an April fools joke because he almost got married on his birthday :toothy10:
Happy Birthday John
YES!!!! For sure take the Barracuda out :cheers: and the have a great day :happy10:
Birthday? Do old mods still have birthdays? I guess i still have something to look forward to. Happy Birthday John.
Small Block
Happy Birthday John!!!! Make it a memorable one my friend ... you've had a helluva year already and deserve to celebrate.
Sorry for not popping in sooner, but this is the first chance I've had. First of all, THANK YOU for your B`day wishes. But as much as I'd love to relate stories of nothing but an endless string of wins street racing and hours on end of the best lovin' I ever had, the reality is I worked my *** off and then got scooped up after work and taken to dinner by my Wife with friends and family. Had a few drinks...ate too much....and washed it all down with cake. Now I'm ready for bed.....

<sigh....> Yeah, Birthdays. As long as they keep coming.....
. Thanks again! :cheers:
:eek:ccasion: Happy B'Day John and glad to hear you got "Wined & Dined". :eek:ccasion: