Happy Birthday Rumblefish360

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FO7XaDs_8Y&feature=player_detailpage"]YouTube - ‪Happy Birthday says Elvis‬‏[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glNjsOHiBYs&feature=player_detailpage"]YouTube - ‪Happy Birthday - The Beatles‬‏[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rur5wKoua1o&feature=player_detailpage"]YouTube - ‪Happy Birthday to You! Monkey version‬‏[/ame]
Happy birthday Rob. You can about light the place with just the cake now can't you?
Have a great Day Rob :cheers: The birthdays are coming and going and you still have a head full of hail :protest::protest:
I am sure you will be surprised by many today :wink:
Watch out for the pranksters out there and enjoy your day your way.

Or did you enjoy some good times Saturday :D:smilebox:
DD / S-scamp, Yes, they do come faster. I think I can light the dang house up now.

Mike, Saturday was a great day for my sisters twins went up to recieve there first Holy Communon. Back to there house for a small 50 person party. It was excellent.

Thanks one and all. This birthday should be off to a good start....I'm going back to bed! LOL! Mua ha ha ha ha ha...............
Yeah I sent an email already but there's nothing like an extra birthday wish. :-D

Hope it's truly fabulous and you get to catch up on a few hours' sleep. Happy Birthday my friend!!! << hugs >>
happy b-day fish..havent herd any thing about your trip up on my hill.was wondering if you made it home ......Artie