Happy Family Day Canada



Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2009
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Windsor Ontario Canada
I would like to wish all my Canadian Family members here on FABO A Happy Family Day. What a great holiday, give all your loved ones a big hug for me and enjoy the day with them:love7:
I don,t get Family Day off.:angry7:.I guess a big American Company like Ford,doesn,t recognize family as important?Now back to work.

Oh,but I do get July 4th off,thats in our 1 week shutdown.For years we had a 3 week shutdown in July.Times are a changin.
I would like to say Happy Family Day to all my Canadian friends here :cheers:
It's Presidents day here today, so the mail will not be running.
Yall Canadians Rock :-D Thank you for all you have taught me over the years :happy10:
The same to all my fellow Canadians. Here in Manitoba it is called Riel Day, but the idea is the same...spend some time with the family. Also Happy Presidents Day to my fellow Americans!
thanks...but B.C. does not have a family day

those of you that do have this bonus day off....

enjoy the extended weekend!!!
Firing up the sleds and taking the wife snowmobiling for the day. Big family dinner tonight. Get paid to boot. It is all good.
we dont have family day , were just to busy fightin wars ? for what ? oh yea all this free dom , go figure , but happy family day to all my third cousins in canada , dartman 440