Help needed on adult ADD



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Colorado Springs,Co
While I’ve not been formally diagnosed with anything (my wife has pointed this out because she works around kids that have it and believes I have something similar), I find that my concentration is all over the place. Feel like I’ve been this way for years and just dealt with it and got through just fine, but wonder if maybe she is onto something. Do you know of anyone like this and what they are doing to help themselves? I would rather not take a prescription medication, but rather see if a natural supplement exists or just even some sort of focus training to begin. Thanks for any help and I’ll be happy to answer questions. Thanks again.
This material changed my life, helped me immensely to recognize what I had dealt with my whole life, and gave a lot of information about how to respect and live with myself. ADD is a very real thing to those with this kind of mind.

Driven to Distraction and
Delivered from Distraction both by Edward M. Hallowell.

Also, this is a pretty interesting idea about who ADD or ADHD people are and how to respect the advantages while living in the “normal” world.
Hunter vs. farmer hypothesis - Wikipedia
We have had a lot of success with medications with our kids. It’s not an exact science, but the results can be remarkable. I wouldn’t be afraid of them, but it takes time and patience to get results.

In my opinion, there are a lot of folks who are critical of what they don’t understand. A pill isn’t the solution for everything, but can be a useful tool on the road to a better life.
I have fairly bad tinnitus. I've had stress problems and boy, it can really get you sometimes. Mostly nowadays, I simply don't do a lot of the stuff I used to
I am disabled due to bi-polar, mixed severe with psychotic tendencies. Many mental health ailments have over lapping yourself a favor...avoid asking for help on internet forums and go talk with a trained mental health provider. I "dealt with" my problems on my own for years....and was absolutely miserable by doing so. Cost me a marriage...and damn near cost me my life when I pulled the trigger of a .357 that I had in my mouth. Last thing you need is the advice of a "keyboard shrink" who has NO clue about any mental health ailments....other than what he/she read on a car forum online....just saying....
....and just so you know....despite what many folks will tell you the majority of us mentally busted folks get 0 help from any sort of med/supplement/weed....but what the hell do I know, I have only been living with my troubles for 4 decades...
I have fairly bad tinnitus. I've had stress problems and boy, it can really get you sometimes. Mostly nowadays, I simply don't do a lot of the stuff I used to

I have the perfect solution for my tinnitus: I can hear & match pitch from years of music training, I hear the tone of tinnitus in my head, and whistle the same note a few octaves lower and it clears it up immediately. As long as I use the same note.

But a recent video based on a popular Reddit theory claims it has found the cure: tapping your fingers on the back of your skull. ... The sound can temporarily suppress the noise of tinnitus, and Polley said that it appears that's what's happening in the video, only a more manual version.

A Simple Reddit Tip Offers Life-Altering Relief For Tinnitus Sufferers - Digg

These two tips should clear you up.
....and just so you know....despite what many folks will tell you the majority of us mentally busted folks get 0 help from any sort of med/supplement/weed....but what the hell do I know, I have only been living with my troubles for 4 decades...
I always wondered what built your, my father’s and grandfather’s mental fortitude. I wish I had that will power.