Horn Wire Falls Off



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Our '65 Signet has dual horns, one wire stays put while the other continues to fall off. Upon examination, I don't notice any difference between the two. Any remedies you know of? Thank you.
Is it a female spade connector? You need a new connector.
It's the standard female Mopar connector, don't know what you call it and don't know how they "break" or no longer grab on.
If the connector is solid, and is not compromised; just take a pliers and lightly squeeze it on the flats... try it again, and squeeze it again if it's still not tight enough. Repeat as necessary to achieve a nice, snug fit. Don't get carried away.
If the connector looks dicey, just replace it, it's just a standard female spade connector.
My GO TOs on those pesky Lil Jobs !



Pull the plastic cover off the wire terminal (it takes a tiny jeweler's screw driver to trigger the release tab), squeeze the terminal so it grabs the horn's male connector tightly, reinstall the plastic cover on the wire terminal and plug it back in. If you can't get the plastic insulation cover off the wire terminal, or, you think it will break doing so, either replace the whole terminal (with a new insulated terminal) or wrap the horn connector with some aluminum foil and then put the wire terminal back on over it if you want to do this on the cheap. Just make sure the foil doesn't short out against any surrounding metal.