HOT MOPAR DOGS show off your dog or if you dont have dog get one

I can not wait to show this thread to my family :happy1:
It's been to hot for Buddy outside, so I snapped this one today.
He and I was not going to get up so it took 2 :toothy8:


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I can not wait to show this thread to my family :happy1:
It's been to hot for Buddy outside, so I snapped this one today.
He and I was not going to get up so it took 2 :toothy8:

Awesome! He's got the collar too!

I like this thread.There are a bunch of great pets on here!

I agree, just what the doctor ordered. :prayer: I wish I had the time to comment on them all, but this totally cracked me up...

[ame=""]Dinga and the industrial waterpick - YouTube[/ame]
I can not wait to show this thread to my family :happy1:
It's been to hot for Buddy outside, so I snapped this one today.
He and I was not going to get up so it took 2 :toothy8:
Mike, I see Buddy has the "Digger" nose. My one Coonhound always comes in with dirt on his nose from Gopher hunting. Was digging a post hole today and he came walking by and sifted thru the dirt, then stuck his nose in the hole to look around.....
This is my boy Zamboni. Lost him about a year and a half ago. Still hard to take. Best dog ive ever had.


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Mike, I see Buddy has the "Digger" nose. My one Coonhound always comes in with dirt on his nose from Gopher hunting. Was digging a post hole today and he came walking by and sifted thru the dirt, then stuck his nose in the hole to look around.....

Yep ink he is a Digger, the only time he dig's is to dig a fox hole to lay in and stay cool this summer :D during a walk on a leash I have to be careful after he goes poo or pee, he is like a bull scratching the ground with all fours marking his spot with a dust cloud or sticks and rocks flying :D
Awesome! He's got the collar too

That collar has been a great gift that is still giving Joe :cheers:
I think you gave it to him about 2 years ago now :cheers:
It has been soft and takes good care of his coat around his neck :happy1:
That collar has been a great gift that is still giving Joe :cheers:
I think you gave it to him about 2 years ago now :cheers:
It has been soft and takes good care of his coat around his neck :happy1:

Awesome Mike, no dog deserved it more than Buddy! :cheers:
Heres my 2 girls. Hope and Kyra, Pit Bull, Bull Terrier, and lab mix sisters.

First 2 are Hope, 2nd 2 are Kyra.


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Had to post some that I think are funny/cute :D


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Just a few more then I will stop, I promise, lol. Yes I am a proud Pappa :D


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Here are a few funny ones of my boy and me.... And no the pic of us in my mini is not photo shopped.. It is that little...


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Great idea for a thread Missmy69Swinger!!!

I have really enjoyed seeing all of the FABO members' pictures of their other "children".

Here is a picture of my three:

Jack - The big black one
Mia - The little white one

And in the tree our cat. My friends think we should change the cat's name to "Off".

Jack, Mia, Off - LOL!

I know, they are warped. The cat's name is Suet.

Ma Snart


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Great idea for a thread Missmy69Swinger!!!

I have really enjoyed seeing all of the FABO members' pictures of their other "children".

Here is a picture of my three:

Jack - The big black one
Mia - The little white one

And in the tree our cat. My friends think we should change the cat's name to "Off".

Jack, Mia, Off - LOL!

I know, they are warped. The cat's name is Suet.

Ma Snart
lol good lord that jack is a big boy what is he?
lol good lord that jack is a big boy what is he?

He is a Newfoundland. He is the nicest dog I have ever had. But don't mess with my kids or my wife or you will get to see the bad *** side of him. He doesn't give a **** if you rob me blind, just don't touch the family.

They were bred for 2 purposes:

1) To watch farmers kids while Mom and Dad worked the fields
2) Pull in nets (and over board crew members) on fishing boats

There are many stories about these dogs saving the lives of children.

Ma Snart


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I love my Newfi.... he is awesome! and swims like a fish!

Did you have your dog trimmed?
I love my Newfi.... he is awesome! and swims like a fish!

Did you have your dog trimmed?

Hi Hemimark,

You enjoying that nice *** fish you bought in Ill??? Need I ask...

Yes, I originally meant for the dog to be an outside only dog, but quickly my wife and children changed that. So periodically we have to trim him because he gets too hot inside.

Here is a picture of him trimmed

Ma Snart


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Hey thanks .. he is my bud..

he loves to sleep with my wife and i..

Looks like mopars and dobe's go together pretty well so here is my pup Boba

I know that look your's has in it's eyes!

Red's are bad ***. Here's my buddy's Red, the mom-dog to mine, with his head in her jaws.


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Here's our furbabies. Dodger & Daisy. He is 2 next month and she's 1.5yrs. Awesome dogs, second time I've had a pair of Boxers.

