how do we wake up a forum


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
as many of you know Mr. Joeychgo has other sites other than FABO.

I am guilty of forsaking all other sites in favor of FABO ....but I notice some of the other forums have a lot of potential to be a huge source of info and great times, however they are running pretty slow as of now.

an example is Jeeps only......being a jeep fan myself I was excited when it started ....however my problem is that I am a former jeep owner and don't actually have a jeep now. Unfortunately I cant save everything so I let my last jeep go in favor of a B-body that I have now.

so I feel like I am a little of short of words on that site since I don't actually have jeep.....and I don't want to become a member starting useless threads as seen on most sites by people don't even own an example of what the point of the site is, so they just use it as an exclusive chat site.

I have posted on pickups only but its really slow there and I am a ford truck fan and it seems there is not too many people on there into the same trucks as me, I really need to spend more time there is all.

so any ideas how we can get some more tech and enthusiasm to Jeeps only and Pickups only. well as others in the group of sites
I'm a member of B bodies only as well.

I'm not nearly as active in that forum, because I haven't even begun to do anything on the B body cars I'm working on. I will, but this is where I usually go.

One of the reasons I think this site in particular gets so many hits and has such a large member base, is because almost every mopar owner has either owned or does own some kind of A body, even if they have others. They are the least expensive and most available of the mopar world, and for those reasons, among others, it makes them the most practical ones to own.

So, inherently, this forum would have the highest volume, by nature.

I was (and still am) a member of and have been since 2002, under the name TrashedCharger. That place used to be jumping.

I know that Rob (rumblefish) as well as others have migrated here as well from that forum, because of the volume of people that this one has.

I'm willing to bet that this is the largest mopar based community online.
Sometimes adding a sub forum is better idea, when it comes to it a MoPar is a MoPar. It wouldn't be like adding a Chevy section..
I don't hang out at Mopar.......... I mean "that other joint" but seems to me that forum activity is just plain down. Here seems way down in actual meaningful content. I don't know whether it's the economy or "whut."

I SUSPECT it's these dammed "mobile devices." Even though people are "connected" they really aren't connected to very much

Whut'ser name Cardashington can blow a load of snot on the sidewalk and the entire internet erupts. A comet comes along "once in a lifetime" and it doesn't even get one reply on this forum
When it comes to Jeeps and trucks, there are a bunch of other forums out there. With time Joey"s will probably take off.

From what I have noticed this forum has been on vBulletin since about 2004 and I am registered member 9435 but in just 4 years from when I joined we are now at 31,069 registered members. I have read references to the old site so FABO was around before 2004. Copyright at the bottom of this page is 2000 so maybe it is that old.
How to wake up a forum you ask....

Start a "clam" thread.... LOL!
Have you tried postin nekid photos ?

No, but if you think that would help...I didn't know some of you guys liked 40 something over weight fellas. I guess to each his own.:toimonst: