"How the heck did that happen?" Injuries

I helped my friend swap a T45 for a TKO in his 99 GT. I rolled my ankle next to the T45 and from being a basketball player I instinctively shifted weight my other leg, as I did that I dropped my shin onto the shifter stalk of the trans. Yes it hurt, and 12 years later I still have a scar and dent on my shin.

The one I always do on my Dart and my Dad's 66 Coronet 500 is hit the top of my head on the damn safety latch on the hood bending over to work on the carb. I'd like to punch the guy in the nads who came up with that buck tooth POS idea.
I cut my hand on a piece of copper flashing a few years back. The roof was wet and steep(8/12 IIRC) My footing gave way and I instinctively grabbed for the chimney. I was too concerned about falling to notice the gash on my hand. My co-worker said it looked like someone shot a deer on the roof there was so much blood.
I had an old Champion air compressor. The motor started acting up. If you gave it a spin, it would take off, and run fine. One day, I was tired, low blood sugar, and not paying attention. Well, I gave it a spin, and my right hand came up minus the tips of two fingers. Got caught in the belt. The index finger tip was just a bone sticking out. The second finger was hanging off to the side. I looked at it, screamed, and tried to get help from the neighbors. Not home. Stuck my hand under my arm, called 911. Locked up the house brought in the dog, closed up the garage, and called the wife. Then I sat down and waited. Ends up they reattached the second finger. But no one could find my index finger tip, so, they just cut the bone off, and pulled the skin over. Had 2 surgeries on that finger. It was by far, the worst pain I've ever felt. Moral of the story, pay attention, keep a guard on your compressor, and be aware of what a spinning belt can do.
not particularly bad, but one of the few I'll share lol.
Back when my Duster had the 340 in it, it had a 780 Holley- as was common, the choke was held open with a piece of heavy wire (coat hanger I believe, to be specific). I was polishing the chrome pipe that fed the secondaries and as I pulled my hand back, the half inch or so of the coat hanger that was left bent over went into the ball of my thumb. Then I stood there impaled on it while I tried to figure out which direction I had to move to free myself...

...which reminds me of another one lol.
While I was redoing the car a few years ago I brought one of the emblems home so I could go find the correct barrel clips for it. I threw it on the landing when I got home and didn't think about it again. Until that night when I stepped on it. You guys know the size and shape of the pins on the back of a 'Duster' emblem? Well, those will go awfully deep into the heel when you put all your weight on it:pale:
Not too much fun pulling it out of the bottom of your foot, either:D
I was helping a fellow mechanic back a fire truck into the shop. He was out of sorts and stopped to readjust. I jumped up next to the truck to move some parts that were about to hit the truck at the same time he started moving. I got caught between the truck and the wall. Stupid move on my part. I earned myself 5 broken ribs on the left side of my back and a trip to the ER.
Let's see.....where do I start. I spun dry a wheel bearing on my fingers when it exploded and cut half way through my left middle finger knuckle. Don't ever do that! A trip to Emergency to stitch it back together was needed. I was holding my stainless flex fan on my Challenger while tightening the bolts. The wrench slipped! Dang those blades are sharp. I cut clean through the web between your thumb and pointer finger. It took a trip to emergency for stitches. I was bypassing the amp meter under the dash of my 66 Dart. I can do it without disconnecting the battery. That was ok until my watch grounded against the meter post. It melted the watchband in two and of course burned a couple spots on my wrist. Boy, you can't fix stupid! LOL
For me, once the air cleaner is off, it's just a matter of time before the air cleaner stud bites me on the wrist.
Trying to get an old stuck hose off a tranny cooler...screw driver slipped..pain insued. This is happened Saturday, 4 days of "healing" has been goin on.


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For me, once the air cleaner is off, it's just a matter of time before the air cleaner stud bites me on the wrist.

Hey, at least you don't have one of the Edelbrock foamy triangle car-b-q air cleaners.
Another air compressor accident...

Yep, that's my nail facing the wrong way. This happened last year. I turned on my air compressor and noticed the air hose was draped over the belt (no guard) so I quickly grabbed the hose to pull it away. Didn't realize I grabbed the belt as well. Before I knew it, my fingers were sucked into the pulley, then the motor stopped. My fingers were pinned between the belt and pulley. I yanked my hand back but it was stuck. So I yanked again real hard until my hand came free.

I got tendon and nerve damage from it. The tendons going to my middle and pointer finger were "stretched" to the point that I had damage all the way to my elbow. It hurt so bad, I may have nearly passed out. Felt like my hand was placed on an anvil and was being pulverized by a hammer.

ER doctor said it was not viable, so he snipped it off.


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I had a ball of molten metal shoot straight up into my ***** once... true story.
Talk about the burning sensation!
When doing the front end on my dart i had finished the driver side and wanted to knock out the passanger side.

Well i pulled off the tire straddle the brake drum and start pulling bolts, the last bolt was.VERRY tight,,, I cranked that sucker out and WHAM the brake drum smashed into the ground about an inch from my.crotch... I had forgot to release the torsion bar....

No injury but i will never.forget that...
Got the bright idea to drill out a small round electrical connector with an electric drill about 25 years ago while holding it. Drill bit caught, finger got wrapped up in the wire and the drill bit went into the side of my finger. Had bone fragments in the drill flutes! Seven stiches fixed what was left but the side of the nail bed was destroyed so the ones side kinda hangs out in space. Hurts like hell when I catch it on my pants pocket or on the edge of a 14' 2x6, like I did last weekend!

Was doing the rear brakes on a 1/2 ton dodge truck once. Extended one of the springs with my Leatherman and thought, man, this would suck if it came loose, since I'm not wearing safety glasses. I stopped, put on the safety glasses and went at it. Guess what? Pliers slipped off and the pointed end came back and hit right square in the middle of the left lens! That would have been my eye!!!!!