hyper pistons and spray



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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i read someone say you can spray them all day long, most say NO.
any takers to discuss...

Keith Black Hypereutectics on drugs (wet or dry)
no personal experience, but I personally would not. I heard hitting them with nitrous is not a matter of if they'll break but when. The higher silicon content when hit with the rapid heat of the nitrous burn rate makes them shatter like glass. I put forged pistons in my nitrous motors for a piece of mind. Having said that, a buddy of mine built a 360 for his nitrous crazy cousin with KB hypers. He put in a ton of ring gap knowing what his cousing was like. He went 150, 175, 200, 250 on progressive weekends. Eventually ending up at 275 shot racing the car roughly 20 times a year. That motor lasted 3 seasons. Even my buddy figured who knew it would last that long.
I have run them with a conservative shot (150). They worked really well, unfortunately if you make a tuning error or have a solenoid stick, you will be buying another set. They dont have the abuse tolerance of forged pistons.
They will handle nitrous.
Everything has a given life span, conditions considered.

How much and how often?

yes forged pistons are stronger and can handle more/frequently.

Btw the kb hyper's were designed for juice thats why theirs have so much separation between 1st and 2nd rings, and the top gap gets bigger as the heat go's up
i was reading some chevy guys argue the point, it boils down to ring gap and the shot size being a max 150 shot and a little more gap at install to help with the piston expansion, anything over 150 is not recommended by anyone that i have found...
but, i may only need a 100 or so, so im guessing i will be safe running the hypers, im not even sure i will need it, gotta get the motor and car done and make a pass to see where i am....
you can, but as was said, there is no margine for error. Even plain cast pistons are better because they will flex a little and absorb the shock of ping or detonation. Hypers don't. They shatter.
Big thing is it doesn't run lean at high rpms. You need an upgraded fuel system. Take a little timing out too. MSD has retard boxes, wire it up to the NOS switch.

If you haven't brought the pistons, then buy forged.
I would put forged pistons if using nitrous , why gamble ?
I've sprayed 150-200 on stock Ford 5.0 short blocks with hyper pistons for years with no troubles.

I wouldn't spray much more than that though. They'll only tolerate so much cylinder pressure. And when they go, they'll go everywhere. With a forged piston, you'll just mess up the one cylinder (unless you really get carried away). With a hyper, you'll be picking piston pieces out of the carb.
thanks for all the comments !

im not set on spraying, but needed to know what was possible or what is needed.
thanks again.
I've sprayed 150-200 on stock Ford 5.0 short blocks with hyper pistons for years with no troubles.

I wouldn't spray much more than that though. They'll only tolerate so much cylinder pressure. And when they go, they'll go everywhere. With a forged piston, you'll just mess up the one cylinder (unless you really get carried away). With a hyper, you'll be picking piston pieces out of the carb.
I would agree with the previous quotes saying no more than 150 shot, a friend of mine that has hypers in his demon told me that the nitrous crystalizes the silicon in the pistons, read; (chemical reaction) and thats why they CAN shatter after a unknown period of time. Forged is the best, but if you don't spray TOO heavy you should be ok, personally I don't like spraying, poormans blower/turbo IMO.
never done it, but i dont think i would

i have actually read that KB hypers are the worst when it comes to hypers mixed with nitrous, even with small amounts

now this being said, not to hijack the thread, what brand of forged pistons do you guys recommend for nitrous apps without going broke?
They will handle nitrous.
Everything has a given life span, conditions considered.

How much and how often?

yes forged pistons are stronger and can handle more/frequently.

Btw the kb hyper's were designed for juice thats why theirs have so much separation between 1st and 2nd rings, and the top gap gets bigger as the heat go's up

That would explain my pistons living with a 350 shot! That is until the fuel solenoid stuck and smoked all 8 pistons.

LX guy I know what you mean, man that crap is everywhere when they grenade!
i read someone say you can spray them all day long, most say NO.
any takers to discuss...

Keith Black Hypereutectics on drugs (wet or dry)

People who say you can't spray KB pistons don't know what they're talkin about. There are two things you gotta do. One, make damn SURE you file ring end gap using their nitrous recommendation. They have a chart at unitedengine.com. Usually, the top ring gap ends up being over .040". Two, do NOT run them lean. Trying to lean an engine out with KB pistons in an effort to get all you can get out of it will result in a problem. Call Marco at United Engine. He will school you. As long as you follow their recommendations, you can run a 500 horse pro shot fogger with no problems. The KB pistons are very good pieces. People who say otherwise are shootin from the hip, have never run them, run them incorrectly or all of the above.
seems i read all the same things from the top 3... i will be checking out the ring gap nitrous chart so thanks for that piece of info..
People who say you can't spray KB pistons don't know what they're talkin about. There are two things you gotta do. One, make damn SURE you file ring end gap using their nitrous recommendation. They have a chart at unitedengine.com. Usually, the top ring gap ends up being over .040". Two, do NOT run them lean. Trying to lean an engine out with KB pistons in an effort to get all you can get out of it will result in a problem. Call Marco at United Engine. He will school you. As long as you follow their recommendations, you can run a 500 horse pro shot fogger with no problems. The KB pistons are very good pieces. People who say otherwise are shootin from the hip, have never run them, run them incorrectly or all of the above.

dude, at the end of the day they are still a hyper piston...nothing done to them will make them unable to withstand shattering eventually...and sure leaning out will kill them, but for a lot of first time nitrous users who dont know how to tune, one little mistake means a big mess...unless you know what your doing, it might be wiser to step up to forged and not really have to worry whether your shooting a 50 shot plate or 400 fogger
i sprayed a sbc with hyper pistons for a few years, im running a .275 dome making 12 or close to 13.1 2.02 valves with a 60cc head and a 150 shot. never no problems i have a manual timing retard box so i take out timing before i spray it... also i have a holley blue 14 psi pump... 14 pounds to nitrous solenoid and a 6/7 regulated to carb.

start off at a 100 and then go up finding what works the best.. with 125 i had no detonation. with 150 i got a bit of a rattle hear and there. this was before timing retard
The question was can KB hypers stand nitrous. They can. Everything I said was right. Go read the United engine site or call them. The problem is people think they are a drop in when they are not. If someone cannot figure out how to calculate and file correct ring end gaps, then engine building for them is best hired out.
agree with above... i did rings right and run it rich... i had forged pistons but then block got bored so was either buy forged again or run hypers.. i gave them a chance and still going. in a chevy vega. 6500-7000 shifts spraying nitrous and everything and no problems
i now have the top ring gap based on spray, i plan on prepping it for spray on the KBs with this new info.

The question was can KB hypers stand nitrous. They can. Everything I said was right. Go read the United engine site or call them. The problem is people think they are a drop in when they are not. If someone cannot figure out how to calculate and file correct ring end gaps, then engine building for them is best hired out.

Just because you can, doesnt mean you should...i think most everyone is aware of the special ring instructions for KB's, and i have read the united engines site before. I dont think anything is a drop in, but in all honesty you are taking a chance, and like i said, one little mistake and say bi bi...besides, who the heck just wants to stick with the tuneups that come with the nitrous kits- they are super rich safe tunes..if you wanna go more, with hypers you are taking a chance...with forged, not as much of one

thats just how i see it...if your gonna build a bottom end, put all that money into making it nice whether it be stock, high performance, whatever, mine as well put parts in that you wont have to possibly take out later because they broke, and then took the rest of the engine with

not saying it cant be done, but if your planning too in advance, i wouldnt do it
The price diff between KB Hyp and Forged KB (ICON) is not enough money saved to go with hyp + N20, IMO. Spend the money for N20= spend the extra $150 for forged (price guesstimate). You fry a HYP piston, now your in the hole big time with removal and purchase a replacement forged set!

BTW, my buddy has a 67 stang, 351w, HYP pistons and runs a 150 shot, three hits off the bottle and lifted his heads. Took them off and notice the the pistons where a little toasty!! Now he has forged. Just pissed that $$$ in the toilet! Shoulda bought a MOPAR!! LoL

Good Luck,

Big thing is it doesn't run lean at high rpms. You need an upgraded fuel system. Take a little timing out too. MSD has retard boxes, wire it up to the NOS switch.

If you haven't brought the pistons, then buy forged.

Slighty rich with approx 2 degrees retard per 50 hp increase and 1 to 2 steps colder on the plugs has worked very well for me and I have had zero problems. I read recently that using projected tip plugs act to "advance" the timing and should be avoided.If you are running a plate system you can adjust the amount of fuel delivery by using a regulator. Air fuel ratio gauges arent that high and I would consider one if you arent already running one.
I'm seeing some people on here saying nay to hyper+n20 when all the while they've never run them to have any experience to support their opinion.

It ain't your money people, we are not all rich like you guys and so that means we have to really know wtf we're doing and not just throw money at it....

It's really funny..

and btw....you can buy one replacement piston, I've done it a number of times
and if those who say forged or go home were buying really good forged pistons, you'd know they come 10 to a set.......at least in the real racing world....
I'm seeing some people on here saying nay to hyper+n20 when all the while they've never run them to have any experience to support their opinion.

It ain't your money people, we are not all rich like you guys and so that means we have to really know wtf we're doing and not just throw money at it....

It's really funny..

and btw....you can buy one replacement piston, I've done it a number of times
and if those who say forged or go home were buying really good forged pistons, you'd know they come 10 to a set.......at least in the real racing world....

you dont need to have experience some times to know what works and what will be a ticking time bomb...

by no means am i rich either...i think the guys who put hypers in, spray em, and then break are the rich ones...there the ones who are going to have to do it twice, not me

opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one...you know that already so no point in feuding over just that, opinion