I am turning out the light because the party is over



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Oklahoma
I can't take it right now. I can't take anything right now. I can't stand noise. I can't stand phones. I want to be in a quiet peaceful place. If you have read the other threads you will understand. I am sorry to those I let down on looking at the Dart parts but I just can't do it. I am going somewhere so I can be alone and just think and pray about things. No phones, no people and no computer. Don't ask where I am going because I have no idea, I guess I will know when I get there. I will return when I get back but I have just got to find some answers.
God bless and keep you. We will be praying for you here.


P.S. Don't forget that you have my contact info. Call me anytime.
Hope you find some peace. Life sure can be frustrating at times. Couple it with health issues and you have the makings of things nightmares are made of.....As a former mentor was told me there is no problem that can not be left behind....
I haven't replied in the other threads, but I've read a couple of them- good luck, get it back together, and be sure to come back to us all happy again :)
oh, and [-o<
God bless you and take care. We're here for ya' Mike
There's a very large group of people here pulling for ya. Come back revitalized and full of piss and vinegar! Prayers for you
I agree. prayer's sent. Just in case you find a really great place (let me know where) put some Sta-ble in the tank!


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Good idea. Prayers sent for strength and wisdom and for your family to treat you better.
You've always been a big cheerleader in my camp and you'll get nothing less in return from me. :-D There's a strong shoulder here if you ever need it. Don't hesitate to use that number down there. << hugs >>
i'm pretty sure ya still got my number and theres always a couch here at the "flip flop inn" and even a dawg to hang out with
Take care of yourself first and foremost.

You can't possibly hope to help others if you are not fit to function effectively.

This is why, when flying in an airliner, before takeoff they tell you that in case of emergency to put on your oxygen mask first, before helping others to do so.

Take time, Reboot and come back stronger and wiser for it.

Good luck to you.

I can't take it right now. I can't take anything right now. I can't stand noise. I can't stand phones. I want to be in a quiet peaceful place. If you have read the other threads you will understand. I am sorry to those I let down on looking at the Dart parts but I just can't do it. I am going somewhere so I can be alone and just think and pray about things. No phones, no people and no computer. Don't ask where I am going because I have no idea, I guess I will know when I get there. I will return when I get back but I have just got to find some answers.

Prayers sent.
I hope you get to feeling better.
A quiet stress free place is something we all need from time to time.
Good Luck to you. I hope you find a nice relaxing place to take a break and come back stronger.
You will make it through these bad times, I made it. Life sometimes is very cruel but these times will pass. My best advice to you is pray daily, God is the only way to real peace in your life. MMG
Bring your dog. It helps to talk your problems out with your dog. They won't judge you, take sides, insult you, or cut you off when you talk to them. They just sit there and listen while you talk out your problems.