I bought a Dart!



Oct 13, 2009
Reaction score
I wasn't sure where to post this. I have a 76 Dart but recently found a 74 Dart that was restored. So, my loving wife said "Go purchase it dear" and I did. Here are the pics.

Dart Drivers Side.jpg

Dart Engine #2.jpg

Dart Passanger Side #2.jpg

Dart Rims.jpg

Dart Engine.jpg

Dart Interior.jpg

Dart Passangers Side.jpg
Congrats! That's a nice looking Dart ,Like that Blue .You Must Be very happy with your purchase .
Great looking car. Now take the loving wife out for dinner!

Dinner at the least. For now I have two Darts. I may try to sell the 76 but I'm going to wait until spring. So, this week I'm taking the 76 out to the farm and store it inside.
Hey, if getting rid of the '76 wasn't part of "the deal"........uhhhhh, you'd better keep it at least until "prices start going up again"! Wink wink....Take her out to dinner though for sure!
Now that is a sweet and beautyful thing. OH, and the car is nice too.

Good luck and have fun!