"i bought a new guitar, and...



Member #9641
Mar 31, 2009
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Heart of Georgia
Uhhhhh.... Guitars are a bit more than shoes.
At least mine are...lol
Momma always asked what did you buy.
She knows the difference between a vintage Les Paul and a Fender Mustang, or even an Ibanez or Epiphone.
Shoes are a bit let less.... unless you shop at Gucci.
Jus sayin.......
And yes... she knows my inventory....
Heck... amps ain't cheap neither...lol
I've learned NEVER to sell a guitar unless you really, REALLY don't like it.
I'm AM out of places to stash my mopars & parts!!!!!!!!!

Car stuff (usually) stays outside. I have so much crap already, she would never know the difference.

The guitars are in the house, so she kind of notices them. I managed to keep one out of sight for two years before I sold it, she never knew I even had it until she saw a picture of it on my computer. She goes, is that your guitar? Nope!

I saw a shirt at Carlisle this summer that said "My wife would kill me if she really knew how much I spent on car parts!" 'Bout sums it up. Probably good that I didn't buy it. :D
I'm AM out of places to stash my mopars & parts!!!!!!!!!

I have Had intervention attempts on my hobby, -didn't take. I have cleaned up more than two truck loads of junk in the past few months, same as last year. Have had 'super Help', and I ain't lookin back. Mopar forever. 'eva, eva?' Till I die. Hell I might buy an A body. Just got my friend hooked onto a 1973 Plymouth Duster after taking him to Don Garlit's car show.
I have Had intervention attempts on my hobby, -didn't take. I have cleaned up more than two truck loads of junk in the past few months, same as last year. Have had 'super Help', and I ain't lookin back. Mopar forever. 'eva, eva?' Till I die. Hell I might buy an A body. Just got my friend hooked onto a 1973 Plymouth Duster after taking him to Don Garlit's car show.

So not only are you infected and determined to stay that way, but you are purposely infecting others with the Mopar disease? :D
When my father used to ask me and my brother what we spent on car stuff we figured out that we were better off to tell him about half of what we actually spent.
Uhhhhh.... Guitars are a bit more than shoes.
At least mine are...lol
Momma always asked what did you buy.
She knows the difference between a vintage Les Paul and a Fender Mustang, or even an Ibanez or Epiphone.
Shoes are a bit let less.... unless you shop at Gucci.
Jus sayin.......
And yes... she knows my inventory....
Heck... amps ain't cheap neither...lol

Good guitars are not sold.
I do not play but my 15 year old kid can play really good. He can play 4 or 6 string.
He plays is 4 string vintage Imbanez and old Yamaha the most.
I bought him a new 6 string for Christmas last year, he only plays it once in a while.
Yes amps are really expensive.
The thing about mopars are you can build one out of several cars, try that with a vintage guitar.
Good guitars are not sold.

Not totally true but I get the drift. I 'mistakenly' sold a '66 Gibson SG a long time ago and learned my lesson so I am holding on to my '79 Les Paul.

I sold an '80s Les Paul Junior earlier this year for what I paid for it. Not 'worth' a whole lot but rising in value. Never played it, why keep it?

Yes amps are really expensive.

Go on Ebay and search vintage Marshall Plexi...

The thing about mopars are you can build one out of several cars, try that with a vintage guitar.

Was just thinking about this yesterday. I could pretty much build an entire car with the parts I have on my shelves. Seriously!

I recently started getting more into guitar building and you can, in fact use parts from other guitars. You can't really swap necks on Gibsons easily but all the other stuff can be changed no problem.

I have an SG that's sort of a 'resto mod'. I refinished the body in a different color, altered the control knob layout, re-wired it, put in a new pickup and tuning pegs, etc.
speaking of guitars, I know I shared this story before but here it is again

a friend of mine has a 59 Les Paul

about a decade ago he had decide to have it refinished/tended to
the topcoat had worn through from all the playing and there were a few little screws missing
he had heard from a friends friend about this guy who had known Les personally who supposedly had some original hardware laying around to replace the missing screws

well, it took the guy months and months to get the guitar back to him and my buddy was starting to think he would never see the guitar again

until one day the doorbell rang, UPS with a special delivery
on the box was a little note from the guy who fixed and refinished the guitar apologizing for the delay and that he hoped what was left under the topcoat would make up for it

my buddy opened the box and found all the missing screws replaced with original hardware and a beautiful shiny new top coat
underneath the top coat was the unmistakable signature of one Les Paul
apparently the guy fixing the guitar actually did know Les and he had happened to come by his shop while he was working on my buddies guitar
they got to talking about the axe and when the guy expressed his frustration about how long it took him to get it back together (had a hard time finding the right hardware) and Les decided to sign the guitar to make it worth the wait for my buddy
I am not talented enough to play a guitar, but appreciate the ones who can. Its an artform in itself.

Car parts though, i am overrun with them. My wife doesnt have any idea what i have. Its all locked up in my shop, on shelves, or in the loft.

I wouldent dare tell her how much its probably worth. Its funny though i get packages in the mail from time to time. Everything arrives perfecrly timed. I get home 4pm, UPS guy is dropping off a box. Meanwhile my wife is gone to pick up the kids from school and run our oldest to her part time job.

Funny thing how these female critters of our species are though. They love really expensive things in itty bitty boxes. We like our expensive things in guitar cases, and on engine stands, as well as sitting on 2 or 4 wheels.

Yep, they can be nuttier than a shithouse rat at times, but we still love em. I read the book "men are from mars and women are from venus" a while back. Its not a crock. Its entertaining reading, and a lot of truth to it.

I am not talented enough to play a guitar, but appreciate the ones who can. Its an artform in itself.


It ain't talent, it's time put in service. Show me a person who's put 10,000 serious hours of forward direction into an instrument, I'll show you a bad muther. There is no feeling better than being on stage after a good show.

It's about what you make time for. No need to cop out. "talent" is a over-stated virtue... Much more important is practice, sharing your ideas and playing with others and playing out when you can and putting love into what you do.

Look at VH-1's Van Halen's early years on youtube; prime example! They worked their *** off and played all the goddamn time!
It ain't talent, it's time put in service. Show me a person who's put 10,000 serious hours of forward direction into an instrument, I'll show you a bad muther.

How many hours would 30 years be? :D

You need to have talent on some level though. When someone has technical skill but no style, there is something very sterile about what they are doing.

Dedication and practice hone skills but you can't practice soul, that comes from within.
I get home from work about the same time as my 15 year old kid.
I had to laugh real hard, him and one of his friends were standing on the street corner where they get off the bus, playing their guitars.
When he came to the house he said somebody driving by stopped and gave them each a dollar.
I told him he needs to frame the first dollar he ever made by playing.
I play a little guitar!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mgcII3O9MA"]Voodoo Child - YouTube[/ame]
