I Got A Job!!!!!

Great News WOOW. Add me to your list of Congratulations.
This is the email thread we've all been waiting to see! But I bet not near as much as you've been waiting to post it!!
Is this from your interviews a couple of weeks ago, or the recent interview? Hopefully, it's the job you really wanted!
I'm happy for you.
YeeeeHaaawww!!!!!!!! Whatcha gonna be doing? Come down off the ceiling and let us know. 'Bout wore out my new knee over this. Way to go!!!!!!
Oh man am I happy to hear that :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers: I feel like I've been stressing about it as much as you (probably not)

That is freakin awesome news and I really needed some right now, way to go :cheers::cheers: I think I'm going to hoist several in your honour tonight Joe :-D:-D:-D
Congrats on the job. This post put a smile on my face knowing you will be working again. I wish you great success in your new position!!
Congrats Joe!!!!!! :cheers::cheers::cheers:

Is this the really great one you were talking about last week?
WOW!! That's fantastic Joe.Congratulations,an early Christmas present.Like winning the lottery.Here's to ya....:drinkers::drinkers::drinkers:

Awesome ramcharger. You were a massive help for my wife with the tips you've posted on dealing with being out of work. Helped her get through being layed off for 3 months. Great news, especially before the holidays. Having a couple cold ones for you. Congrats!

Congrats Joe, perfect timing just before the holidays, now that you will be working I'll need your address for my Christmas list LOL

LOL! I can;t wait to catch up and start helping other members. :read2:

Fantastic news! Congrats!

Thank you so very much! :cheers:

WooHoo ! :cheers:
Congrats I'm happy for Ya Man !:toothy10:

Thanks man!

Thats great. Hope its a good one. but i bet about right now any job would be great ,congrats.

I'll be getting a company van, a laptop and they'll be flying me to Ohio for management training. :-D The pay is almost as good as I had before but it's hourly rather than salary and I'm guaranteed 40 hrs a week and it's from my home office. Tax break right there and I can hang with the big dogs. :-D

Congrats, your patience is rewarded. Now go make some dough!!

10-4 my friend! I now have the ability to make my own bread rather than be on the Gov' cheese and I couldn't be happier.

As soon as I saw the title I thought god let it be Ramcharger. WOOHOO Hell ya!!! Congrats

Thank you so much dusted and I hope your cool *** Dachshund is doing well. I did offer my services to the VA and they said since I was unemployed they would only accept a 4 hour a week Federal contract lasting one year. WTF? I can't promise that in my field of work. I'll be on call 24/7. :angry7:

BTW, got any vid of blowing stuff up? :-D All I can say is I'm damn glad you're on our side! :toothy10:

X2, Congrats!!!

Thanks bvt!

Congrats! I knew it would work out for you.

Thanks brother!

Joe, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy. C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S !!! :)

Thank you OldVart! I'm freaking busting out!

The Economy Is Turning ,i Can Feel It.

Regardless of our present administration... :toothy10:

Only celebration song i could think of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZsppOw2Mxk

Freaking awesome daredevil! Right now I'm listening to the whole album "2112" by Rush. Seems fitting with the snow... :read2:

Back to the good kibble for the pups huh?

Congrats, perseverence prevails

Yes sir, Ultra Nutro Large Dog is now coming up! :-D These dogs go through 75 lbs. a month easy. :angry7: WTF! Dang dogs were eating me out of house and home, lol. Tell you what though..... A stranger comes to the door and they just pretty much leave after these mutts are come barreling to the door. :-D No Mormons or Jehova's Witnesses hang here although I have seen them give me the "thumbs up" from their car when I walk these guys. They want strong people with a clue. :read2:

Glad to hear you got a job!

Thanks bro! What happened to the Wolf avatar? :read2:

YES YES YES! Thats great. In time for a nice turkey dinner! awesome!!!!!


Ma halo my friend! :read2: I feel like the luckiest man in the world!

way to go joe!!

Thank you cudafla and we are all behind you my Marine friend!!!!! Keep kicking *** in whatever you do and know that 99.9% of everyone is here to back you up! :read2:

Very Cool!!!

Thank you man!

Great News WOOW. Add me to your list of Congratulations.

Thanks man!

This is the email thread we've all been waiting to see! But I bet not near as much as you've been waiting to post it!!
Is this from your interviews a couple of weeks ago, or the recent interview? Hopefully, it's the job you really wanted!
I'm happy for you.

This was from an original interview from a few weeks back and thanks man!

YeeeeHaaawww!!!!!!!! Whatcha gonna be doing? Come down off the ceiling and let us know. 'Bout wore out my new knee over this. Way to go!!!!!!

Right on David! I feel as though as I'm on the ceiling right now. Spiderman has nothing on me, lol!~

Congratulations Joe,
I am glad to hear this awesome news:cheers:

Not only awesome but now I can give back to my Mopar Brethren after I get caught up. Nothing will make me happier than to give back. :cheers:

Oh man am I happy to hear that :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers: I feel like I've been stressing about it as much as you (probably not)

That is freakin awesome news and I really needed some right now, way to go :cheers::cheers: I think I'm going to hoist several in your honour tonight Joe :-D:-D:-D

LOL!~ Rob, thank you so much for your support! All my Canadian friends have been more than supportive!

Congrats on the job. This post put a smile on my face knowing you will be working again. I wish you great success in your new position!!

Thanks my New Mexican bro! I saw a deal about a super pro skateboarder on the Discovery channel and thought about you! It was on slow mo deal and they analyzed the moves. It was way cool. :cheers:

Congrats Joe!!!!!! :cheers::cheers::cheers:

Is this the really great one you were talking about last week?

Yep, this was the one! Thank you so much for your support and brother, you are very welcome here at any time. I remember when you and others offered me a place to rest my head and even allowed my dogs. I will never forget that. :read2:

Thank goodness I was able to survive with the help of you all through these tough times and I will never forget it.... Mopar people kick ***!
WOW!! That's fantastic Joe.Congratulations,an early Christmas present.Like winning the lottery.Here's to ya....:drinkers::drinkers::drinkers:


Better than lottery! :-D

Congratulations, I'm happy for you!

Thanks goldfish~!

Sure this ain't some sick Trick or Treat crap? 'Tis the season.

Nope. This is the real deal! :cheers::cheers::cheers:

Awesome ramcharger. You were a massive help for my wife with the tips you've posted on dealing with being out of work. Helped her get through being layed off for 3 months. Great news, especially before the holidays. Having a couple cold ones for you. Congrats!


What great thing to hear Oldschool! I'm so glad I was able to help while I was also in need. It's such a nasty place to be (Unemployed) while you know that you can kick some *** at any task. :-D
Congrats, It's good to see things picking up. Just last week I was bumped from 32 hours to 45, first time I've seen more than 32 in six months. Hopefully the upswing continues. Good luck!
That's Awesome! Glad all that job hunting finally paid off. I believe I'll tip a few for ya tonight:drinkers:
I normally don't drink but I think I'll hoist one for you.
Corona Light...here's to ya

I try to stay away from the booze on the weekdays,but this calls for one.......


Awesome to hear someone has some luck in the current job market.

I've been sending out resumes since May and haven't managed one interview yet. Thought I had a couple of possibilities a few weeks back, but neither went anywhere. Luckily, I'm not completely out of work yet, but I've known since Feb. my job won't make the end of the year. Got a solid end date of Dec. 24th back in July, now I'm just trying to find something before that to minimize the financial impact.
Joe let me be the 35th ish person to congradulate ya, that's great news and couldn't happen to a more deserving gentleman. Just think no more kraft dinner.:toothy10::toothy10:

Right On !!!

Absolutely great news, Joe.

I, too, was hoping it was you when I saw the post. Gee, get a little busy at work and miss all the fun.

I will hoist one in your honour, when I get home from work.

So, ya know you'll have to post a pic of your fancy new work truck. Better be a Dodge :-D.

Cheers, my friend. :cheers: