I got the call today



The Guy With No Birthday
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Portage Du Fort QC
My collector plates are in I was approved , going to drive it to work 1 last time before signing the papers and bolting on the new plates. I keep hearing they have relaxed the rules on use but the application still says no using the car to drive to work so if anybody knows where it's written I can use it more please PM me .
Hey Chris,I read that you have car shows at work?Does this count?LOL Sounds like some strict rules just for plates.Get some personalized plates instead CANNUKY
My collector plates are in I was approved , going to drive it to work 1 last time before signing the papers and bolting on the new plates. I keep hearing they have relaxed the rules on use but the application still says no using the car to drive to work so if anybody knows where it's written I can use it more please PM me .

Congrats, Chris, on getting the Collector plates. I drove my Dart a few times to work last summer w/collector plates, but I park out of the main stream, so no one was the wiser. Must say, I did get a few comments on the car, though.
Here's the law in IL:

"Vehicles displaying these plates may only be driven to and from an antique auto show or exhibition, service station or demonstration."

......being an "old car" I am always driving to a service station. I also have performed demonstrations :burnout:for friends and neighbors.....
In Nova Scotia, collector plates are ONLY for going to car shows..as with anyique car insurance. That is why I have avoided the plates. And quite frankly, as budget $s drop, I see the police out more ticketing more and more.

my brother was saying I should get collector plates for my Duster, but I drive around wayyyy too much.
I doubt the cops around here really even know the rules (there are a few vehicles with them here that get cruised a fair bit) but I can't be bothered with the hassle...
Heck,, the cost of collector plates, the last time I checked, but I hope Cannuky will update the cost,, was like $180 a year, fully comprehensive, as opposed to $90 a month for regular insurance..

And when I checked,, ICBC said I could drive anytime for pleasure, drive it on trips etc, and thank-you JUSTCUZ,, by that link, It looks like I may be able to keep my LD-340, my M/T valve covers and my sun tach,, as "period correct", wayyy kewl.. thnx
In B.C....not Nova Sotia. If you insure via Silverwheels, which is across Canada..them as well...

The reason the insurance is so cheap is bacause you are only driving to car shows or doing car runs..
In B.C....not Nova Sotia. If you insure via Silverwheels, which is across Canada..them as well...

The reason the insurance is so cheap is bacause you are only driving to car shows or doing car runs..

Hey Grassy what have you been up to? In Nova Scotia there is a clause (not the santa kind) that allows people to drive there antique registered cars for anything but work and to the grocery store, I have a relative that is in and used to/ still does run the Hants county crusiers and he told me about it, never looked it up but he knows the exact text and carries the literature around with him for noisy cops
Collector plate rules suck. You wont see em on my Dart..
To all I know what the official rules say on the website they are on the application you sign , I asked the question of my fellow BC members because there has been a lot of talk about changes to those rules . The process is really pretty painless , take lots of pictures , write on the back an explanation of anything they might question , I have a strobe stripe on my car so I wrote that the stripe on the car is a Plymouth specific era correct stripe found on many different models in several forms and that I would gladly remove the stripe if it was the reason for a denial , the rules say your supposed to maintain the correct number of barrels carb on the car but I have a pie plate that says 318 4bbl indicating a 4bbl upgrade which was a period upgrade so they accepted my app . the app is 2 pages yoiu need 7 pictures but really it's worth sending more , I sent 12 including one showing the back of the car with the car parked in my garage , the car must be garage kept to qualify so I made sure they had a pic that showed it in there question answered before asked , just the way civil servants like it .
PS I will update tomorrow when I go in and sign the insurance papers but the reason for getting the plates here in BC is the cost of insurance , this province will not give a second vehicle discount ,even tho I am the only driver in my household I still have to pay full rates for both my auto policies , collectors insurance runs about $200 a year in fact I know someone who paid $192 last year compared to nearly $700 a year I pay now since they would not give me my safe driving from Ontario when i moved here and I am re-earning my discount at 5% a year for the past 6 years now -Thanks ICBC .
Oh I forgot about PettyBlue -No Scott if I apply for a personalized collector plate it will say
Well here's the update they prorated the remaining 2 months of my current policy and I ended up paying 15.38 for those 2 months and my renewal cost in January will be .......{insert drum roll here}.... $203 per year , but that doesn't cover adding "agreed upon value which will add another $198 per year based on the agreed value{ $5 per $1000 } which I will of course claim to be $39,500 { if you claim an amount greater than 40k you need to get an appraisal to back it up } which isn't even close to what I've pumped into this car but I would be hard pressed to find an appraiser to say it's worth more than 40k so it is what it is . With out the agreed upon value policy ICBC will call it a 1969 vehicle with no book value and write it off for some ridiculously low number .
Wow $400 /yr and you barely get to drive it. Are you sure this is worthwhile?
I agree with the collector plates suck guy! However it is horsecrap that your insurance company wont or cant give a 2nd vehicle discount. When my Duster finally hits the streets, I am going to drive the wheels off it. I fully intend to wear it out....then tear it down and rebuild it again!
I agree with the collector plates suck guy! However it is horsecrap that your insurance company wont or cant give a 2nd vehicle discount.

Not sure what you mean? I get an automatic 40% discount on my second vehicle ins,or maybe it's just because im a good driver..but I do get discounted ins for the truck and the van.
first I can drive the snot out of my barracuda I just can't drive it to work , $400 a year compared to $791 a year with "no agreed upon value" policy ,they don't issue them for daily drivers it's a special addition policy only available for special cars so if I had a bad wreck or the car was stolen under regular insurance you have to fight over the value of a 42 year old car -good luck on that one , second in BC we have provincial insurance known by the name of the crown corp as ICBC {we have third party insurers but they don't deal in anything older than 20 years which both my cars are}and ICBC doe's not give second vehicle discounts ,I have a perfect driving record with no claims or tickets in Canada ever and I am 48 years old so you do the math , I currently only get a 30% safe driver discount because ICBC screwed me around when I moved here for a long enough period of time that they refused to credit it me with the 9 star rating {which is as good as it gets} I had in Ontario so I've had to rebuild my discount 5% per year for the last 6 years and believe me after that I have given them crap and fought with them over tyhe second car thing every time I renew the policy on one of my 2 cars , so to sum up it is worth doing because I cut my premiums in half and gained a guaranteed value should the worst happen -A value I might add that I could never get from selling my car but should be enough to actually buy another fully restored one {maybe 2 restored cars in this market} try doing that with your insurer.

PS my collector plates are -get this B23 273 guess I got to go find a 273 notchback to swap them on to eh!
.........I run antique plates.......i have an agreed upon value on my car, but it is 4 the same amount as my appraisal............i have 2 have the appraisal 1st 2 b able to get a policy.............my plates average $12.00 per month.............my policy is about $20.00 per $1000.00......even if i ran regular plates[$465.00] per year my agreed upon insurance is the same.....kim... 1975 plymouth duster 40,000 original miles #s matching
Drive to work and 'show' your car to all your co-workers.

Don't forget to print up flyers asking all employees to bring their old cars to work on that date.
I got collector plates on my Dart, and it costs me about $200 a year, without the agreed value stuff, just like Cannucky...just can't drive it to work or school. SO WHAT! I get to drive it any other time, as many miles as I want, any time of the year for that measley $200. Like Chris says, it'd be ~$800/year with reg. plates, and no big advantage.

From what I understand, you can swap collector plates to another collector car (of lesser value) and drive it, as long as it's in your name. (Stand to be corrected on this one)
From what I understand, you can swap collector plates to another collector car (of lesser value) and drive it, as long as it's in your name. (Stand to be corrected on this one)[/QUOTE]

If this is right,then it's definitly worth it if you have multiple vehicles.
I'll just stick to my vanity plate...


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Wow I thought this thread had died , 65Val is right there is a way to swap the plates around I don't know how it works but you can change to a Multi -Vehicle collector plate somehow , I saw the box to check when I went through the app with the agent and she even mentioned it to me should I get another collector eligible car but we didn't get into it so I don't know about any cost or fees . As for scamming on the use well insurance only kicks in if you have a claim and these stingy buggers at ICBC will investigate you like a bad episode of Columbo so I'll pass on that thanks ,I still probably put more miles on my car than any of you and will still be legally driving it to Moparfest via the route discussed in my Mile Zero to Mile Zero thread on that "Useless Policy"

PS Nice Demon whats the Cruzin plate on with the faux wood panel ?