I got the job!!!!!!!!!!!



Joe- Long Island, Oakdale
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
Long Island
Well I am finally so happy to say that I have a job. As some of you may know I was involved in a car accident. Being rear ended while sitting at a stop light. I just graduated college, funds were tight and not having any income since august 2010 is for lack of a better word frustrating. I had more than enough time on my hands to look at the big picture. I just graduated college, I did not want to work part time cleaning cars anymore it was time to get my life on track. Get my health back and set myself up for a lot of success with a good job.

Around February I had applied for a position with the Port Authority of NY & NJ. Not thinking anything would happen. Since I never heard anything back from the HUNDREDS of other apps I had sent out over the months. Well within 2 months I had received a letter to report in Manhattan for a written exam with a couple thousand other candidates over the next few days. I showed, aced the exam. Went home feeling really good about it, and was told we would hear back from them if we are selected from the exam for the next part of the hiring process. 2 Weeks go by from taking my written exam and I receive a letter in the mail asking me to come to Manhattan again for an "oral test/interview" I show up really nervous because this was my first real "big" interview for a really important agency I have ever been on. Under all the stress and nerves I somehow regained all my composure to do pretty well on my interview. I felt pretty good overall with the process by this point in time. I leave there with the PA not giving any timeframes or figures on anything or even if i'll hear back from them. Fast forward a few months to the Friday before 4th of July weekend. I get a call out of the blue from Human resources. Saying that they ran a couple of background checks on me and everything came back good. That they were calling to see if I was still interested in the position before they pay for the third and final background investigation. I told them Absolutely. They sent me paperwork and I had to submit to their Office of Inspector General! Another month went by and still never heard anything. Its a very intimidating process especially when you see the light at the end of the tunnel and the whole big picture coming together.
Finally they call me and let me know that the background check came back good and that once a couple of slots open up they will make an official job offer and send a class of us through for training/certifications. Although they could not give me a timeframe on when they were potentially making hires I was optimistic. This has been a long process and stressfull for the most part. Personally I was anticipating getting a phone call around the new year hoping someone would lateral out to another position, or retire. But Last Wed I recieved a call with the official job offer! I gladly accepted. I was told to report to Manhattan the next morning for an 8am appointment. I show up and they have me fill out numerous forms, with questions about my whole medical history. As a result of this they found out about my accident, and all the procedures/injuries as a result. So this got me really nervous. It has been the longest week of my life. Especially thinking that since they found out, they might take the offer back off the table and tell me to take a walk.

But today I still didn't hear anything so I decided to give them a call. And they gave me the good news. I passed Medical Evaluation!!!! I go in on Wed to sign all my paperwork/tax forms. Get my Id's and all of that good stuff going. Needless to say Im soo0o0o0o0 excited. This is a big deal for me. Im young, Im 22 years old and I will have excellent benefits with a good starting salary, a pension, and other goodies. I now have my foot in the door and the sky is the limit with this organization. Starting with such a great organization and having everything anybody should want with a job out of college this is like hitting the lotto. There are not many jobs before that offer you what Im being offered. Heck even being offered a job in this economy is really good, let alone a really good one! Well Im on cloud 9 and couldnt be happier. Id like to thank all the members here on fabo who have helped me with this process with my concerns and worries. Cliff especially. (oldtiredrebel)

Oh and since I have a good job and have some money coming in I can now buy some parts to finish off my scamp and get the ball rolling on my 72 challenger!!!

Thanks for reading, i know its like a book but its been a long journey and Im glad things have turned around and I have a bright future ahead of me! :cheers:
I guess you wil be going GOLD next!
Outstanding, I wish you the best of luck on your new career......
Really glad for you. It's a tough time to be unemployed.
Clap, clap, clap!!!:hello1::hello1::hello1: Congratulations!!!:eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion: It is good to hear about someone getting a break in this tough economy.

I just realized this was my 2000th post and this was a good topic to make it on.
Nice to hear. Sounds like you managed to swim to the front of the pack on this one.

Congrats, Varlo!!! Great to hear. Now, what are you going to be for PANY? Curious what types of jobs they have since I'm way out here in SoCal.
Great news and I am so glad for you !!!

...so the next time I get stopped up there, I can just mention I know somebody 'on the job'?

HEEELLLLZZZ YEAH! Way to go, just hang in there and things will happen....GOOD THINGS!
Congrats,grreat to here another person is employed.Now that you are going to be a millionaire what do you plan to do with all that money? 8-)
Congrats,grreat to here another person is employed.Now that you are going to be a millionaire what do you plan to do with all that money? 8-)

Buy a mansion with a 20 car garage and then buy mopars to stuff it with! lol

Thanks for all the kind wishes and support.
Congradulations on the position that is always the best news to here you have the position you applied for.
Congrats! Wish the best,we have all been there before.....