I Had My Back Surgery



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Last Monday I had a laminectomy on l2- l5 and I'm in recovery mode now.
There were pinched nerve roots on my left and right side too as well as my spinal nerves. Also I have a herniated disc that didn't show up on the MRI I had done either.
It seams like the leg pain is not there anymore but maybe to early to tell for sure.
I walked for the first time Saturday without a walker and I'm taking 325mgs. of oxycodone now from the 650mgs. every 4 hours I was taking last week.
Friday the 8th. the staples come out and I start therapy on the 10th.
This is gonna hurt a long time I'm afraid.
Congratulations! It is good to hear that you are already down on the meds. Stick with the PT, and do not overdo it.

:thumbsup: Hang in there, it gets better.
I wish you well. Hope you have a productive therapy and recovery. I have arthritis around c2 and C6 which seems to bother me most. I also have a deteriorated disc about L5 but it doesn't bother much unless I abuse it. Keep us posted on your healing! You'll be back out in the garage working on that Mopar B/4 you know it.
Hope your recovery in fast. I have a degenerated disc between L4 and L5 that has been bothering me since I was in grade school. It is finally getting to be too much and keeping me from doing a lot of things a 36 year old should not have to even think twice about. I go in in December to finally get it fused. Thoughts and prayers to you.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!
Today I walked 3/4 of a mile at the high school track. But the last 1/2 mile I had to use a walker.
It seems like everyone I talk to have back problems. It's just a really poor design!
Good luck. Ain't easy I know. Hang in there. Don't think everything's good too soon.
Had L5-S1 discectemy.
Removed almost half of disc. That was hitting siatic./ colon nerves.
Should be good in 6 months. Follow therapy. And don't overdue things even if it feels normal.

I know. Take care and hope for speedy recovery.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone!
Today I walked 3/4 of a mile at the high school track. But the last 1/2 mile I had to use a walker.
It seems like everyone I talk to have back problems. It's just a really poor design!
I don't know about a bad design. I think us dumb humans just don't know how to use the correctly.
I used to be the guy on the job that rarely asked for help lifting heavy things. My pride and macho had me thinking that I could do anything. I did for awhile but in my case, it caught up to me. I'm 51 with 30 years in framing/construction. I am fine most times (90%) but I have the pinched nerve flare up and kick me to the couch for a few days.
I used to be the guy on the job that rarely asked for help lifting heavy things. My pride and macho had me thinking that I could do anything. I did for awhile but in my case, it caught up to me. I'm 51 with 30 years in framing/construction. I am fine most times (90%) but I have the pinched nerve flare up and kick me to the couch for a few days.
Yea, the 43 years of abuse in the construction industry has caught up with me and at 61 I don't have much left. And I'm to old to start over doing something else.
Last Monday I had a laminectomy on l2- l5 and I'm in recovery mode now.
There were pinched nerve roots on my left and right side too as well as my spinal nerves. Also I have a herniated disc that didn't show up on the MRI I had done either.
It seams like the leg pain is not there anymore but maybe to early to tell for sure.
I walked for the first time Saturday without a walker and I'm taking 325mgs. of oxycodone now from the 650mgs. every 4 hours I was taking last week.
Friday the 8th. the staples come out and I start therapy on the 10th.
This is gonna hurt a long time I'm afraid.

Hoping for a quick recovery for you.The only advise I can give is to give up the oxycodone as soon as you possibly can. I didn't and am now trying to kick an addiction that has a firm grasp on me.
I have been trying to go over 4 hours between doses to cut down on the addiction trap. I have cut it in half since last week when I came home. Still to soon yet to stop it completely I think. Especially in the middle of the night when I cant sleep.
My wife took a picture Monday night when she changed the bandage. Hope it doesn't offend anyone.

I have been trying to go over 4 hours between doses to cut down on the addiction trap. I have cut it in half since last week when I came home. Still to soon yet to stop it completely I think. Especially in the middle of the night when I cant sleep.
My wife took a picture Monday night when she changed the bandage. Hope it doesn't offend anyone.View attachment 1715089550

View attachment 1715089549

If you have been able to cut back that much in that short of time you are doing great. I started tapering off 3 weeks ago and have only been able to cut back about 1/4 th of the daily amount but I've been on them for years. Tried Medical Marijuana but that was no help. Good luck and get well soon..My wife has been through 4 of those so I know what you are up against.
Been living with back problems all my adult life. Physio still works for me.
Hoping for a speedy recovery, as mentioned wishing you success in getting away from the meds.

3/4 mile? My legs are not great, can stand all day, but long walks are brutal....you are doing great
I wish you the best Bob. I know all about back pain. No fun for sure. When I had my low back surgery it hurt really bad for about 3 weeks then within 3-4 days tapered off to very low pain. That was 5-1/2 yrs. ago and I think another is wore or herniated out so I was just thinking today I need to call the Dr. again and get back in and see him
Good luck with your recovery. I have multiple herniated discs and a torn one. Both knees are shot, carpal tunnel in both wrists. Just had surgery in both feet last year. I was in a wheelchair for two months. Well, a power wheelchair.
Thank you fellas!
I guess I have been doing okay, even though I don't feel like it. I walked 1.5 miles yesterday without the walker, I think that thing is behind me.
I'm having more problems with the mental aspect of it. I just cant get out from under this cloud I have been under for a few years and the surgery has made it worse.
Sorry about the pic double post, don't know how that happened.
Try to begin switching from the hyrdo's to advil/ibuprophen.
I will say a prayer for your physical as well as emotional comfort !!
Hang in there sounds like your making good progress !@