I wanna kill the allstate skank



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 7, 2005
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Commercial with the byatch talking about women being good drivers and getting a rebate check.

Usual stuff in commercials anymore with the guy being a total idiot, softy, spineless coward.

I wouldn't insure my stuff with them because that commercial is irritating as a bad case of crabs... so I've heard! :)
Commercial with the byatch talking about women being good drivers and getting a rebate check.

Usual stuff in commercials anymore with the guy being a total idiot, softy, spineless coward.

I wouldn't insure my stuff with them because that commercial is irritating as a bad case of crabs... so I've heard! :)

that's why I don't watch TV .......sounds asinine
what Im waiting to see is a Progressive commercial with that chick strapped under a car with a head pipe in her *** and one coming out her mouth with a chrome tip advertising her as the "Flomaster"

sorry ladies , I have no filter today
what Im waiting to see is a Progressive commercial with that chick under a car with a head pipe in her *** and one coming out her mouth with a chrome tip advertising her as the "Flomaster"

sorry ladies , I have no filter today

You should storyboard that concept and submit it! :cheers:
Let me tell you why Allstate is a very bad insurance company.


AAJ Names Ten Worst Insurance Companies in America

The American Association of Justice (AAJ) has named the ten worst insurance companies in America based on claim denials, premium increases and refusing insurance to those who need it most. So, who’s on the list? Some of the names – and what they did to make the list – might surprise you.

How the report was conducted

According to the AAJ’s recent report entitled, The Ten Worst Insurance Companies in America – How They Raise Premiums, Deny Claims and Refuse Insurance to Those Who Need It Most, researchers investigated thousands of court documents, as well as records from the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and state insurance departments. They also looked at news reports and testimony from the insurers’ former agents and adjusters. The report provides conclusions about the insurance industry as a whole, lists the ten worst insurers and explains why they made the list. To view the report, go to: [ame="http://www.justice.org/docs/TenWorstInsuranceCompanies.pdf"]302 Found[/ame].

Conclusions about the industry

The AAJ came to the following conclusions about the insurance industry as a whole:

Companies consistently put profits over policyholders. The report concludes that many insurance companies may “talk the talk”, but don’t “walk the walk.” They may advertise that your “in good hands”, are “like a good neighbor” or “provide the strength to be there”, but fall short when it comes to actually serving their customers.
Companies continually deny, delay and defend. Insurance companies make more money when they pay out fewer claims. Obvious? Yes. Ethical? No. The industry as a whole routinely denies, delays and defends claims – all in the name of the “bottom line.”
Profits and salaries are skyrocketing.The property/casualty and life insurance industries average $30B in profits every year. In fact, the U.S. insurance industry as a whole receives premiums of over $1 trillion (with a “T”) every year and has assets of $3.8 trillion. The Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the ten insurers in the report averaged an annual salary of nearly $9 million in 2007.
Who made the list?

These ten companies were named the worst insurers in America for denying claims, raising premiums, refusing insurance to those who need it most, and many other reasons:

4.State Farm
8.United Health
10.Liberty Mutual

Insurance companies play by their own rules

It’s no secret that insurance companies often play by their own rules – especially when those rules specifically save the company money. A video has been posted on YouTube entitled “Insurance Company Rules.” It takes a satirical look at what would happen if the general public also used those rules. The video was a collaborative effort between Health Care for America Now (HCAN) and the Public Service Administration (PSA).





My view has become, those whom advertise most, have some ground to make up-

in sales, but evidently for some CRAPPY reasons.
Being I don't watch TV I had to do a search to see this commercial.
Found this.


  • sg21wi (1).jpg
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I am very happy with Geico. That's all I got.
If you see this annoying byatch, please kill her...

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQR8rj2BO-8"]Allstate Voice Commercial - Bonus Check - YouTube[/ame]
That's what today's society is about making feminine men and masculine women. They want men to be nice and submissive.
Dartnabout, most guys dont even notice the incrementalism.

Oh I agree but I caught hell because I was overheard to say to a fellow worker (a guy)that he threw like a girl when we were goofing off. I could see it if I caught it for goofing off but oh no...I offended a clerk typist because I insinuated that girls can't throw. I had to do a diversification class
That's what today's society is about making feminine men and masculine women. They want men to be nice and submissive.

And it starts in Kindergarten.

How do you discipline your six year old boy who is raging against the machine?

He has no filter, tells them like it is. Sometimes I get a phone call... I try not to laugh. At least mom and I are on the same page. Most grade school teachers are women, and they want the boys to sit quietly and be submissive like little girls. Boys are rowdy, they are not naturally like that. And boys need to be boys, it is healthy.

My twelve year old boy used to tell my wife off about her driving when he was younger... I told him remember where his bread was buttered, literally. My wife is actually a decent driver, her issue is that she is what I call a binary driver. One of the pedals is on the floor. She is starting to mellow a little bit. Our first car after we were married had a 2.5L w/ a turbo and a 5 speed. She liked my Barracuda, but first time she took a corner she hit the gas and ended up pointed at the curb. She would not drive it after that.
OK... easy enough, but who are the ten best? That would be better information really.
Doesn't exist, they all suck! It's just a matter of what level of crappy you're willing to put up with.
Allstate, Progressive and Geico are all notorious for hanging the cheapest aftermarket and used parts they can find.
Direct Repair facility's are how they make sure that those sub-standard parts and materials are used.
So yeah, that chick needs smacked, but for more than just the stated reason.
I have a 98 Dodge Dakota that I did a REALLY nice paint job on 3 years ago. 2 years ago, the daughter of the lady across the street backed into it while it was parked in the street. I wasn't even across from her driveway. The damage really wasn't that bad. I got an estimate for $3200 and her insurance company said they would only pay me $2700 and they were going to take the truck. I said the KBB value was $3900 and NADA was $4200, and they said the value was only $2700. They said they HAD THEIR OWN BOOKS based on average vehicle sales , and they did not have to show me their information. Turns out that is legal with most state’s Insurance regulation departments. I finally fought them for $3200 plus I kept it. It was a weird company I had never heard of. Bottom line is that they have their own books and they can get away with that???
Oh goody, this has moved to an insurance company bashing thread. LOL

The pussification has been going on for a long time. I remember stuff from the late 80's early 90's where this type of garbage was going on.
Oh goody, this has moved to an insurance company bashing thread. LOL

The pussification has been going on for a long time. I remember stuff from the late 80's early 90's where this type of garbage was going on.

Yup, I have never understood it. They pick us because of who we are, then spend the rest of their lives trying to change us. That just doesn't make any sense to me.

Anyone remember the ad campaigns of a decade ago where the parents were portrayed as absolute dolts and the pre-teens had all the intelligence?