I want nothing to do with these nuts



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Some nutcases are spending a lot of "other people's money" developing something called "hyperloop"

This is allegedly to be some sort of pod, moving at 750 mph inside a tube, either above or below ground traveling "on a cushion of air" "in a vacuum" if that makes any sense, or at some other point, "a special environment."

'N ya, the same nutcases who think electric cars are viable are "in" this

"It will change the world." "It will change how we live." "It will change the economy."

WAKE UP CALL "No, it won't"

I'm not riding it unless it will go 1,355 MPH or better. I think it is a great idea myself.
If it could actually be done, then of course it would change our lives. However, the question is, can it be done currently? I've got no doubt that in the future it will be able to be done. If you told people at a time that we would one day fly vehicles in the sky, they would've called you insane.
I'm not riding it unless it will go 1,355 MPH or better. I think it is a great idea myself.

No, a "great idea" back in the day were the tubes that send banking materials through dept stores and banks. There were no people in them to kill

Ask yourself this question...........how many pipeline failures have you seen? Water leaks, gas leaks, oil leaks? How many SUBWAY disasters have you seen?

Now just re-think this into some sort of earthquake / other event associated with these "things."

No damn thanks, says "Spock"
We are how many trillion in debt? And can't maintain our present roads and bridges. Smoke some more, I dare ya.

Think its 17 now. While something like this would be cool, I think. We've got a lot more problems to worry about
Just wait. Teleportation of quantum information has long been achieved with photons, now they've done it with an atom. Before long they will be teleporting rats.
Just so im clear 760 MPH wind will be blowing through train to the rear?
me, i just use time travel. lots faster and fun too!???

one time I went to the past and couldn't get back for awhile. missed one pres election.
Trains departing every 30 seconds. Can you imagine the carnage if there's the slightest hiccup in the system?
On top of all the previous thoughts, 24 people per train at 13 bucks each isn't going to be nearly cost effective enough for it to be viable.
We are how many trillion in debt? And can't maintain our present roads and bridges. Smoke some more, I dare ya.

I think these guys "are smokin" it "would be" a commercial venture. Yeah. right

ya know I'm all for technology 'n stuff, but even I'm smart enough to realize this just sounds incredibly dangerous, and would be tragic with the slightest system failure.

On a side note, at that speed, nobody would need a funeral, or at least a burial.
$13 x 24people x 12 hours = $449,000 for one system running 12 hours. Sounds like money is there. Cool idea. It's good to see investments in technology and infrastructure.
Elon Musk is very involved in the project...im a total believer in him!

I'd like to know why, because what I find is that there's LOTS to suspect about his "business model," including the viability of either tesla or battery powered vehicles.

Please remember there's been a "few people" who talked a good talk, including Hitler, Jim "drink the Koolaid" Jones, and Jim and Tammy Bakker, just to name a random few.
If it is in a vacuum then the tube needs a self contained breathing system, just more to go wrong. If that breaks, then your just dead as the pressure would crush if you tried to get out.
If it is in a vacuum then the tube needs a self contained breathing system, just more to go wrong. If that breaks, then your just dead as the pressure would crush if you tried to get out.

This reminds me, collectively, of all the half baked science and mechanics magazines "what we will be doing in the future" ideas


I thought this was going to be a News and Politics rant.. My bad,..

Could work, most likely will flop.
Every great invention that has ever changed the world has been called impossible, impractical, dangerous, too expensive, etc, at some point in its development. And yet we have automobiles, jet aircraft, space stations, cell phones, the internet, you name it. Pretty much every part of your daily life as you know it depends on technology that was at one point deemed impossible. If the dreamers and inventors of this world listened to the masses, none of what we have today would have been possible.

Will the hyperloop work? Beats the hell out of me. But its not the craziest thing someone has come up with. Or the most expensive. Or the most dangerous. ~50,000 people die in car crashes every year in the US alone. Makes the hyperloop seem downright safe.
If it is in a vacuum then the tube needs a self contained breathing system, just more to go wrong. If that breaks, then your just dead as the pressure would crush if you tried to get out.

I guess you have never heard of aircraft that fly miles above the Earth where there is nearly no oxygen, temperatures are well below zero, and the atmospheric pressure is very low. Thousands of people survive this daily with no ill effects whatsoever.