I Want One!!!

I dunno about that...The engine bay on that 48 looks mighty narrow towards the top. Unless someone wants to do some creative sheet metal surgery...
Not that Im ganna get one (I just spent my 400 bucks on a caddy bumper) but I think I could make one fit pretty easy.


Even Better.... Perfect for your hot rod..... Accepts a Supercharger!

"In a joint effort Pentastar Parts & AussieSpeed are working on a complete super charger kit for the Slant6 updates will be available as work progresses.The manifold will be available as a std line for those wanting to do there own blower conversion.The benefit of the Yella Terra Terra Charger is a 4 barrel squarebore carb can be mounted on top of the blower. An Eaton M90 Ford mustang Tbirdsuper charger is simular in size to the terra chargerbut will not accept a carburettor."

Looks like an octopus....but cool
so if octuple is 8 and sextuple is 6 then....its a sexopus ;) :lol: oo oo a sixopus
I showed that to the Kiwi toolpusher we have on our rig. He told me I needed a triple Weber downdraft set up for my 225. He said he would look around and see what he had left from his Valiant days as he is into Holdens now. He said he used to run a griffin or griffith 4 bbl. manifold before the Weber set up. Hmmm if I could only get him to pack me over a hemi....................
Prolinefuel used to have a 6 pack (3 webbers) for the slant. And a real cool one for big blocks. What ever happened to them?
Prolinefuel used to have a 6 pack (3 webbers) for the slant. And a real cool one for big blocks. What ever happened to them?

I think it was a "4 pack" (2 Weber 2bbls). He machined (or HAD machined) the dual Offy 1 bbl manifold to accept a pair of Webers, and included 2 carbs tuned for the application. He closed his company due to family problems, IIRC.