I Want To Kill Someone.



It's only metal
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Renton Wa
Woke up this morning to a nice little surprise. The officer who came out said that there were two other cars hit like this last night and that she appreciates old cars because she has a few herself.

I am SOOOOOO MAD right now that punk *** kids think they can go out and do f^%$#@g **** like this. I am going to print up reward posters and hang them up to see if we can maybe find the people who are responsible.

The scratch on the fender is a different case and we are pressing charges on that because we know who did it.










So I went and got the car trailer and took it to work. It is fixable but very frustrating that people think they can do **** like this.





o yha and the cowl vents are now bent as well as the hood, cowl, window, fender
Fingerprint the rock! Any ideas who did it so I can bring Frankenmutt over and we can kick some teenage ***!

Now is a perfect time to fill in the cowl vents so no pine needles get in there, kind of cleans it up as well.

Was there insurance on the Scamp, did you call Emily?
That bites. I hope they catch the SOB's.
Fingerprint the rock! Any ideas who did it so I can bring Frankenmutt over and we can kick some teenage ***!

Now is a perfect time to fill in the cowl vents so no pine needles get in there, kind of cleans it up as well.

Was there insurance on the Scamp, did you call Emily?

Emily doesn't need to know about this, she would freak out. The insurance is just the mins so no help there. I guess the good news for me is I will get paid (by pop) to fix it but, thats not really what I wanted to have to do. I like the idea of letting frank loose on them!
dude what would make someone do that ****??? Man its like they picked up the rock and bashed it in several times... Sure you didnt piss off someone. i think a kid would just haul *** after the first chunk... Damn man that sux bad
Hang'em high res1vw21 :angry7: I was getting sleepy but know I want to go hunting :angry7::angry7:
So sorry to hear the bad news and I hope they find the fertilizer that dun this :angry7:
dude what would make someone do that ****??? Man its like they picked up the rock and bashed it in several times... Sure you didnt piss off someone. i think a kid would just haul *** after the first chunk... Damn man that sux bad

I don't think I we did anything because there were more cars then just ours hit. Yes it does look like they threw it twice.
Let me know if you find out if there are any "creep kids" in the neighborhood and I will go talk to them for you. I get back on the 16th.
Holy **** man. I can't believe who in the hell would do that...I am so sorry that happened to you...I really am...I am seriously mad now just by looking at these pics...I would kill those f*ckers...
Oh man that sucks. If some kids did that to ours I would probably know there and just get my 2 closest friends who are both 6 ft.+ and open up some whoop a$$. Make them pay whoever did it.
This is one thing i hate about our society. Nobody has any respect for anything nowadays! other societies are based on "respect" and "honor" but not ours. at least its fixable. hope you can find who did it and get some justice.
Sorry to see that Ross, **** like that really sucks, especially when we all seen how much work you put into that car. :angry7: I hope you find them before the cops do.......:snakeman:
Find out what other cars were hit in the area and mark them on a map so you can get some sort of "trail". Maybe it will lead to a hang out or something, you never know.
damn shame, I`d be livid too. maybe the scratch defendant, decided to pay you another visit, and make it seem like teenagers? some adults are phychos too. good luck with repairs and hopefully you can park her in a safer place.