I want to quit smoking


I lost my grandfather and his daughter, my Mother, to cigarettes.
Good luck with your attempt to quit; it's a huge task but stay with it.
I'm busy but never too busy to help someone that is truly WANTING something good for he and his family. That's the key word. Either you want to quit and will win and realize the fruits of your labor or you are NOT sincere and are bullshitting everyone on this board and you will be one pushing up daisys long before your time causing much grief and morning among your beloved family. I'm assuming there are those close to you that you love? WOW did i say that? I guess i did. Yep, right there in black and white. I know where you're coming from and i'm here to help you make it happen and i will give all of you the course that my habit took me down. I started smoking at an age of about 18. Man that was cool (Lie #1, STUPID). It kinda made me feel more laid back and took the edge off of maybe a hectic day or situation(Lie #2, It dulled my sences). It opened up my lungs so i could breath deeper(Lie # 3, It numed the lungs so i couldn't feel the damage that i was doing to myself and those around me). Ever notice when someone gets up in the morning how they will cough and grab that cigarette so they can get those lungs opened up? Very temporary fix might i say. I smoked when i got married and as time went on i stopped my smoking in the house and car at the request of the lady that loves me. In no way did i want to harm her even in an indirect way so i complied. I continued to smoke in my truck when i was by myself and outside and as the years went by i would throw whole packs of smokes out the wind wing of the truck because i had a bad cough and knew they were killing me only to stop at the next mini mart and buy another pack. This habit is bad and developes a very strong hold on ones life that is very difficult to conquer. It will eventually kill you but ONLY if YOU let it. Time went by and the Nicoret gum hit the market and i chewed my share but to no avail. The patches came out and yep, i tried them with some success but the i ran out and started again. Many obstacles would rear their ugly head and cause a failure in my effort to beat em. I would quit for a few days and as the mood would revolve around being crotchity to the family, the wife would tell me to go smoke a cigarette and i would. Things would heal over but i was still killing myself, then one day i didn't have a smoke all day and when i got home i sat down with my 10 yr old son and i told him that dad had gone all day without one and he came unglued and ran through the house tellin his sister and his mom. I thought to myself "Someone cares". I went another day and upon telling Billy the good news he had the same reaction. This went on for a week and i was getting a great fealing of seeing his reaction as i knew he loved me very much and really did care about having me around to grow up with. He was 10 then and now he is 24 so that's how long it it has been for a very good reason i might add. You probably have family that are very close and would get just as excited about having you around as my son did me. My suggestion is this. Gather the family around and let em know that you haven't smoke for X amount of time simple because you love them and want the best for em now and far into the future and let em know that if they will get excited with you and if they truly love you they will help you make this happen. This will be a reward that everyone can reap the benefits of. Now if you're not truly into it don't call em together and lie to em. LOVE is stonger than those damn cigarettes. I'm with ya buddy and in your corner. The battle is over. You have one FABO member that loves ya in a good kinda way. I'm excited enough to show my sincerity. Let the family read this and the financial benefits haven't been mentioned. With the savings take em all on an outing to be together with those that truly love ya. Take the money that you spend on a pack of smokes and change it into dimes, nickels , or quarters and have a jug setting in the corner and let the kids put it in and when full make a family trip to the bank and hit the coin counter. The kids will get a kick out of this. I do and i'm 57. Hope i have helped more than one here. Duckbuster, look at the avatar on post #23. Consider someone kissing you. You wouldn't ask them to lick an ashtray now would you?
Small Block
I did not know you was a smoker at one time Bill!!
You have put a great feeling in my hart and mind and I will come back and read it again to keep me inspired .
Love conquers all :cheers:
I have not kissed an ash try but I would not want too.:toothy10:
I have dun the same when I go out side and burn leaves or something and try a smoke, But when I get half way through it I just flip that damned thing as hard as I can and say what the hell for, I am quitting and I will not going to disappoint anyone here with a fib about my back falls or fibs on how well it is or not going, Thank you Bill :-Dyou sure can put a strong feeling of commitment in my hart and soul to make this easier for me to do.
I have had two smokes with my wife when we got back from the old home place gathering things we want, she filled here Passport up with shtuff.:angry7:
Thank you for sharing your experience with us here.
Your friend and bud memike.:happy10:
36 hours now. Food is tasteing different. Some of it for the worse. I know I still have a long way to go but the cravings arint as bad.
I got a good one try 48 that's the age my grandfather died at or try 50 the age my grandmother died at guess what they owned a tobacco farm and who knew they both died from cancer after a year of treatment my grandpa was about 80lbs from 200lbs when he died and my grandma went awry so if that don't get you to quit what else will might have their ages wrong but still no use is spending your last days in the hospital because of a lousy addiction you coulda quit
36 hours now. Food is tasteing different. Some of it for the worse. I know I still have a long way to go but the cravings arint as bad.
You are doing great!!!!! The worst is over, just keep those hands busy.:cheers:
Wait till you get a wiff of someone who just smoked.
I woke up this morning wanting to get right on here and hear of all the exciting news about how long it's been for you guys and gals without a smoke. Talk to us. Should be in the 4 or 5 day range there Duckbuster. Go mango
36 hours now. Food is tasteing different. Some of it for the worse. I know I still have a long way to go but the cravings arint as bad.
WAY TO GO!!!! Hang in there and keep it up. 3rd morning of waking up smoke free and I wasnt reaching over for a cigarette as I woke up for the first time in a LONG while. I have to admit that Im a little bit more irritable than normal, just have to keep the moodiness under control and fight off the cravings by throwing hard candy in my mouth when they hit.

Dan201- If anyone shouldnt be smoking its me. My father died at the age of 46 from lung cancer because of smoking and Ive also lost grandparents on both sides to it as well.
well i can say i cut back to smoking lights! lol srry not much of a inspirational speaker but hey man good luck i dreamto quit 1 day hope to see u guys in mopars at the strip.
Alright Badawg hang in there. Hey Small Block I am still smoke free. I had a pretty rough night. I was up till 5 am. Come on 63 Valiant quit with us.
Yall I got a serious case of nerves right now. But I am really ticked off at myself for getting addicated to this crap in the first place. And I am really getting stubborn and hard headed. I WILL NOT GIVE IN. I DO NOT SMOKE ANY MORE!!!!!!
Hang in there Badawg and duckbuster Don't get a sugar buzz going so you can't sleep and do like I did today Stayed busy burning leaves and cooking dinner while my son painted his race car,
Breakfast was a hot bowl of oat meal then got my shower and out the door I went. I am closer to being a none smoker, I did have 3 to 4 today with brother and a rum and coke, But what a great day.
I was going to start a new thread on my day but I will share it here.
It was a great day with out a dang smoke in my mouth it was a good day enjoying the things that can keep us busy.:cheers:

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Dirt racer is painted, Looks good Ceed_247 :cheers:
I have to stay busy with a hobby of some kind to keep the butts off my mind and the smell of some slow cooked ribs and potatoes going on the grill and a nice day outside has wore me out. It will be a good sleep for me tonight.

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Boy do the food and beverages look good!! Creeds dirt racer is coming along and looking great!! Hang in there my friend, keep plugging away and dont get discouraged when things get tough!!
Hang in there Badawg and duckbuster Don't get a sugar buzz going so you can't sleep and do like I did today Stayed busy burning leaves and cooking dinner while my son painted his race car,
Breakfast was a hot bowl of oat meal then got my shower and out the door I went. I am closer to being a none smoker, I did have 3 to 4 today with brother and a rum and coke, But what a great day.
I was going to start a new thread on my day but I will share it here.
It was a great day with out a dang smoke in my mouth it was a good day enjoying the things that can keep us busy.:cheers:

Mike that sure looks good!!

Obama fixing to raise $1.01 a pack on cigarettes.


"increase in the federal excise tax on a pack of cigarettes of about $1.01 per pack, up from the current 39 cents on a $4.35 pack."
I can say they won't be getting any of my taxes and I can think of 5 to 6 people on this site and hear at home that are quitting, They may not raise very much when they find out people are quiting.
Be very careful with the Chantix or Champix, it messed me up for a good 6 months afterwards, but i do not smoke anymore! Just goggle "Champix side effects". I hear that they are taken it of market here in Canada? Wait until you catch a cold or severly hung over and quit then. If you can get through 3 days you are on your way. Good luck, you can do it!
Nice Monte dirt tracker Mike! I used to race a '79 and had a '75 before that on pavement.

I started smoking when I was 13 and smoked until I was almost 40. Quitting is easy; I did it hundreds of times. :angry7: Staying quit is hard. One time I quit for almost 2 years, but my ex still smoked. She went in for surgery one day (3rd one in about 3 months; she's had a kidney transplant long ago) and I lit one of hers "just to get me through". Within 2 weeks I was back to 2 packs a day.

I quit over 10 years ago. I used to wake up and light up before I got out of bed. One morning, I decided to see if I could make it until after my shower before I had that first cigarette. I did, and then decided to make it to work before I lit up. In the end, I never lit that smoke, and I cannot be happier. In '05 my new wife and I (I was 45) did a 538 mile BICYCLE race NON-STOP over 5 mountain passes, with a total elevation gain of almost 40,000 feet! We finished in less than 38 1/2 hours, bettering our goal of 40 hours.

I used Hot Tamale candies as my 'crutch'. When the craving got bad, I ate candies. The cinnamon helps. Yes, I put on weight, but it's worth it, and I lost the weight later. Now days I cannot stand the smell, and feel bad when I realize how bad I must have smelled back then.

You go guys, you WILL feel better, you will live longer, food will taste better. You'll be able to walk and play with your kids/grandbabies/great-grandkids without wheezing. One of my favorite memories is of my 16 year old son passing me in a bicycle race at Portland Internatioal Raceway, bumping my shoulder as he sprinted past to the finish. He got 3rd & I got 10th; I can't tell you how proud I was of him that day, and how proud I was of myself.

Keep up the good work guys. I never gained a pound when i quit but i'm a VERY active person that goes about 4 ft off the ground all the time. I have hands that work for me that smoke. They don't in my truck but when they climb in MAN, what a stench. It about makes me want to gag. How can a woman slide up next to something that smells like that and give it a kiss? Like i said earlier, you wouldn't expect her to kiss an ashtray now would you? Another great reason to quit. Did i mention "Very Glamorous" "Chick" "Hip" "STUPID". If you take a car and run it into a tree at 80 MPH you have accomplished the same thing as you smoking. You just did it quicker. Are our minds working yet? If i didn't care about you guys i'd put my keyboard away.........but i'm not going to so fasten your seat belt. If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. You guys are friends i haven't met yet and i care.
Keep up the good work guys. I never gained a pound when i quit but i'm a VERY active person that goes about 4 ft off the ground all the time. I have hands that work for me that smoke. They don't in my truck but when they climb in MAN, what a stench. It about makes me want to gag. How can a woman slide up next to something that smells like that and give it a kiss? Like i said earlier, you wouldn't expect her to kiss an ashtray now would you? Another great reason to quit. Did i mention "Very Glamorous" "Chick" "Hip" "STUPID". If you take a car and run it into a tree at 80 MPH you have accomplished the same thing as you smoking. You just did it quicker. Are our minds working yet? If i didn't care about you guys i'd put my keyboard away.........but i'm not going to so fasten your seat belt. If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. You guys are friends i haven't met yet and i care.
Thank you Bill :cheers: Good point :read2: Pictures sent.
If you take a car and run it into a tree at 80 MPH you have accomplished the same thing as you smoking. You just did it quicker. Are our minds working yet? If i didn't care about you guys i'd put my keyboard away.........but i'm not going to so fasten your seat belt. If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. You guys are friends i haven't met yet and i care.
We do appreciate it Bill. Some times a good old fashioned kick in the pants is just the right medicine! Thanks again my friend!!