I'm a Grampa!

Hey spaz, heartfelt congrats. The little fella is gonna be fine. Medicine has advanced so very much in the last decade when it concerns premies and their problems. With that smile how can he not be fine. No offense but I gotta disagree one one thing; that little guy is way far better lookin'.
Hey spaz, heartfelt congrats. The little fella is gonna be fine. Medicine has advanced so very much in the last decade when it concerns premies and their problems. With that smile how can he not be fine. No offense but I gotta disagree one one thing; that little guy is way far better lookin'.

You ain't kidding there bargehead. LOL.

He's definitely the new "chick magnet". ha, ha.
This is why I started having kids late in my life. So I could avoid your situation as long as possible. :-D Just Kidding. Congradulation.

My grandson was born with the same condition. He had to spend the first 9 months of his life in Childrens Hospital in Pittsburgh. I cant say enough about those wonderful people. He will be 2 this month, and he's just a regular 2 year old terror now.

You'll flip the first time he calls you papa.
Congrats to you and grandpas' new wheel polisher. I scrolled through the posts and found your photos. He's a dandy! My youngest was a preme and weighed 4lb.14oz. Now at almost 13 he is almost as tall as me. Your little man will grow up quick. Mike
Congratulations spaz :cheers: He sure has a great big smile and looks like a strong baby boy to me :thumbrig: Prayers from one ol grandpa and grandma from Arkansas bud, I have a great big smile on after looking at you grandson spaz :-D:-D

Prayers on there way and will continue to send them out to see Jake grow and recover from all his needed surgeries [-o<
He sure is a bright eyed good looking grandson :cheers:
Congratulations, looks like a litttle wild man......:cheers:
Handsome young boy, and if you had not shared some of his birth problems you would not have guessed any set backs. He's alert and ready to kick some azz already. Chip off granpa's block, eh? We'll be thinking of the little guy and all you his family.
Congradulations to you Grandpa Spaz and especially mom and dad. He's a good looking boy and thankfully when dealing with baby medical problems they just think that what's going on around them is normal. I do have a short story though (as usual). The day my son Mark was born they operating on him because some of his plumbing wasn't hooked up correctly and he spent the first 4 months in a Neo Natal ICU. My biggest advice is to stay as close as possible to your daughter and husband and give them all the help they need, and they will need help especially emotional. They may look as though they're taking their sons medical problems in stride but if they're anything like my wife and I were, baby medical problems can eat you up inside. To make a long story short, my son survived and took 8 years to grow out of the remaining problems and is now 25, married and is expecting their first in a couple months. To name him Jake is just good Karma as my new dog is Jake so get well soon Jake.
Congradulations to you Grandpa Spaz and especially mom and dad. He's a good looking boy and thankfully when dealing with baby medical problems they just think that what's going on around them is normal. I do have a short story though (as usual). The day my son Mark was born they operating on him because some of his plumbing wasn't hooked up correctly and he spent the first 4 months in a Neo Natal ICU. My biggest advice is to stay as close as possible to your daughter and husband and give them all the help they need, and they will need help especially emotional. They may look as though they're taking their sons medical problems in stride but if they're anything like my wife and I were, baby medical problems can eat you up inside. To make a long story short, my son survived and took 8 years to grow out of the remaining problems and is now 25, married and is expecting their first in a couple months. To name him Jake is just good Karma as my new dog is Jake so get well soon Jake.

Bad part about it is that my Daughter just reunited with her scum bag birth "mother" and will be living rent free in a trailer on her back property because her idiot Husband loves the word free because he grew up with an entitlement mentality Mother and talked my Daughter into it.

I'm kinda crushed over it all and don't think it;s a good environment for the baby at all because those people have a long history of scum sucking sludge running through their veins and it kills me that my Daughter got sucked into it from her younger asswipe Sister.

Sorry for dumping all this crap, but I'm really pissed that we took those girls in for 10 years and they went back to the scum suckers and fell for the bribes.
I can only hope they will see the light soon and get out of there.ASAP.

I may call a few of you up one day to help with a recon mission... LOL.
............Congrats to ya grampa........ur grandson is in our thoughts and prayers..............sorry 2 hear of ur shitty situation................keep ur chin up............kim.........
Sorry about your situation. My older sister went through something like that. She married a guy with two very young girls. Their mother was a real slut and didnt want them cramping her style. My sister took them in for many years, but once they got into their mid teens, they went back to their real mother. I think mainly because their real mother didnt give a **** and let them do whatever they wanted, go wherever they wanted, etc. She bought them booze and smokes, etc.

Now that the girls are older, they've sort of gravitated to the middle. My sister thinks they appreciate her now, but I think it's more like the girls are just playing both sides, because both sides want to see the grand kids, and both sides help out when needed, with money, food, clothes, etc.

Guess its true what they say about blood being thicker than water.

Wow, we really have a lot of similar experiences - lol.
Bad part about it is that my Daughter just reunited with her scum bag birth "mother" and will be living rent free in a trailer on her back property because her idiot Husband loves the word free because he grew up with an entitlement mentality Mother and talked my Daughter into it.

I'm kinda crushed over it all and don't think it;s a good environment for the baby at all because those people have a long history of scum sucking sludge running through their veins and it kills me that my Daughter got sucked into it from her younger asswipe Sister.

Sorry for dumping all this crap, but I'm really pissed that we took those girls in for 10 years and they went back to the scum suckers and fell for the bribes.
I can only hope they will see the light soon and get out of there.ASAP.

I may call a few of you up one day to help with a recon mission... LOL.
Things like this really take my goat to spaz :angry7:
from what I am hearing I bet this will be short lived, I hope and pray that the mother and baby are in a clean environment, Room sanitized air cleaner and keep all the ill people away from the baby.... Sounds like a safety inspection visit will be a must soon.
Some times your own family can be your worst enemies :angry7:

Willing to join in on a recon mission spaz 8)
Sorry about your situation. My older sister went through something like that. She married a guy with two very young girls. Their mother was a real slut and didnt want them cramping her style. My sister took them in for many years, but once they got into their mid teens, they went back to their real mother. I think mainly because their real mother didnt give a **** and let them do whatever they wanted, go wherever they wanted, etc. She bought them booze and smokes, etc.

Now that the girls are older, they've sort of gravitated to the middle. My sister thinks they appreciate her now, but I think it's more like the girls are just playing both sides, because both sides want to see the grand kids, and both sides help out when needed, with money, food, clothes, etc.

Guess its true what they say about blood being thicker than water.

Wow, we really have a lot of similar experiences - lol.

Bingo, you hit the nail dead on.
Things like this really take my goat to spaz :angry7:
from what I am hearing I bet this will be short lived, I hope and pray that the mother and baby are in a clean environment, Room sanitized air cleaner and keep all the ill people away from the baby.... Sounds like a safety inspection visit will be a must soon.
Some times your own family can be your worst enemies :angry7:

Willing to join in on a recon mission spaz 8)

I wish that would be the case but every place they lives so far, they stunk so bad from the cats and ferrets.
They don't even realize how bad they stink because they are nose dead to it.

I told her she better get rid of the freaking animals before that baby comes home but I doubt it.
She already had ther cat sleeping in the baby crib. freaking assclowns.

Mike, I will cal you if recon is needed..LOL.
I wish that would be the case but every place they lives so far, they stunk so bad from the cats and ferrets.
They don't even realize how bad they stink because they are nose dead to it.

I told her she better get rid of the freaking animals before that baby comes home but I doubt it.
She already had ther cat sleeping in the baby crib. freaking assclowns.

Mike, I will cal you if recon is needed..LOL.

Cats are very dangerous around a baby. They are attracted to the smell of milk on the babys breath, and will sniff around the babys mouth. Sometimes, when they do this, they may lay down on the babys chest, which can suffocate the baby because it may not be strong enough to push the cats weight up when it breathes. Please make your daughter aware of this.
Welcome to the 'Old Farts Club'.I have a 6 week old healthy grandson and I send best wishes and good fortune for the little guy.
Cats are very dangerous around a baby. They are attracted to the smell of milk on the babys breath, and will sniff around the babys mouth. Sometimes, when they do this, they may lay down on the babys chest, which can suffocate the baby because it may not be strong enough to push the cats weight up when it breathes. Please make your daughter aware of this.

I made her aware of so much stuff during the last 10 years.
She's the type of person to drive off a cliff just to see what would happen despite numerous adults telling her what the outcome might be.