is this right ? (alternator wires)



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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so, Im finally making some leadway on the duster
I dropped the 360 in and I was in the process of hooking up all the wires when I did this

it sure felt right and the wires "fall" in that spot naturally
(the blue and green ones)

but that left me with these two wires, about a foot out and at the very end of the loom

I cant remember for the life of me where they went, but with them being the larger wires I would expect them to go on the alternator

any input would be appreciated
(car started out as a 71 /6 A/C car)
there is one horn in the car, it is hooked up and there is indeed a second connector there
that is a different part of the wire loom though (think it runs through the fender maybe?
Can't tell much from small pic but how about temp sending unit on front of intake manifold and pressure sensor on top of drier (if you have an AC car).
Can't tell much from small pic but how about temp sending unit on front of intake manifold and pressure sensor on top of drier (if you have an AC car).

if you click on the picture it should open in a new tab, fullsized

in the first picture you can then see a red wire running towards the valvecover
once it gets close to the valvecover a little black insulator can be seen
that is the wire that goes to the temp sensor

ill check the drier tomorrow

do the smaller gauge wires look like they should be attached to the alternator though ?
The isolated field alternator should have exactly 3 wires on it; blue, green and black.

The A/C clutch would have had 1, 18DBL wire
The horns should be 16ga,DGN
The CTS should be 18violet
allright guys I got it figured out
(and by "i got it figured out" I mean that a fellow member hot rod valiant) stopped by and gave me a hand)

the two larger wires (shown in the second picture) go to some part of the AC system, mounted just behind the passengerside headlight
Must be low pressure switch, but without knowing colors, that's juz' a wild guess
they look brown and grey in the picture, but ill check in the morrow