It must be nice to have money.

I bet when he was on facebook in his parents basement he had his pants at his ankles and he was all squinty eyed doin the 5 knuckle shuffle!! Get em off your facebook for crying out loud
I dunno how he was on there cuz I definately didn't add him. But he aint anymore!!
at school?
oh good then.. in these times you should have said fk that and pressed charges to the max and sue him.

then later toss a dead fish in his car, or fill the cowl with ****.
Mom didnt wanna do that. She said it was wrong by God. Which I didn't believe. He and his rich *** definately had enough money to pay
The guy sounds like a punk. And I would like to tell you something personally about money. I was at one time very wealthy, I gave most of it away to others in need. Why?........ because it brings a lot of problems, false friends, and frankly it made me miserable. I would rather dig ditches than work with pricks like that guy. Lifes joy is found through Christ, hard work, family, and of course MOPARS. Christopher.:-D
I'd pop his oil plug and throw it as far as I could....or just reach up and remove the FILTER and throw that!!!
when the kid gets splattered on the ducati, you'll have the last laugh. it's comin, too.
i remember back in highschool

The most poplar guy drove this late 80's early 90's mustang cobra. Always talked about how fast his car was.

One day that i was cutting class i seen his car parked outside school ... i pulled out the jack in my truck ... jacked up the rear tires on his mustang just a smidge off the pavement and put some blocks under the axle.
Which in turn he could drive as fast as he wanted and would go no where.

School let out and everyone went to their vehicles to leave. He happened to park beside all the buses so all the kids could see his car and him getting into the mustang. All his buddies were around getting into their vehicles because they were in a car club so they did everything together The jacked up mustang guy was the ring leader. I watched as he tried to drive away and going no where. He got out of his car ... looked under his car ... jumped back in and tried to leave again, but for some reason his car would not move. He opened the door and looked at his rear tires and put it in drive and he watched the tires spinning and his mustang still in the same spot. He revved it up more trying to drive away, but no success. Finally he shut it down and his buddies pointed out what the problem was.
I found out later that a tow truck had to come to help him off the blocks. Guess he did not have a jack in his car for his spare tire? Or his buddies and himself had no jacks? at home? never understood that one.

I am not sure if he ever figured out who did it yet. Oh the wait till highschool reunion lol
at least you can fix your own posessions when they break down! Keep your head up and he'll get the message when you blow his doors off one day
DarTT You should reply something like this : Yeah its a junker you are right and I really need to get mommy and daddy to buy me a new Camaro and fix it up for me so I can be just as cool as you !
I remember those guys from high school and such. they were all daddy built this and that all i had was my little dakota v6. Now i am 30 i see the same guys with 2 x wives and barley a job While i have worked hard and appreciate everything i have. It is far from perfect but blessed is the Son that builds his dad a car no as much the other way around
there are many like this person.they feel like they are entitled to day mommy and daddy will get tired of paying the bills and he will have to get a job.many like him have come to work for me....AND I BREAK ALL OF i can promise you one day he will meet someone like me and they will break him, physically or mentally or both,thats if he dont splatter himself first.besides he didnt have the stones to say it to your face.and even if he did who really gives a crap what he thinks of your ride?im the only one that has to like my car.and you should enjoy yours regardless of what others the end youll have something to be proud of no matter how humble its beginning is.....
It's assholes like this that I always loved to race. My town is full of em.

One guy in particular would build a new sbc for his '78 Camaro every summer. Four summers in a row he would up the ante with his builds trying to beat me, while my extremely mild 440 in my car stayed the same. His final incarnation was a 406 with AFR heads, tunnel ram, 13-1 pistons, huge solid cam, and 2" headers.

Our first race early in the summer with this new 406, we lined up and his car sounded mean as hell, but it fell on its face at the start. He complained that he was undergeared, so we agreed to race again in a few weeks or so. He went to the bank and got a huge loan, bought a brand new Nash 5 speed, and put 4.88's in the rear. We raced again and his car was alot quicker, but I still beat him by like 3 car lengths.

After the race he didn't return to talk, he just turned a corner and beat the crap out of his car all the way home. Never saw him out again that night.

Nowadays when I see him around town, even 15 years later he still gets all defensive and pissy if I bring up street racing.

My advice for your Dart - build a kickass 408 stroker or a big block, but keep it understated and stock looking. Nothing more satisfying than catching arrogant assholes by surprise and teaching them a little humility.
Personally, I'm not a fan of all the talk of taking it out on the dude's car. The car didn't do anything wrong - the punk did. Destroying somebody's car is hardly justified just because they talked smack about yours. Even if you count the punch in the face, I don't think that thousands of dollars of engine repairs would be considered justice. As far as the smack talk, just leave it be. Your car will stand on its own when it's done. As for the punch in the face... well... what goes around comes around. I'm sure you two will end up in the same men's room some day. People fall down. *shrug*

Do yourself a favor. Don't let that kind of frustration tempt you into doing something that could cause you more trouble than you need.
It's assholes like this that I always loved to race. My town is full of em.

One guy in particular would build a new sbc for his '78 Camaro every summer. Four summers in a row he would up the ante with his builds trying to beat me, while my extremely mild 440 in my car stayed the same. His final incarnation was a 406 with AFR heads, tunnel ram, 13-1 pistons, huge solid cam, and 2" headers.

Our first race early in the summer with this new 406, we lined up and his car sounded mean as hell, but it fell on its face at the start. He complained that he was undergeared, so we agreed to race again in a few weeks or so. He went to the bank and got a huge loan, bought a brand new Nash 5 speed, and put 4.88's in the rear. We raced again and his car was alot quicker, but I still beat him by like 3 car lengths.

After the race he didn't return to talk, he just turned a corner and beat the crap out of his car all the way home. Never saw him out again that night.

Nowadays when I see him around town, even 15 years later he still gets all defensive and pissy if I bring up street racing.

My advice for your Dart - build a kickass 408 stroker or a big block, but keep it understated and stock looking. Nothing more satisfying than catching arrogant assholes by surprise and teaching them a little humility.

Thats the plan with my 360 when I rebuild it when I have the money
Disguise it as a stock 360. Not like it is anything to worry about, he is so big of a dolt, he'd never look under the hood. I could tell him a 440 was a 360 and he would never know better. I dont blame him either. Its hard to see anything with your head so far up your own ***
Personally, I'm not a fan of all the talk of taking it out on the dude's car. The car didn't do anything wrong - the punk did. Destroying somebody's car is hardly justified just because they talked smack about yours. Even if you count the punch in the face, I don't think that thousands of dollars of engine repairs would be considered justice. As far as the smack talk, just leave it be. Your car will stand on its own when it's done. As for the punch in the face... well... what goes around comes around. I'm sure you two will end up in the same men's room some day. People fall down. *shrug*

Do yourself a favor. Don't let that kind of frustration tempt you into doing something that could cause you more trouble than you need.
Im not, Im sure he will drop his engine into neutral one day and gun it and a piston will play peek-a-boo on his heads
What a stupid idiot. Pay no attention to him. He'll get his...He'll most likely die on that Ducati, although I would never wish that on anybody. LOL I agree with draining his oil...NOW THAT would be classic!!!
When I was in high school all the rich kids had mini-trucks. My first car was a 74 Dart Swinger. My Junior year a friend was going to body school and he took my car in for a school project. Put on a quarter and painted it Vitamin-C orange. It turned out SWEET! When I got it all togather for my Senior year all the mini-truck guys started ripping on my newly done car. That didnt bother me, but when they started putting "CRUZIN" stickers on my car thats when I snapped. I told my metal shop teacher that I had left the plans to my new project in my car, he gave me a note to go to the parking lot and get it. I cut off all the valve stems to all 6 trucks and put then in the main guys locker. Its a good thing that I had some big friends, cause I think I'd still be in pain from the beating I would have taken, hahaha
Not to get all "koom-by-yah" on ya but if you get upset you are letting a little twerp control your emotions. Just 'delete' him from your thoughts entirely. He means nothing to you.
Thats the plan with my 360 when I rebuild it when I have the money
Disguise it as a stock 360. Not like it is anything to worry about, he is so big of a dolt, he'd never look under the hood. I could tell him a 440 was a 360 and he would never know better. I dont blame him either. Its hard to see anything with your head so far up your own ***

Definitely downplay what you have. If you can get away with telling him your 360 is a 318, go for it.
I wouldn't wish the guy would wreck or get hurt.. It would suk though if someone poured a mountain dew in his gas tank, those camaro gas tanks are a b!tch to get off...