John Force Crashes in Texas



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
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John Force and Kenny Bernstein crashed at the finish line in Texas today.
Force has 2 broken legs and arm/hand injuries and was airlifted from the track. The car was broken in half and the front half continued along the guardrail to the sand trap. Se the video on Mike
Sorry to see this,John is a good guy.
My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.
He'll take it like the Pro he is.

Best of luck to ya John!

Hope all is well with Kenny as well.
Watchin the tape delay stuff right now, Looks, like John's got a multitude of broken bones/fractures. Nothing life threatning, but looks like he'll be out for quite a while.

Speedy Recovery John, I'm sure everyone is wishin you well !
That's too bad. I'll have to try to catch it if I can get my daughter to go to bed.
Seen it myself!! and it looked like something broke on Kenny's car and then ran into John after the shoot opened
John did win because Kenny crossed the center line.
I always like seeing John talk on tv he is a great man and he will be back before you know it.

Do yall remember the commercial he did when he said "His crew gets feed good" and then takes a bite out of an apple.:thumbup:

The best to his family and crew and to Kenny that has to be mentally hurting. :sad1:
Speedy recovery Mr John Forse. Your fans will always be here.:thumbup:
Technically John didn't crash with Kenny, only the front half of Johns car did. When John hit the chutes the backhalf of the car tore loose from the front half right at the front of the seat. That's why his legs were hurt, they were hagging out exposed.

I grew up in La/Orange county around John and met him on several occasions over the years since the 70's. I was watching the race on ESPN when it happened. Kenny's car crossed the centerline and kicked the time sensor housing across John's lane, bounched of the wall and hitting John's car just before he pulled the shoots blowing a tire and sending John in front of Kenny who hit John and split the car in half.
A former teammate was there in the aftermath and reported John saying "Did we win, did we move up the points?", one track mind, gotta love John's devotion and passion to what he does for a living!
John's chassis failed. We seen this in numberous top fuel cars and now we are starting to see it in a funny car. Just like when it happened to the dragsters, NHRA will find a fix for it and thank god that like the dragsters John was not seriously hurt.

Guess I need to watch the replay.

Did the chassis fail by itself, or did something add to it's failure at the end of the race?
The chassis failed just as it blew a tire or did the tire blow because the chassis failed? it really doesn't matter. But the force of the chutes tore it loose completely. If you look at the crash in slow motion just as the rear section brakes loose and rolls back you can see John's legs straight up out of the car, it is a very dis-hearting view. I believe that his wrist was dislocated by the force of getting his hands torn away from the steering yoke. They grip those yokes very hard and having that thing instantly ripped from your hands is going to pull something out. The abrasions are from his suit getting worn thru from the pavement. This has been a very trying year for team Force and I am glad that he will live to see another day.

I was watching as well and it appeared that the block hit and tires blew just as the chute came out. The back half stayed on the left side wall while the front end and body crossed over and hit Kenny. Someone said, in an interview, that this is the area that was redesigned after Medlins wreck.
Good luck and get well soon John!
I wonder just what this is going to do to Force racing for the
rest of the season. He was doing well in the points.
Seem like the whole team has a black cloud hanging over it.
I recently read an article regarding NHRA's slowness to adopt composite technology in the TF classes. Maybe this will encourage them to look at new technology in an effort to fix the problem.
you no these guys are playing with some serios stuff only a matter of time i really hope john gets out of this ok what a bummer man he always says things like they are a good person fun to watch some one that kicks *** alot

from the anderson family to yours dude hope you all pull through ok man since. us and every one else:goodman:
I was watching NASCAR while waiting for drag racing to start at 5 pm when I saw the screen "infobar" roll by and say that John Force was hurt and had to be flown to the hospital. Not good. Once NHRA started, they said they were on time delay and would give updates on John's condition.

It looked as though Kenny B's car hit the timing block and shot it across the lane which blew Forces's tire at the same time he pulled the chutes. The back half separated and the front half careened into Kenny's car. Really bad all around for both drivers. They interviewed Kenny and he seemed to have it pretty well together considering, but was not happy, nor was his wife. I probably would have crapped my pants having another car swing into my lane at 200+ MPH, and would have been shaking like a leaf. Kenny said that this is a business and a dangerous way to make a living and he was hoping Force was OK. It was truly creepy to see the front half of John's car slide driverless along the wall and and into the sand. After the race, I picked up my copy of this month's Hot Rod magazine and and finished reading the last 10 or so pages. There, on the very last page (inside back cover), was a picture of Ashley Forces big crash when she hit the retaining wall. Who was she racing? Kenny Bernstein. Double creepy.

Anyway, thank Goodness JF's injuries, although serious, were not life threatening. Drag racing would not be the same without him. Also, thank Goodness that KB is OK too. My prayers go out to both teams. It's a dangerous sport and this was an accident that happened to two of the most famous and experienced drivers in the NHRA that I just can't believe could have been forseen and prevented. :sad1:
If you watch carefully you see the blocks that Kenny kicked up fly behind John's car. They did not hit it or his tires. Something on John's car failed big time and it was the left rear, not the right rear, that blew first and really tore the car up. it will be interesting to see what they find as they look over the car.