just a little down



in the tire smoke
Sep 21, 2007
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well guys ive been out of work for about 3ths now under doc. care and all that could go wrong has ins. company is trying to $hit me and short term disa. is doing just the same...as far as going back to work the doct. says some time in april...wife is working like a dog and its hard on her...bills are falling way behind and dont see anyway to come out of the hole thats been dug....im ready to go to work as far as i care i can do the job but at what cost..i either fall behind more or just suck it up and go back to work and deal with the pain.....i work hard but with the economy falling out like it did then out for surgery it has taken everything that i had along with break downs on the truck(dump) and payments . im down to 0 and see no other way to try and get back on track.....im just at a lost now dont know which way to go..wait for the doct. and the ins. comp. to do what they want when they want or just get up and out and worrie about what happen when it happen....sorry guys just at a lost right now just got to the point about 2.5 wks ago where i can get up and out by myself.....(rant over for now sorry ):munky2:
Sorry to hear your troubles.On the up side,the economy is making a comeback.Insurance sure like to put the screws to ya when your down,but have no problems accepting your money.Good Luck and hope you heal fast and get back on track.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Feel free to rant whenever you like ... that's what family does, and we're here for you.
were here for ya bro....get dr's ok to install foot up insurance co's :bootysha:....nah just get on the phone and install it anyway....dr. can get it back out
i want to say you guys are the best makes me want to cry...i visit alot of boards but i must say that by far abodies is #######11111111 all the way..is not all that crazy whos right or wrong and all the (how has the biggest balls here) and i like it alot...i see alot of others from other boards coming over as well...thanks for the kind words form all.
I wish you and your family the best through your tough times and try to think positive, things will work themselves out. If I had a million dollars, I would send some your way but I don't, tough here to!!! Sometimes posting here on FABO makes you feel alot better. Good luck and I hope your health gets better!
I am going through something similar, my pops is very sick and I had to leave my job to care for him.

Now the savings are gone. I need to find work but there is nothing that would pay better than the unemployment, which already is not enough.

As for your medical bills, go to the hospital and talk to a social worker. Ask about setting up medicaid benefits because you will go bankrupt if they don't do something or at least make some kind of affordable payment plan.

But Medicaid is the best bet.

Hope that helps.
thanks all for the words it really makes a person feel good inside......:cheers:
Call the Patient Financial Services department at the hospital and explain your situation. I am sure you will qualify at a minimum for reduced charges/hospital charity care.

Its worth a call. Then like mentioned above the hospital representative can assist you in filling out the necessary paperwork for Medicaid.
been off cents dec. 4 my fault , but other members been real suportive and helpful. a little rant helps sometime. hope you get beter soon. als
I have just gone through a similar situation with hip surgery gone bad.......just try to take it one day at a time....you will get to the other side of it.
Hang in there. I have gone through some rough times as well. I've been off with life treatening surgeries,strikes and, closeures. It may not seem like it right now but, everything happens for a reason and you will end up better off in the end. As far as the situation with Al, Due to him being off he definitely did the right thing. He will end up better off I'm sure of it.
A prayer sent your way earthmover, Things sure can change in our life's real quick some time's and it's no picnic is it, I hope the doctors and ins co. get there heads pulled out of there but's and help you get this straitened out.
There is some good advice here for ya and I know the feeling of watching your wife walk out the door to go to work and you are there alone to deal with your day.
You jump in here and rant away anytime earthmover 8) This site sure has filled a big void in my life and take it one day at a time is all we can do.
I am here everyday so jump on in and keep your mind on something that can help your days feel easier to deal with.
I look at folks that are worse off and it builds my spirit to try and keep my chin up and and try and keep a smile on.
I pray for a change in your life soon bud.
Hang in there brother. You MUST allow yourself time to heal. It's great to hear that your wife is stepping up to the plate to help out as much as she can, she sounds like a great lady.
I was off for 4 weeks this past november/ december with the H1N1 and am still struggling with it from time to time.
Being a member here has it's benefits, there are a lot of people here that are like family to me, and it's good therapy for all of us.
Good luck and take care of yourself. 4 months will be over before you know it. Things will get better before they get worse!
We are all with ya earthmover, in the same boat here between the weather and the economy things are tight. We have to grin and bare it and its no fun but I have hope that we will come out of it. If we go down we go down together.
I'm praying for things to get to get better for ya earthmover.I can say that it's a big thing to have a wife like yours by your side through this.She's a special lady and you need to be strong for her.Hope things get better and don't hesitate to vent a little.We're here for ya,that's what family does.
Earthmover prayers for you and your family and a speedy recovery. The ranting is a good way to vent things and just get a few Mopar friends to lift you up a bit.

I had a stroke a few years ago and I want to share this with you and everyone.

The time I had the stroke I was left with seizure, memory loss and other health problems. I didnt know weather I was coming or going.

I took one trip to a majior Hospital to find the cause and took one look around and saw little kids that had never seen before and ones who have never walked.

The kids where laughing and joking as they where prepping to go for surgery to be able to see or walk for the first time.

I also heard a few get the news that they wouldnt be able to have the surgery to have things done to help them.

I looked at my family and said to them what ever test they want to run or do to me I will never say anything about it again.

Those kids gave me strength that day and it still keeps me going.

Keep your head up and prayers for you and yours.
Hang it there pard.
Take the time to heal properly, then give um hell.
The work will be there when your ready.
Earthmover, you have my prayers.

I've got a few health issues going on here, too, which allows me to relate to a certain extent.

My philosophy has been that I'll take care of what I can today and let the Good Lord worry about tomorrow.

Hang in there, it will get better. For all the bills we may owe, for all the problems we may have outside our houses, inside our houses we still have our families and friends.