Just chased down snowmobilers



Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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Please if any of you ride stay off the fields planted with winter wheat. I chased them down with the tractor being they would not stop. I now know where they live and would like let you guys know dont destroy a farmers crop. They did appologize after I chased them all the way home and claim it wont happen again. I also drug trees across the side they came in to hopefully stop that from happening again.
Please if any of you ride stay off the fields planted with winter wheat. I chased them down with the tractor being they would not stop. I now know where they live and would like let you guys know dont destroy a farmers crop. They did appologize after I chased them all the way home and claim it wont happen again. I also drug trees across the side they came in to hopefully stop that from happening again.

People should stay off other people's property unless they have permission to be there. Hopefully they will do as they say and you get a bumper crop.
Yup, happens here all the time, these guy's don't understand how hard the clubs work to get trails ran through "PRIVATE" property, sorry to hear that man good luck.
You need to do more than talk to 'em. You need to get whatever law enforcement has jurisdiction, get them out there and have a serious talk, and make CLEAR that IF this EVER happened again, you will press tresspassing charges and sue for material damages.

Are these culprits under age? Might be time to 'xplain a few things to their parents.
You need to do more than talk to 'em. You need to get whatever law enforcement has jurisdiction, get them out there and have a serious talk, and make CLEAR that IF this EVER happened again, you will press tresspassing charges and sue for material damages.

Are these culprits under age? Might be time to 'xplain a few things to their parents.
They were both of age. I made them aware it is posted no tresspassing and told them I am pretty good with the 12 gauge.
Use to live in Upstate New York when I was a kid (New Delta Terrace outside of Lee Center). Every year people would come up and run through the fields-sometimes after getting lit up at Furney's Tavern...and every year atleast one or two riders would get decapitated when they hit the fences.

Taught me a couple of valuable lesson when I was pretty young!
I slung a ax through some dudes hood once because of the same thing. I was aiming for his helmet.
Something like that happened on my folks property.
My dad came home one day and heard a chainsaw in the woods behind their house.
He grabbed his 32 S/W and took a walk out there. He thought someone was cutting and haul out cedar. It turn out to be one of the neighbors (who was a prick) cutting a new snowmobile through the property. There was an old logging trail he let folks use,
but this was in a different spot.
Dad asked him what the hell he thought he was doing. The guy said I didn't think you would mind. Dad told him to get his a$$ off the property and not come back or next time he'd call the cops.
Dad block off the other trail too. So this guy screwed it up for the rest of them too.

Man my dad was pissed mostly cause the a$$ did even ask for permission before he started cutting trees.

Some people just don't have respect for other people's property.
around here ,the jerks run 4x4 trucks through snow covered fields. i guess they think they have the ultimate 4x4. i wish we could catch some of them, would be nice to slash a 1500$ set of tires. just a matter of time.
around here ,the jerks run 4x4 trucks through snow covered fields. i guess they think they have the ultimate 4x4. i wish we could catch some of them, would be nice to slash a 1500$ set of tires. just a matter of time.
Time to go to the rock pile.
Put law enforcement on them. Until a couple get fined and the word gets out to their friends they won't stop. One or two guys like that and the landowners close the trails for all of us that respect their property.
Here in town. Up here in the god forsaken northwoods. The snowmobilers can
cun the streets TO the nearest trail. That dosn't mean on my lawn and clearly paved driveway. I had to put up signs on each end of the property line
and banner flags to stop them from running the lawns in the neighborhood.
Now one of the kids has a four wheeler. I'd say about 45 in a 25 zone.
What next!:banghead:
This makes me sad, with so many groomed trails and clubs there is no need to abuse others property. My family has been avid snowmobilers for years and longtime OFSC members. I've seen this type of thing for decades and can't see any way of stopping it. It should be left to the authorities.
I personally have nothing against snowmobiles, but I do have something against the azzholes that ride them.

I live in a little lake community, and there was a guy who lived down the street with a very loud and fast racing snowmobile. He would typically wait until about 11:00pm to get it out and make laps around the neighborhood. I live on a small straightaway and he would come around the corner and hit the gas for all it was worth.

Now, my house is about 10' from the road and Nella's bedroom is on that side of the house facing the road. I couldn't take it anymore so when I heard him coming down the road (you could hear him coming a mile away), I went out in the road with my 1,000,000 candle powered floodlight and waited for him to round the corner and gun it. Then I hit the light!!! He was all over the road trying to stop, and probably thought it was the cops, which may have been better for him in the long run!! I lit into him like a windwill in a tornado and told him if I EVER heard that snowmobile even start (which you could from a mile away) I would be down there with my sledgehammer and promised to box it up for him and shove it up his....

Never heard that machine run again, and the azz moved a short time later!!!Good riddance!! Geof

Oh, did I mention he was also on my golf league?? Yep, he was an azz there too!!!
Well dun Geof :cheers: a reality check is good for these azzes :hello2:
This made me think of the song from the 60s (or maybe the early 70s), "Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs." Can't remember who the artist was. But there was a line in the song that went something like, 'I saw a sign that said 'keep out, trespassers shot on sight'. So I jumped the fence and said "Hey man what gives you the right?" Or words to that effect.

I know it's just a song, but there are people out there who believe property owners should not have the right to control their own property.
Reminds me of the *** who strung barbed wire across the entrance to a popular public dirt bike riding area when I was a kid. He almost took my friend's head off ... he ended up with almost 300 stitches.

Your situation is a bit different since they're riding on YOUR land, but think of the consequences of your tree placement to somebody hauling azz on a motor vehicle and being surprised at what's in front of them.
Hate that you had some trespassers but please let me know if you would like a property respecting hunter to come take care of any deer or geese that are destroying the wheat..I would be glad to help take care of the problem. I pick up all empty shell hulls ( no littering)and do not drive off the roads..
Please if any of you ride stay off the fields planted with winter wheat. I chased them down with the tractor being they would not stop. I now know where they live and would like let you guys know dont destroy a farmers crop. They did appologize after I chased them all the way home and claim it wont happen again. I also drug trees across the side they came in to hopefully stop that from happening again.

One word: "Claymore". :D
Reminds me of the *** who strung barbed wire across the entrance to a popular public dirt bike riding area when I was a kid. He almost took my friend's head off ... he ended up with almost 300 stitches.

Your situation is a bit different since they're riding on YOUR land, but think of the consequences of your tree placement to somebody hauling azz on a motor vehicle and being surprised at what's in front of them.

I would have no problem with them riding on the land and I made them aware of that. Just stay the hell off my crop because that cost me money. The trees I drug across the entrance where the wheat is I nailed No Tresspassing signs to. Today they have not went near the crop but if it happens again the state police will be out and prosecution for destruction of property will happen.
Riders really need to respect other peoples property, I sold my sled about 7 years ago, but have been thinking about getting another, most of the ridding I do is cross country, I HATE the groomed trails because that is where all the drunks from out of town are riding and putting other peoples life in jeopardy around every turn, the back woods cross country trails that only the "loacals" know about are the most fun, but never fails every year one more spot is marked no trespassing and we have to find a new way around, and 9 timed out of 10 it's because some dip wad decided that it would be fun to go off the trail and tear something up, sometimes it's z new house went up or the owners sold/died and new owners don't want it, but if we can all just be respectful we can have fun trails to ride for years to come
I live to far south to have a snowmobile, But I had a 4 wheeler and a 3 wheeler, and I always asked for permission to cross anyones land, even my own relatives.. But I did have problems on my place in Ky with dirtbikers and 4 wheelers.. Fence wouldn't cut it because they would tear it down.. But I can tell ya a 2" x 6" x 10' with 3" spikes in it buried in the ground. Flattens all the fun for anyone.. Try it! It really works... Makes anyone either stay on the trails or guess what if they get off the trail where's the next 2" x 6"...!
