Just Got Back From the Police Station.

[-Xwell I was in a situation like that a few years back crazy fool yelling and flipping me off because he was not going to let me into traffic but he dialed up the wrong number ..my house was in forecloser and I was out work long story short 1000 dollars and 10 days in jail I dont think ether one of us will go there again LOL (never get out of car)
Well I didn't plan on getting out of my car and leave my wife in there alone....cuz what if he did have a weapon I didn't see....guess what, now my wife is alone with a whack job and a weapon.

95teetee, I would constitute 30 ft from being nowhere near the dude, that's from the back of our jeep to the front of his ram. I could be wrong, but when I'm already through the turn and looking in my rear mirror and he's still in the turn I'd say I may have been even more further ahead than that. Regardless, just cuz I may have squeaked across the line a tad doesn't justify his actions, that kind of stuff happens everyday. Imagine his anger if I actually "cut him off" completely, even if it was by accident!
It seems that some people on here think that I did this on purpose or trying to get this guy ticked off or something. It was just my wife and I trying to go get some dinner, sheesh.

Well, and the police seem to think I did the right thing, so I guess that's all that matters really.
Well I didn't plan on getting out of my car and leave my wife in there alone....cuz what if he did have a weapon I didn't see....guess what, now my wife is alone with a whack job and a weapon.

95teetee, I would constitute 30 ft from being nowhere near the dude, that's from the back of our jeep to the front of his ram. I could be wrong, but when I'm already through the turn and looking in my rear mirror and he's still in the turn I'd say I may have been even more further ahead than that. Regardless, just cuz I may have squeaked across the line a tad doesn't justify his actions, that kind of stuff happens everyday. Imagine his anger if I actually "cut him off" completely, even if it was by accident!
It seems that some people on here think that I did this on purpose or trying to get this guy ticked off or something. It was just my wife and I trying to go get some dinner, sheesh.

Well, and the police seem to think I did the right thing, so I guess that's all that matters really.

No way dude. Not saying you did it on purpose. You did do the right thing by calling 911. No doubt about it. It's more of a "events leading up to" analysis. Take it from some folks who've been there and have made some less than stellar decisions in the past. (I have the scars to prove it). Just trying to help so you and your lovely wife can enjoy many more dinners.
I was leaving work one day. I looked left and there was a car way up the hill. The speed limit was 60kmh so I had plenty of time. I turn right going down the hill and I generally get up to speed ASAP. I look back and this car is riding my ***. For him to get that close that fast be would have had to be doing over double the limit. IT was some little souped up Honda, red in color, with a dorky wing on the back.

But I keep doing 70kmh down the hill and he's still on my ***. At the bottom it goes into two lanes. He whips out, speeds just ahead, and then tries forcing me off the road.

I SO BADLY wanted to PIT him, why I didn't I'll never know. I was in my junky Ford Taurus so the little bit of damage wouldn't have mattered.

This is why I started mounting a dash cam in the Dart though.
No way dude. Not saying you did it on purpose. You did do the right thing by calling 911. No doubt about it. It's more of a "events leading up to" analysis. Take it from some folks who've been there and have made some less than stellar decisions in the past. (I have the scars to prove it). Just trying to help so you and your lovely wife can enjoy many more dinners.
YEP and a police record :banghead:
????? 64 SRT8 Dart, I'm not saying you were wrong. Just said I would have let him pass you, that's it. You did the right thing by calling the police.
One day someone will give this guy a near death experience that he will always remember. He will become a model citizen after that....

No, he won't. People like that don't learn. They either kill someone or get killed themselves.

Best to not be involved in either.
Sweet so 35" tires means I'm a Redneck, good to know....


No way dude. Not saying you did it on purpose. You did do the right thing by calling 911. No doubt about it. It's more of a "events leading up to" analysis. Take it from some folks who've been there and have made some less than stellar decisions in the past. (I have the scars to prove it). Just trying to help so you and your lovely wife can enjoy many more dinners.

Thanks Revhendo,
I mean, sure I've thought about it, re-thought about it over and over again. I believe someone mentioned about maybe turning down a side street or something, well on that road the only turnoffs are into business parking lots, so even if I did that to let him by the first time, I'm pretty sure the guy would still have tried to pull some sort of idiocy as he was pretty intent on getting his stupidity across.

Another thing, I've thought about is, the decision to speed up the first time. I guess that's just my way of getting out of the situation as well, kinda the "well I'll just outrun the dummy." I believe some people will make the decision to just stop and get out of the way and some (like me) will get out of the way by leavin em behind, so to speak...if that makes sense. Especially having the faster of the two vehicles. And since he was so intent to get to me and sped up as well, well, I just let him by the second time and then the following situation insued. Either way, he was gonna be stupid.
He instigated this when going for a stupid pass...
Can you honestly say gassing it back wasn't just a little bit of an "F U A-Hole!"?
I don't think ANYONE here HASN'T done it (Lord knows I have too many times probably).
Luckily, you had the sense to not let it escalate further. You may have slightly contributed, but took the right course of action before it got too far out of hand.

Oh, and why do we end up bashing Rednecks...This guy was just an @sshole!
Let's not give Rednecks a bad name...
Thanks Revhendo,
...........................Another thing, I've thought about is, the decision to speed up the first time. I guess that's just my way of getting out of the situation as well, kinda the "well I'll just outrun the dummy." I believe some people will make the decision to just stop and get out of the way and some (like me) will get out of the way by leavin em behind, so to speak...if that makes sense. Especially having the faster of the two vehicles. And since he was so intent to get to me and sped up as well, well, I just let him by the second time and then the following situation insued. Either way, he was gonna be stupid.................
You didn't leave him behind! You just pissed him off. It's like you poked a stick in the Monkeys cage. If you would have punched it and left the guy in the dust we wouldn't be having this discussion. But you wanted to get involved with this Jackhole. You are putting yourself in bad situations and need to stop. End Of Story.
1 Simple rule for out on the roadways:
You didn't leave him behind! You just pissed him off. It's like you poked a stick in the Monkeys cage. If you would have punched it and left the guy in the dust we wouldn't be having this discussion. But you wanted to get involved with this Jackhole. You are putting yourself in bad situations and need to stop. End Of Story.
1 Simple rule for out on the roadways:

Sorry but he was obviously already "pissed off" before I did anything further...so I don't know how that constitutes me "wanting to be involved with the guy"?
Maybe you should go back and read the first post. I was just trying to go have dinner with my wife....you're one of the dudes who seem to think I purposely picked this guy out to have a hayday with!:banghead:
Best advice you are going to get right here, because no matter how much of a bad *** you THINK you are there is always someone badder than you. Friend in AZ, his best bud is a Champion UFC fighter. They were going somewhere and someone got stupid with my friend and his buddy. My friend tried to calm everyone down, to no avail. The UFC guy did not take the first swing, but it only took one to be the last. Another buddy, who is a hell of a nice guy, is bi-polar. He has been thru court ordered anger management numerous times. He was driving his lifted f150. There was a merge and he let the guy in the right lane get in front of him. The next guy in the right lane tried to get in as well. And that was all it took to trigger a manic black out. My friend proceeded to push this guy out into the desert, sideways. Was gaining speed, they hit a rut and the car rolled several times. Was my friend right? Of course not. But with the amount of folks with mental illness's now-a-days, myself included, you just never know who you might run into. This is why what I quoted above should be a rule of life. You ever been around a person that is in a manic driven black out? There has been several occasions where when reality finally settled back in for me and my wife, friend, bystander has said damn dude, do you have any clue as to what you just did. Years ago was walking thru a parking lot and some dude bumped into me. Next thing I remember I was in the back of a cop car and the guy was sitting in the back of an ambulance, with a piece of his face missing. Cop I said I bit him........
I think everyone has stories like this and can definitely relate. I've wanted to chase a few a-holes down in the past and give them a whooping too.
Man I really feel for you in this tough situation. California is road rage central and especially Southern California where I reside. It's a tough situation considering the legal and physical ramifications if you would have exited the vehicle. I know a lot of guys are telling you to stay in the car but I must admit I probably would have made the mistake of getting out. I try to avoid all confrontations in life but the actions this guy took probably would have set me off.
I know how you feel 64 SRT8 Dart. My wife and I were at the Utah State Football game yesterday (Go Aggies!!!!) They are 8-2 btw. We were leaving the stadium and a couple of drunk guys are walking behind my mini van as we are trying to pull out. One of the smacks the back of my van with his hand and starts to run off. There is a cop standing right there with his car blocking traffic so we can pull out and he sees the entire thing. I hopped out to see if there is any damage and yell at the cop and point at the guy which is walking by now only 50 yards away. The cop just says "there is not much that I can do", so I say "so I guess that I should handle this myself?" He says "I wouldn't recommend it". My wife says "Your a grown man" and calms me down and we drive home. 10 years ago before the wife and 5 kids, I would left that guy bleeding on the parking lot. I am not an internet tough guy, but if the cops don't give a **** then someone needed to teach that guy a hard lesson jail or no jail.
But with the amount of folks with mental illness's now-a-days, myself included, you just never know who you might run into.

It's not just mental illnesses, it's also state of mind. Take me for instance. Sarah's first surgery, when the shunts and the biopsy were done, when we found the tumor back in May and she was on the table for 8 hours, my stress levels were so high there was no telling what I could do if someone even said the wrong word to me.

Flash forward a couple of days and my neighbor and I are walking across the local grocery store parking lot when a rather large woman with a car full of wanna-be thugs damn near hits me with her car. They all jump out and start spouting s*** at me about how they'd kick my ***. I'd just laughed it off. One little kid, about half my size, even made the comment that I "was his lightweight." That really made me laugh! When I told him I s*** bigger than him, they all flexed up to try to intimidate me. My neighbor's pulling me towards my car by my arm, telling me they aren't worth it.

Two different days, two different mindsets. On Friday all I could do was laugh at 'em. That Wednesday, though, I would have probably played Stretch Armstrong with the kid (Hey! His arms do come off!) and used the bloody arms to beat the other three to death. Without blinking an eye.

In hindsight that scares me.

And these guys acted all tough and s***.

I know for a fact they would have hit a wrecking ball and I would have wound up with four counts against me. All with no feelings whatsoever. That was my mindset that Wednesday. Good thing this happened a few days later.

Stress, grief, depression, can make a man do things that are out of character. My understanding now is that you never know what might going through the other guy's mind. He may be so wrapped up in something that he's acting it out on others. That's too bad. For as much as I've been through these past months, I've tried not to externalize. I've tried to treat others with respect, it's not their fault Sarah had a tumor, it's not their fault Sarah died. But not everyone can do that.

Since you never know what might be going through the other guy's head, the question is: do you really want his problems to become your problems?
And if you think it is bad in a car, ride a motorcycle. Like a newborn baby.....

Yep. When I first started riding, one of my friends (who also rode) gave me this one important piece of information.

"Half of the people on the road can't see you and the other half want to kill you."
Some guy thought I did him wrong about 2AM ( I know I didnt because I was designated driver that night) and I let him low pass me, tapping my brakes while he raced past me so it didnt look like I was taunting him. Luck has it that we both catch the red light next and I pull up next to him on the right and his pal in the back lifts up a shotgun and is staring me down. Well that was enough for me, I gun the motor to take off and he does the same so its a drag race now. I get about mid intersection, slam the brakes and make a hard left almost taking his rear bumper off. He has no where to go as I timed it so he would be past the center island then (thank God for that) and I floor it down the other street for the next mile. Damn the cops if they wanna pull me over, I'm getting the F out of here! You never know what your up against out there, and its never worth it.
(Sorry for the thread jack butit wasn't going anywhere anyway:?)

I completely agree with what everyone is saying about there will always be someone tougher, bigger and badder and what not. And, I know that there are many nut jobs out there and that I should be careful.
It's good to be reminded of that as much as I don't like to hear it, from guys like inkjunkie, revhendo, and the others who are not trying to be a smart-*** when they say it but that they are being serious.

However, there is no need to leave smart-*** comments like the above. If there's not anything goin anywhere in here anyways then find or start another thread. Don't try and make everyone else feel that what's been posted is unappreciated, unimportant, and a waste of time. :wack: