Just got screwed out of a car!!



Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2014
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Well this 69 Dart gt I've been telling everyone that I was getting is now NOT going to happen. Yesterday I got the text from the friend who was supposed to sell it to me and basically he got selers remorse before selling it. This was a garage kept car for 25 yrs that was his dad's that passed away 5 yrs ago and he was fnally going to let it go since he realized he wasn't going to do anything with. Well all of a sudden a "guy he knows" talked him out of selling it saying he'll help him rebuild it and once it's gone it's gone. I hate that!!!! I've put considerable time and energy researching on this website to learn soooo many things in regards to restoring this car all to have gone to waste. He knew full well this was going to be a project with my daughter for her first car, and we've been very close friends for the last 12 years which makes me even more upset, not to mention my daughter crying and being broken hearted. So I just wanted to say thanks to all of those who have contributed to my education in restoring an A body. It has surely been a pleasure.
If he keep it for that reason I can't blame him.There are ALOT of a bodies out there that need restoring maybe you will find another soon.I know it don't feel right but try not to let it come between yall and find another.Good Luck.
That bites that it happened and very disappointing for you and your daughter but stick around. We'll keep our eyes and ears open for you to find another car.
He has a sentimental attachment to the car since his dad owned it. I can certainly understand that and you should be able to also. Next time maybe you shouldn't build the situation up to your daughter until you have the car and title in your possession so she don't get hurt.
Sorry for the disappointment. There are plenty of them out there and maybe better ones.
Sometimes things work out for reasons beyond us. Maybe this is one of those cases?
I have a 67 GT with 53,000 mi I would part with if you want more info pm me
I've been in this hobby along time and what I've learned is you will always have deals fall through,another comes along right away. Keep your chin up.
I'vee been trying to buy this car for the past 9 yrs, when his dad was alive. It just sits in the garage, that's all. Over and over I've asked him if he was ever going to do anything with it and his response was always, one day when I get around to it. We're best of friends so this will not come between our friendship. The part that gets me is that he knew what I was doing with the car, the reasons why I was doing it and even offered to help if I needed it, he was happy to sell it to me knowing it was going to a good home and would be built right. It would be different if he didn't know my family and my daughter that grew up with him, etc. Just one guy he barely knows making a statement made this change. It just hurts. This is more than just a car for her and me. How many 14 yr old girls want to build a project with their dad? I mean the opportunity to build/restore your first car...How awesome is that!! So there is an empty hearted feeling around my house right now, kind of a taking the wind out of your sails type deal. I just feel let down.
Sorry for the disappointment. There are plenty of them out there and maybe better ones.
Sometimes things work out for reasons beyond us. Maybe this is one of those cases?

I agree, and even further it would be a great lesson for your daughter to see, be understanding of others and not react with anger, which isn't going to change things, and may tarnish a friendship.
I've been in this hobby along time and what I've learned is you will always have deals fall through,another comes along right away. Keep your chin up.
X2! It has happend to me twice in the past 6 months.
A deal fell through on a 67 coronet 500 that I had plans on and really wanted the car but it was the opposite then what the guy described it as...
A month later I found my 71 swinger for the same price and it was a hell of a deal...

A month ago I was supposed to go to PA and buy a 72 swinger and a 72 340 duster (Cars were listed on here) But the night before i made the 11 hour trip the guy told me he sold the cars to his buddy.........
Last week I found another 70 Dart swinger another hell of a deal and went and picked it up.....

Some times missing out on cars is a good thing because in the near future you will find a better car and a better deal. Check out CL there are PLENTY of decent cars out there that come up alot thats where I look and I look on here and find alot of good deals.
Keep your chin up another deal will come up! I will keep my eyes open for ya!
I went thru similar situations before also Mikey. I have to say, it worked out for the best for me on every occasion. Hopefully it will be the same for you and your Daughter.

I actually talked to one guy from the bank as I was pulling out the cash to bring to him. Everything was cool until 45mins later when I arrived at his house and no answer at the door. Waited a hour or so, and still nobody to be found. I called and called for the next two days. Finally got a older relative on the phone that told me the car was sold several days before. :violent1:. I was in the same mood you're in for a week or so, and then out of nowhere, the deal of the century fell in my lap. Keep your chin up, having some cash to spend, eventually, is a better position to be in then most of us...:D.
Unsuccessful in getting this particular car for 9 yrs, i would think you would be used to the idea of not getting it by now. I would have looked for another car way before now. Took me close to 15 yrs to get my swinger. car sat in garage doing nothing for years. Guy had actually given a buddy the word of when he decided to sell it he would have 1st refusal. Guess what? My father was there one day and the guy was having a bad day. Told my father he was hard up for cash and offered him the swinger. Been in our hands since. Rite time rite place.
And what type of car are you looking for?
PM me... I have quite a few builders laying around I may let go.. I also know where a few are.
let me know
Thanks, Justin
That is why I try not to mix business with friends or family. When some thing goes wrong it can cause issues in those relationships. But look on the bright side, now you can show him how that car would have been loved and cared for!

Plus items that have emotional attachments are always harder to buy. Just find someone who just sees it as a car and not a link to his/her late father.

Look for someone selling an Ex's car! LOL
Remember mikey, no knowledge gained is ever wasted. You'll use it soon enough. Good luck finding another and I really do believe that when one door closes another opens not too far behind.
It's often easier to do nothing than move on something, especially when sentimental attachment is involved! Given time, maybe he'll come around! In the meantime, find another gem, there's plenty out there, and one just right for you and your girl!! Good luck with your search! Geof
Hey I got a sweet 68 Valiant 2 door that would take some love from you and your daughter--Steve
People waffle all the time on things with sentimental value ...

However, since you guys are friends and you've made your interest clearly known for years, the sentimental mood swing could swing back your way ...

Be cool, don't burn any bridges, and see where it goes. He may "want" to fix it up himself now, but maybe after he thinks about it some more he may realize that he doesn't really want to afterall.
Hang in there man. You'll find the right project car. My twin daughters were on me to get a project car to build a few years back. We looked at dozens of cars, and had a couple deals fall through before we landed our Duster. They were 11 at the time, now 2 1/2 years later we look back and realize that it all worked out for the better. We got a better car than we thought we would for the money we budgeted and have had countless hours of good (and sometimes tough) times working on the car together. Keep a positive attitude and keep the search up beat. :D

Looking forward to seeing what you ultimately end up finding!

Be well,
There are other fish in the sea buddy.

Oh wait.... we're talking about Darts!:D nah but seriously, there are other cars out their. Just the fact that you got a 14 year old girl interested makes me wish I had a spare a body lying around to donate.

P.S. barracuda pun intended.
Went thru the very same thing with my brother-in-law and a Nomad. Was going to take a day off from work to go pay him, told me not to worry, he could wait until the following Sunday. Called him on that Sunday morning to tell him I was on the way...told me he sold it the night before....Just move on, aint no point in a holding a grudge over a car....