Justin Bieber in Denver


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
is anyone going?

Justin Bieber is coming to the Pepsi center in Denver on June 30 and i want to go, but i never really been to a concert like that before and i was wondering if anyone else is going or have ever been to any of his shows.

i have a chance to get tickets but its not set in concrete yet. :toothy7:

im pretty sure my family will let me go if i get more info.
Why would anyone want to waste money to see Justin Bieber?
I say if you enjoy his music and can make it happen, do it! Be young and have fun... carefully of course.:angel5:
i cant stand that disrespectful little punk..here read more http://www.forbbodiesonly.com/moparforum/showthread.php?47690-Beiber-is-a-boob&highlight=beiber

You want a Concert go to a Kiss Concert now that is a concert.
OK...loooks like i asked the wrong crowd :laughing:

i dont understand whats wrong with him, he makes catchy tunes and interesting videos

as far as him touching that girl like that.......thats 99.5 % men i know. its her fault for letting him do that, bcoz in U.S. and Canada if a girl says dont touch me, they will usually back off and the police actually help here.

at least he dont hit girls, that we know of. if he was a girl beater then i would say he is no good, but he is a typical boy. i wouldnt let him touch me like that but im sure there are hundreds of stupid girls out there that would let him....thats their problem.

i really want to go to this concert .....so does anyone have any helpful tips for safe concert going?

what do i need to look for and watchout for.........how do i know if the tickets are for good seating area.....are there hidden charges......stuff like that?
Rani, if you have never been to a big concert like this make sure you go with a friend who has or a family member, it's easy to get lost in he big crowds and be sure to stick together. Ticket master is a good place for tickets, I have never had issues buying from them, but, if it's gonna sell out you need to buy right when they open. I have not seen any hidden charges for tickets either.

I went to buy tickes online for Bob Seager and Kid Rock last week, (they are playing here in MN) I got on the computer an hour late and the tickets were all sold out though ticket master. Other sites buy tickets to resell them when this happens at higher prices, I looked into another site and the tickets were now marked up over $100 for a regular seat, total BS. I guess if you snooze you looze!!
My daughter would die to go.....but Colorado's a little far. Yeah, some of his songs are okay. It's just hard for us guys to separate that "teen heartthrob" image from his music, and that whole "look into my eyes" deal while he sings makes us hate him. BTW, my daughter is playing his music right now....LOL

I'd be her eternal hero if I got tickets tho'....
Might as well stay home and watch cheese mold . It would be more entertaining . Keep your cash in your sock , don't carry a purse or anything of value , and go online for seating charts . It should show whats good or bad seating . Any seating for that concert will be bad though , unless its in a parking lot 10 miles away .
wow there are still a lot of tickets avilable .....good seats are a little more expensive than i thought ......but if im going that far i might as well spend a little more and get better tickets.

i want my little sister to go with me but she dont understand any english so the songs dont mean anything to her.

and i have a friend from school but right now her dad wont let her go.

i need to plan this out carefully

Rani if you enjoy his music go.
Don't let these guys bother you.

I'm in my 50s and they wouldn't like some of the stuff I like either, as I don't some of theirs. Opinion are like belly buttons everybody's got one and they're not all the same.
Go and have some fun and be safe.
Keith is right go with a friend.
Rani if you enjoy his music go.
Don't let these guys bother you.

I'm in my 50s and they wouldn't like some of the stuff I like either, as I don't some of theirs. Opinion are like belly buttons everybody's got one and they're not all the same
Go and have some fun and be safe.


i really thought that i was going to find a few FABO members that were going. :sad3:
another fly by night star. in 10yrs justin will be myth. ozzy,aerosmith,stones, sabbath and metalica, to name a few is where its at. mopars and bieber don't mix.
sorry I could'nt be of any help! have fun at the concert and be safe!