


I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Got a second hand B70 (?) Keurig from a friend. It didn't even flow water until I slapped it around and freed up a stuck servo. Now it flows so well that it blows right through the k-pod and doesnt even get the outboard grinds wet in the used pod when I opened it up. Is there a duty cycle servo that limits the flow to the pod so it gives it a little more time in the grounds? It literally dispenses brown coffee for about 10 seconds then the water coming out looks like water for the next 30 seconds. Wth? Using a med/dark roast pod on 10oz setting, dont want to use the "2 pods on 6oz" trick as that defeats the purpose. Could I put a restriction on the feed like a carb jet?
Try contacting Kuerig and ask for a replacement. I've done this twice, with no hassle. Maybe they make their real money on the pods??
Last time I did the math, those k cups were 5 times the price per oz of regular bulk coffee!
Try contacting Kuerig and ask for a replacement. I've done this twice, with no hassle. Maybe they make their real money on the pods??

good call
i had gotten a keurig from my brother in law (and by that, i mean he put it at my porch thinking i was gonna host his family...fat chance)
now , i have no idea how old this keurig was, but im sure it wasnt brand new (he prolly got a new one for his kitchen and dumped the old one at my porch)
well, a few months later one of my friends was over and somehow we got to talking about the keurig
somewhere along the conversation i said "you want it, take it"
well, he took it back to indiana with him and some time after that, it stopped working
i guess it wasnt firing up anymore, something with the computer (i guess your not supposed to shut these things off?) so he called keurig tech support and told them the whole story
and they said "so you just got this one"
he said "well, yeah, but i didnt buy it, and it isnt new"
"they said "but you just got it"
he said "yes" and that was all they needed to know and the send him a brand new one.
I use the screen cup and put my own coffee grinds in it. Way cheaper than using the pods and the coffee is better because I buy fresh ground coffee. I just wash the old grinds down the sink, its safe for septic system.
Got a second hand B70 (?) Keurig from a friend. It didn't even flow water until I slapped it around and freed up a stuck servo. Now it flows so well that it blows right through the k-pod and doesnt even get the outboard grinds wet in the used pod when I opened it up. Is there a duty cycle servo that limits the flow to the pod so it gives it a little more time in the grounds? It literally dispenses brown coffee for about 10 seconds then the water coming out looks like water for the next 30 seconds. Wth? Using a med/dark roast pod on 10oz setting, dont want to use the "2 pods on 6oz" trick as that defeats the purpose. Could I put a restriction on the feed like a carb jet?
No idea on the servo or jetting idea but the water is moving to fast if some of the grounds are dry.
Before you waste too much time on it though, you might not be able to get a strong enough cup out of one pod, if you like your coffee strong. Most people like and make weak coffee, if you make a real cup, the ratio should be 10 grams of grounds to 6 ounces of water. Most pods are 9-11 grams of coffee depending on the brand, so the 10 ounce setting is already pushing it. At home, I brew coffee for my travel mug and on the weekends I use the Keurig for a "normal" cup of coffee.
OK boys, here is the skinny on the Keurig B70...I did the math and this is not gonna work out for me in its current state: Coffee bag says 1.5-2 tbls of ground coffee per 6oz of water. Im thinking 6oz is a "cup of coffee" as it seems to be everywhere. 2 tbls of ground coffee is 10g. That is precisely the weight of 1 pod of the stuff I bought. Now that tells me that this pod is only good for 6oz of water. Heck, I was pushing 10oz of water through it, that's the Keurig B70's largest water output setting. No wonder it looked like tea! I was putting a 1/4 cup of ground dark "French Roast" coffee , or 4tbls (20g) into a 16oz Yeti sized cup, thats what the coffee bag ratio said...4.5-6tbls per 18 oz or a very full Yeti. Looks like Ill have to use 2 pods for 2 6oz servings to get my Yeti 2/3 full. Economics do not add up here. Great for the office, not so good for the road.
We have a Keurig in our kitchen that I use every day with one of the refillable screen pods and fresh-ground coffee from the grocery store. I fill the pod up and set it on "strong" 10oz cup and it comes out pretty much perfect for me (strong setting just pumps water through the pod slower). But if I want a REAL cup of coffee I get some super-fine-ground stuff and just make it Cowboy (Turkish??) style on the stove. Or get coarse-ground and use my French Press. Boiled coffee is THE BEST coffee, so smooth and tasty!
I got a 1.0 so no slow strong setting (although if its only a slow air pump, I can restrict that feed EZ enough) . I managed to find some 19g capacity filter cups (flat bottom with a notch for the needle, max coffee volume, not the universal clocking kind with a recessed bottom) that I can pack with some fine ground French roast Starbucks beans That works pretty good, Im drinking one now on the step below 10oz. IIRC its about 8.2oz. I got 4 for 8 bucks, better than the $16 stainless model with the same capacity. I was putting a 1/4 cup of ground coffee (!) into the old coffee maker for a 20oz Yeti, and thats what they recommended. There is no way a little 11g K-cup can make that much coffee at once, actually that is a perfect 2 cycles of 10oz but still, 10oz out of a K-kup demands some double black diamond grounds. Ill live with it.
There's a reason why so many people get those machines for free from a friend. They're fine for offices where everyone might like different types of coffee (we even have pods of tea), and only want one cup (if you call 6 ounces a cup of coffee). We use a 14 cup Cuisanart at home with fresh ground beans set to brew strong. We empty the caraff every morning. In fact, I just heard the signal that my coffee is ready!
F this thing. No wonder they are given away! :icon_fU: I just went back to my old Capresso grinder/brewer that has a legitimate coffee capacity. Brewed me up a 20oz and from start to finish it was only 7 minutes...and that was with grinding the fresh beans~ Ah, I remember now what proper proportioned coffee is supposed to taste like....:D
We have a Keurig that is at least 5 or 6 years old, and it still works great. I like a richer, darker roast coffee, and my wife likes a lighter, weaker blend. So I buy Gevalia Majestic Roast, and my wife gets McDonalds blend. We are both happy and OK with the extra cost.
I could not find a strong enough blend for the largest cup offered, and even the largest refillable K-cup didnt hold the 1/4 cup needed for a "4 cup" (coffee cup is 6 oz) 20 oz Yeti. Plus the Kups were .50~.75 a piece. Might as well drink 210F $1.00 McCafe singles.