Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).



Ontario, Canada
Jul 18, 2007
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Ontario, Canada
I was driving through town today, and ended up behind some lady doing 20MPH. It was a single lane, and she was playing with a phone, or her boyfriend (or something). I was stuck behind her for blocks.

Anyways, she slammed her brakes on in the middle of an intersection, and I swerved to the right to avoid hitting her. So I gunned it to get around her, because parked cars were coming up. As I did that the backend of the car broke loose a couple times, white knuckle time.

Afterwards, I though what a dumb thing I had done. Just lost my cool.

Any of you lose it while behind the wheel, and regret it later?
I was driving through town today, and ended up behind some lady doing 20MPH. It was a single lane, and she was playing with a phone, or her boyfriend (or something). I was stuck behind her for blocks.

Anyways, she slammed her brakes on in the middle of an intersection, and I swerved to the right to avoid hitting her. So I gunned it to get around her, because parked cars were coming up. As I did that the backend of the car broke loose a couple times, white knuckle time.

Afterwards, I though what a dumb thing I had done. Just lost my cool.

Any of you lose it while behind the wheel, and regret it later?

I've lost my cool but I never regret it. Idiots need to know that their dumb.
Yeah, I've lost my cool when stuck behind an idiot. I try to keep it to myself and not act on it though. No point in putting other people in danger when the idiot is already doing a good enough job of it. It's about being socially responsible.

Not to long ago out here a guy got pissed on the highway because someone was driving too slow. He passed him, got directly in front and slammed on the brakes at 75 mph. The slow guy swerved to avoid but clipped him and went sailing into oncoming traffic. The slow guy died as well as two people in the oncoming lane. The guy who slammed on the brakes was charged and convicted of murder. Something to think about.
We all have experienced a little road rage at some point and time.
Thing to remeber is most of us will slowly migrate to the other side of that coin wilh age. What goes around surely comes around.
There are so many NON drivers on the road these days and all i can say is that law inforecment is really tolerant. I'd hammer these turds every chance i got if i were in LE. There again. Wheres a cop when you need one.
I agree the cops never tend to be around at these time, but the time you do something wrong low and behold who should appear GRRRR...The lady on the cell phone could have caused an accident over a stupid phone call, bad as DUI if you ask me, should be a 2 month suspension for repeat offenders hands free sets are inexpensive but then again the road deos still not get your full attention, seen many people talking blow through stop signs and red lights. Should crack down on them....OK rant is over sorry!
Arizona has some great laws, unfortunately they are rarely if ever enforced. All they care about are speeders. No matter what others are doing, it's the speeders who are the menace:angry7:

ARS 28-721. Driving on right side of roadway; exceptions

A. On all roadways of sufficient width, a person shall drive a vehicle on the right half of the roadway except as follows:

1. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing the movement.

2. When the right half of a roadway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair.

3. On a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic under the rules applicable on the roadway.

4. On a roadway designated and signposted for one-way traffic.

B. On all roadways, a person driving a vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall drive the vehicle in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.

ARS 28-723. Overtaking a vehicle on the left

The following rules govern the overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction:

1. The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left of the vehicle at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle.

2. Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on audible signal or blinking of head lamps at nighttime and shall not increase the speed of the overtaken vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle
technically someone talking on their phone could be charged with "driving with undue care and attention" but are they? no
Yes, I won't go into detail but Yes. LOL!

Ah, okay, I found a thread of yours. Now I understand, you found some idiot too.

I actually have a good defense if I do anything crazy, I used to drive truck for the post office in Canada. I can say I went "postal".

Nah...maybe not. I need to learn to keep my cool, I could've lost control of my car.

About enforcement, I agree: The ones going way under the speed limit, and talking on phones, etc. are rarely stopped. It's the ones that try to get around, or away from them that get busted.
Is talking on a cell phone that much different than talking to a passenger in the car? I think people who can't talk & drive, probably aren't capable of driving in the first place.
Is talking on a cell phone that much different than talking to a passenger in the car? I think people who can't talk & drive, probably aren't capable of driving in the first place.

It's a big enough distraction that some areas have, or are considering laws against handheld phone use in a car. I seem to find lots of people that can't drive & talk on the phone at the same time.
in NY there is a law against talking on the phone unless you have a hands free set. $50 ticket if you get caught (only caught once so far). But I do think that i am more distracted when i talk on the phone then when i talk to a passenger, or 2 or 3 passengers. I;m not sure why though.
As a truck driver,I would like to pull about 78% of the cars and trucks over and drag them in the woods and bet the crap out of them but them.Their parents didn't teach them respect and I would love too but I would be too tired!
While I'm usually pretty relaxed when I'm driving, every once in a long while I get pissed. If somebody is driving slow in front of me I get up on their bumper a couple of times, seeing the big Ram 4x4 in their rear view mirror usually gives them a good hint that they should either get moving or get out of the way.

What really pisses me off is how people drive when I'm towing the Duster on the trailer. I've had people sit next to me looking at the car while I'm trying to get into their lane to make a turn, then they get bent when I make a move to get over. Or there's the idiots who cut in front of me and proceed to slow down. A big truck, trailer and a car on the trailer can't stop all that quick, I've had a couple of close calls locking up all the brakes.
I am WAY more laid back than I used to be. When I was 20 I caught a case of road rage so bad on the highway that I ended up in A K-mart parking lot right off an exit with the other guy. I was taught to never throw the first punch so when the guy wouldnt fight I ended up punching out every window on his car. 2 hours later I bailed out of jail and the whole thing ended up costing me more than a $grand$. Its 1 of the most embarrasing moments of my life!
All i can say is dont let it get to you. I,m headed straight to hell because of it. Was stuck in the fast lane where the speed limit was 65 and 2 cars were side by side doing 50. After about 5 minutes I finally got a chance to blow by the car in the fast lane. As I went by with my finger waving I noticed they,re head gear. I had flipped off a car load of Nuns. Please pray for me that God will have mercy on me and not let me fly nonstop at 120 mph to hell.
All i can say is dont let it get to you. I,m headed straight to hell because of it. Was stuck in the fast lane where the speed limit was 65 and 2 cars were side by side doing 50. After about 5 minutes I finally got a chance to blow by the car in the fast lane. As I went by with my finger waving I noticed they,re head gear. I had flipped off a car load of Nuns. Please pray for me that God will have mercy on me and not let me fly nonstop at 120 mph to hell.

LMAO, I needed a good laugh.

Just confess, people have done much worse.
Is talking on a cell phone that much different than talking to a passenger in the car? I think people who can't talk & drive, probably aren't capable of driving in the first place.
thats why you should use a hands free unit when you have a passenger in the car your talking to your more likely to have both hands on the wheel looking ahead instead of one hand on the wheel and the other holding a phone to your ear.
All i can say is dont let it get to you. I,m headed straight to hell because of it. Was stuck in the fast lane where the speed limit was 65 and 2 cars were side by side doing 50. After about 5 minutes I finally got a chance to blow by the car in the fast lane. As I went by with my finger waving I noticed they,re head gear. I had flipped off a car load of Nuns. Please pray for me that God will have mercy on me and not let me fly nonstop at 120 mph to hell.

Now that's funny....thanks for sharing :shock:

Don't worry......I'm sure the "bat ladies" will forgive you and they laughed too, but very quietly....:-#
I get irritated with people who don`t use their signals and those that believe stop signs are merely suggestions. People today are usually eating, reading, watching a video, on the phone, doing their makeup or something while driving. I wish people who drive would focus more on driving and less on everything else. We recently had an accident locally where a lady was hit by a train and killed in her car. Authorities found out later she was text messaging a friend as the train slammed into the car. If drivers focused more on driving there would be fewer reasons for road rage and more than likely fewer accidents.
technically someone talking on their phone could be charged with "driving with undue care and attention" but are they? no

Technically, it's driving "without" due care and attention. Undue care would be a good thing:-D.

I've had more than my share of "incidents" with idiot drivers. Even as recently as last week. Dumb broad can see me coming but still blows through a rural stop sign to get ahead of me, who is doing about 60mph or so on the highway, causing me to either 1) slam on my brakes, or 2) pass her illegally in the oncoming left hand turn lane. Well, I have a healthy small block, or a single pot master cylinder, so mopower to ya. Pass away. Then she proceeded to ride my *** all the way to town as if I did something wrong :angry7:.

Some people just shouldn't be given licenses.