Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

Hey Mikelbeck!!I understand what you mean about people pulling in front of you when your trailoring your car.Happens to me all the time.I have put 2 extra straps on the car just in case.I would rather replace the front end on my truck than my car!!I need to put a BIG finger as a hood ornament when I go to the track.
I run into the same problem towing my boat (a 20ft. cuddy cabin). People decide to pull out in front of you at the last second. Not a good feeling when you gotta hit the brakes hard. I've had my boat lurch forward off the rear rollers, and crack the gelcoat. I had to add extra straps too.

I also had another recent incident where traffic was backed up for half a block by a slow driver. I was trying to make a left out of a business.

As the lead car (the idiot) went by I could clearly see him talking on the phone while looking at his laptop in the passenger seat. He was totally oblivious, or just ignoring everybody else.

Lots of idiots out there.
Yeah, but last time I was behind the handlebars on my Kawasaki 1000 and some clown passed between me and the curb (I was in the right-hand lane on a surface street), cut back in front of me, across the left lane and got stopped at a signal in a left-turn lane. Needless to say we had quite a 'friendly' conversation while he was held up at the light. It ended when the light turned 'green' and he flipped me off and headed for the freeway.
Yeah, cops there when you need them? Never gonna happen.
Dumb broad can see me coming but still blows through a rural stop sign to get ahead of me,

Some people just shouldn't be given licenses.

This is what a real Dumb broad can do. Stupid B*%$h ran a stop sign and t-boned me. Most of you might already seen this but everytime someone mentions about bad drivers it is the first thing that comes to my mind.



I have had a few. One I won't speak of., as I hang my head. All I can say is never aproach another's car after they slam on the brakes purposely. Allstate is great when accident issurance fraud people sue you.

The other was funny.
2 guys big bad Chevy goin slowing entering highway. I with brother in CJ5 cross traffic to also enter. Pull up on chevy's *** out of getting across traffic. 2 guys make pounding fist jesture. I return favor with a hand salute.Done right? Oh no, 2 guys continue until the exit ramp we both need. Guys pull across road, passenger jumps out and going to show us! I reved engine, popped clutch, and pointed CJ. Should had to see this big guys eyes bulge and jaw drop. He did quite the street dance.
i tend to be a fairley agressive driver. so ya i pass and speed and do stuff like that when there is someone slow but i tend to not get mad at them. i know older people or carefull people are gonna go slower then me. i do hate it when someone goes under or right at the speed limit in the fast lane lol. but my first truck was a 65 with only a drivers mirror and no rear view mirror. so coming home from my girl friends i could not see at all to get into a slower lane (my entrance ramp got into the fast lane) so i try to be courteious but its hard lol
Yes, I've lost it and regretted it. Put myself and others in danger. Even so, I still get impatient with drivers who just aren't paying attention. There's so many of them here in Atlanta.
I drive my service truck in city traffic all the time.Usually just yell at the window or the steering wheel or something inanimate.People on the street look at me a lot while I'm ranting.Except for 1 time I was in a parking lot and my phone rang,it was the "BOSS" (wife),so I stopped and talked for a short bit and then tried to leave the lot but this woman was blocking the way and just kept looking at me waiting for me to move,well she was in front of me and I had a curb behind me so I started my cursin,geez,yeeld at the window ya dumb f&*kin b67tch,stupid (c word), she finally backs up and I drive out then hear this faint "hello?" "hello?' I was still connected to my wife on the phone.UUUUUH............errrrrrrrrrrr....did you hear that?:happy10: Yes I did! Anyways I don't talk like "that"in front of her.:-D
I've never really lost it. But I have confronted a couple of loudmouths that have lost it. They didn't hang around to long when I got out of the truck carrying a tire iron. LOL

I've never really lost it. But I have confronted a couple of loudmouths that have lost it. They didn't hang around to long when I got out of the truck carrying a tire iron. LOL


On that note I was working on a 09 Ford(yuck) E250 van at work the other day and pulled out the tire iron to drop the spare and was awestruck by how big the tire irons are getting. like this was no classic tire iron the friggan piece weighed a ton(like 15 lbs compared to the usual 5 lbs I'm used to seeing) You could really mess someone up with that thing.
As a school bus driver one of my biggest job's is educating the kid's about bad drivers,can't count how many times bad drivers have blown through my red's while talking on cell phones,I've been able to earn them a few tickets.If one of my kid's got hurt or killed i don't know what I'd do.Cell phone's should be banned in moving vehicles,period.And the elderly should be tested more often.
When I'm behind someone driving slow I 'try' to remember that it could be my mother and I don't want to be the idiot that kills my mother or anyone else doing something stupid to get around. Keyword is try. What really irritates me are the people who are doing the speed limit or less and will not move out of the fast lane on the interstate. Bothers me when I have to pass them on the right.
I used to lose my cool all the time and throw handfuls of change, nuts and bolt you know...whatever the seat cover pocket had in it, but then one time this youngster got more out there than even I would step and 4 wheeled it over a center divider and some construction cones just to get back in front of me at the next light and say HA!. A cop pulled him over and with myself as a witness the cop impounded his truck and took him to jail for wreckless/rage driving.

I just thought wow..that could have been me flying off the handle and going to jail.

But I don't see anything wrong wth passing an a hole if you're not endangering anyone else or fish tailing between parked cars.:read2:
Many years ago when going thru an intersection the car coming the opposite way tried to cut right in front of me. We both stopped just inches away from hitting. I flipped the bird automatically. Only then I did look up to see the driver was the Franciscan monk who officated at my wedding some months before.

yeah I felt like **** and seldom loose my cool anymore. Not never, just seldom.
Many years ago when going thru an intersection the car coming the opposite way tried to cut right in front of me. We both stopped just inches away from hitting. I flipped the bird automatically. Only then I did look up to see the driver was the Franciscan monk who officated at my wedding some months before.

yeah I felt like **** and seldom loose my cool anymore. Not never, just seldom.

Just cause he's a monk doesn't give him a free pass, if he killed or paralized you I don't think you would've of reget flipping him off then.jmo
So if you drive at the speed limit, you're an idiot? As long as you're on a 1 lane road, or driving in the right lane on the highway, doing the speed limit shouldn't piss anyone off.

I've had people try to intimidate me with their pick-up truck, by driving too close, backing off then driving up my *** again. I just go slower. :bootysha:
I got behind a d___a_ two weeks ago coming home from a job, she was driving at 30 in a 45 and swerving side to side. I was driving a crane truck, pulling a trailer, this woman saw a trooper pulling out of a side street and jammed on her brakes so i went out around her. When I pulled back into the lane I didn't use my signal, well the trooper saw that and pulled me over. As I was pulling over the trooper noticed my turn signal on the trailer not working and it went from there...(the plug got partially pulled out at the job)..anyway he then looked for the inspection which was out, asked for my drivers license that I didn't have, found a broken wire on my breakaway switch...well $ 195.00 later he let me go...this was the first job I went to since I broke my leg...oh well...
I got behind a d___a_ two weeks ago coming home from a job, she was driving at 30 in a 45 and swerving side to side. I was driving a crane truck, pulling a trailer, this woman saw a trooper pulling out of a side street and jammed on her brakes so i went out around her. When I pulled back into the lane I didn't use my signal, well the trooper saw that and pulled me over. As I was pulling over the trooper noticed my turn signal on the trailer not working and it went from there...(the plug got partially pulled out at the job)..anyway he then looked for the inspection which was out, asked for my drivers license that I didn't have, found a broken wire on my breakaway switch...well $ 195.00 later he let me go...this was the first job I went to since I broke my leg...oh well...

Sounds like your vehicle & trailer need some work. This is more dangerous than talking on a cell phone, though the drunk driver is even worse.

Laws are there for a reason, even if there aren't a lot of cops with integrity these days.
So if you drive at the speed limit, you're an idiot? As long as you're on a 1 lane road, or driving in the right lane on the highway, doing the speed limit shouldn't piss anyone off.

I've had people try to intimidate me with their pick-up truck, by driving too close, backing off then driving up my *** again. I just go slower. :bootysha:

I know that may seem warranted but you might just get shot doing the same in california.

Ladies and gentlemen If someone wants to drive fast and pass you, just let'em.....It ain't your life, it's theirs and you don't own the road, we share it and you want someone following you from a distance that you don't notice only to crack you in the back of the head stretcher pole at you're next petrol stop?

I'm the guy in the big dodge truck thats trying to pass your self righteousness.

I don't just ride up on people, fyi, I usually flash from about 4 cars away and only if there is room for the person to get over do I even initiate that.

It's when people who don't seem to believe in freedom of choice and won't move that I ride on and even ride the line right next to them, then if there real sports about it, I get in front of them and just let off the gas and change lanes with them too so they can't get away...and when they lose it and start full throttle ride my tail gate.... I switch lanes last minute between cars so they can't get over and almost if not run into the car infront of them.

Not cool is it?:cheers:
I know that may seem warranted but you might just get shot doing the same in california.

Ladies and gentlemen If someone wants to drive fast and pass you, just let'em.....It ain't your life, it's theirs and you don't own the road, we share it and you want someone following you from a distance that you don't notice only to crack you in the back of the head stretcher pole at you're next petrol stop?

I'm the guy in the big dodge truck thats trying to pass your self righteousness.

I don't just ride up on people, fyi, I usually flash from about 4 cars away and only if there is room for the person to get over do I even initiate that.

It's when people who don't seem to believe in freedom of choice and won't move that I ride on and even ride the line right next to them, then if there real sports about it, I get in front of them and just let off the gas and change lanes with them too so they can't get away...and when they lose it and start full throttle ride my tail gate.... I switch lanes last minute between cars so they can't get over and almost if not run into the car infront of them.

Not cool is it?:cheers:

Not cool at all. One day someone will do the same to you. Oh great owner of the road, so brave behind the wheel.

You have murder and assault in mind, because someone does the speed limit while driving. Excellent.
Jester will have issues with this I am sure but......really bright off road lights for those oncoming drivers who insist they need the high beams on. as you approach, i will flash my normal high beams which i wired to be on with my low beams (it is a cheby thing), if that does not get your attention, 4 large Hellas get turned on. Has always gotten the oncoming drivers attention. i will not do this if there is any other traffic but if it just the offending individual and me, so be it. and if you are in close range, especially with the window down, a blast of the air horn goes along ways towards getting someones attention, I have caused more than one cup of coffee to be spilled. not to long ago i caused a cell phones death, woman jumped so bad it came out of her hand.
Not cool at all. One day someone will do the same to you. Oh great owner of the road, so brave behind the wheel.

You have murder and assault in mind, because someone does the speed limit while driving. Excellent.

Hey, If someone's flying up on you...... just move.

It ain't that big'a deal.'re not a traffic cop, it's not your job, and it's people doing what you mention that cause many accidents every year.

check the stats.

take it easy
Let me preface this by saying that I'm there with the best (worst?) of yous...
Does anyone's driving style change, when your family is in the vehicle with you?
Do you become more tolerant of the infinite number of morons of the road?
Maybe we should all try putting a little snapshot of the family on the dash.
Just to help us remember what is really important. I think I'll do that now...
Then I'm gonna go peel the tires off at every intersection with my slant 6 : )