King of the nerds! My new hero :)

Here ya go.........

look good for my age huh :tongue:

Well....that's a cold shower if I ever saw one ha, ha.

LOL!! A. The thing with seth mcfarlane is too good to be true. I wish I could make an A-body outta stainless steel.


B. That guy looks like he has been to "Burning Man" a few times. Is that from last years trip?

BTW, greenhornet, it was I who said I was 19 that night
BTW, greenhornet, it was I who said I was 19 that night[/QUOTE]

I was just givin she devil a hard time... She told me the other night she was 38... ;)
Are you still cryin' about that??
I'll mail you some new hotwheels and tell your sister I didn't mean to break her heart...

Keep dreaming, we all know the guy bragging about cars and getting laid in the 80's throwing out the "too cool guy" front is usually the biggest virgin on the planet still playing Dungeons and Dragons in his mom's basement well into his mid 30's.:bootysha:
That was a great movie!!! There were too many great movies in the 80s.
Lost Boys, Pretty in Pink, Ferris Buellers Day Off, The Breakfast Club, The Goonies, Karate Kid, Sixteen Candles, Say Anything, Stand by Me, Beetlejuice, A Christmas Story, Uncle Buck, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, ET, Gremlins, Ghostbusters......
Im feeling a movie marathon coming soon at my house :D
Dont forget the ultimate classic from the 80s or at least a young guys favorite from the 80s. It was the Porkys flicks.