Kyle Busch - 128mph In A 45mph Zone


Yes of course a road like that wouldn't have kids playing. Do you have many roads like that one in your state?
Yes of course a road like that wouldn't have kids playing. Do you have many roads like that one in your state?

Was trying to be a smartass, if the road he was speeding on looked anything like the roads in my town, that's instant jailtime right there, imagine the devastation if a car happened to pull out...
It depends on where the 45 was. If it was residential or business, then he was being a dumb ***. If it was rural then he was being stupid. If you want to go that fast, find a multi-lane freeway with no one on it. His driving skill isn't the question, it's what is around him that could be unexpected.
2 times 3 times whats the difference. Are you telling me all the perfomance cars on this site and no one never speeds. I go faster, but I never got caught. I love it , he is as crazy as all of us. He enjoys going fast in performance cars and pays the price like us all. If you don't like speeders tuff. Get a 4 banger and stay to the far right so you don't get in the way. Keep your window down so you can hear the "YEE HAW" combined with the" Beep Beep" when I go passed.

Amen bro.
Good for Kyle.. People say they would kick his *** if he did it on their street... I would like to see the video of the guy that would walk out and try and stop a car oing 128mph...

Would make one of you tubes greatest..

If he was on a back road then I don't care.. if it was in a populated area then it was stupid and he should pay.. He has enough money to have someone drive him everyday.. taking his license means nadda....LOL...
there is only one place i would drive that fast. and that is between the elementray school and the day care down the street. i use the "caution blind children playing" sign as my 1/4 mile marker. i always get worried blowing though the stop sign, but its a 4 way stop so they should see me coming right?

what an idiot. the only place to go that fast is on a track. i dont care if its a never ending (read circle) or if its 1320ft. just take it to the track and run it as hard as you want to.
Speed does kill. But so does alot of other things


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Whats sad is that he said he was testing a new sports car. You would think in NC he could have rented or have been given track time to test? Not to mention that kids play everywhere. This shows little regard to others on the road. Sorry but if you hit something or someone at 128mph on the street someone isnt walking away.
Here in BC the government would own that car now. And he would be posting bond to get out of jail.Would have thought there was enough race tracks in that neck of the woods that he didn't have to do that on the street.


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I will lead the lynch mob. Grab yer pitch forks and come on. He probably cried and that kept him out of jail. Friggin crybaby.
I say he shoulda been treated just the same as any other guy. Here it woulda been jail and a huge ticket if not outright revoke on the license. hell, I was driving with the flow of traffic on an interstate doing 83 in a 70 and a trooper picked me out cause I was in front of a crowd of cars (slowing them down actually) in the left lane - was needing to peel off left to make another interstate. It woulda been a 6 point ticket.

I vote Cuda20's car color the best and will use one like that to put the shoulder stripe on my fish when I get the car painted white.
Alot of you guys are just jealous because you don't have what he has. and thats the money to buy what ever he wants and hammer it dead. And I think he would kick all your ***'s. Post your street , We'll do a fly bye for ya.
Well I didn't until my friend told me...... he said that Kyle was racing someone however. Funny how the story gets some additional information added to it.
there could be a perfectly good reason for my wife/girlfriend called and the newest edition of Mopar Muscle just arrived.....