Last one to post in this thread wins!

I inquired about getting my 70 Dart done years ago, and I was told they needed a couple days notice and a full day for the job thanks to the rear window.
I inquired about getting my 70 Dart done years ago, and I was told they needed a couple days notice and a full day for the job thanks to the rear window.
Tinting the windows does look great but the thing that's stopping me is eventually the windows get scratched from rolling them up and down.
Son bagged a 19 lb turkey this morning. I think today was the first day of the season. He took it home and cut the breast meat out then took the rest to the woods for the coyote's and saw a deer not far from him. Too bad it wasn't in season of he might have had that in the freezer as well.
Took the metal detector on a trial run in my yard and found my first bottle cap.
I'm getting good at this I can tell. lol
Morning fellas and Happy Hump Day.
We got a bit of rain overnight but no thunder and lightning as predicted. Mostly rain today so it's clean the house day.
Fog the car looks to have Indy heads ? How’s it sound ? And a huge carbintooter
Nice to see you back on here Mike. You got a lot of catching up to do. I still have a soft spot for Dusters. Frieda is really growing. How many kids does she eat a week?
Geez been a real mixed bag today. One minute it's sunny, one minute it's clouding over and then rain and thunder. I did get out for a walk though and wasn't bad.
Did do a major cleaning in the house though. Looks like rain again tomorrow. At least the roads will be clean again.
Found a place to tint my windows on the 7th of next month but over 200 miles away so looks like I'll do that and will be hopefully visiting SLO down in Fargo and get a chance to spoil his dog with some good treats. Nothing better than spending time with a good friend and his dog.
Good evening guys , been busy so just checking in not much to say but nice to hang around on the outside of the circle and listen to the conversation, Tesla is going to build some logging trucks and test them out around here that’s gonna be interesting :popcorn: we'll see how they hold up . I don’t think they know how rugged the roads around here actually are . We were having a chuckle at fire practice about it . It will be interesting to see how they cool the batteries.
morning fellas. Supposed to be rain all day so not much going on today. Cleaned the house yesterday so might be a lazy day.
I'll try and get in trouble so wish me luck.
BTW... thanks to North Dakota for helping our truck drivers get their vaccines. We have great neighbours.