Last one to post in this thread wins!

Morning Mike how ya doing on the boat any progress?
Hood is cut out and temporarily installed, looks super by the way . I am now making transom torke braces, and front floor bord , all out of aluminum.
I will get a couple updated pictures Fred. Thanks
10:30 to 7pm
That kinda sucks making you late for your supper but it does give you time to do things in the early morning like a Dr appointment etc. When you get this new position and hope you do will that put you on salary or still hourly? Salary means you can work as many hour overtime as you want but don't get paid extra but if you take a day then you still get paid. But then it takes you 2 days to get caught up. Been there done that.
That kinda sucks making you late for your supper but it does give you time to do things in the early morning like a Dr appointment etc. When you get this new position and hope you do will that put you on salary or still hourly? Salary means you can work as many hour overtime as you want but don't get paid extra but if you take a day then you still get paid. But then it takes you 2 days to get caught up. Been there done that.
If I get the promotion it is hourly. It pays 1.50 xtra per hour. If I dont get it I have already said I will never work overtime again nor will I diagnose it will be hey you know so much tell me how to fix it. The other guy that applied was asking me yesterday what could be wrong with a certain bus I told him not sure yet I may have an idea after the 10th.
If I get the promotion it is hourly. It pays 1.50 xtra per hour. If I dont get it I have already said I will never work overtime again nor will I diagnose it will be hey you know so much tell me how to fix it. The other guy that applied was asking me yesterday what could be wrong with a certain bus I told him not sure yet I may have an idea after the 10th.
Atta boy CF..make him earn his keep and make a fool of himself. Management will soon find out what they hired.
we do a white elephant gift with some friends from church at Christmass each year
one of those cups has been around there longer then i
somehow it gets regifted each year
That sounds like fun but I think I'd keep the toilet cup for myself. lol
That sounds like fun but I think I'd keep the toilet cup for myself. lol

last year i had a great one

my mom has bought my kids a book once, and everyone loved it
so i found a english version one and everyone loved it
(the way it works is, after the first person opens their gift, the next one can choose to steal it or open their own...needless to say, my book got stolen several times)

what book is this ?

im glad you asked
