LMFAO ZsuckerPhake post vid he throwin spears/ EAR PROTECTION

This is the guy that runs our country, chooses presidents and shaped the minds of our youth with his algorithms.
I realized my country’s leader looks like Loki. Starting to make sense now.

Spearchucker says white men can't throw.
But he's not sure if Jews are white .
When i was younger one of our highest complements was to say. "Bro, that was ******* savage!"

Normaly said when someone dose something like huck them selvs off a large cliff with out looking over the side or some such foolishness.

It seems like he actualy dose some cool and interesting things for fun but he is SUCH a pussy he will never have the joy of being called a savage by his peers.

Sad. Was he raised by women?
If he had any common sense he would scooch that target over a bit and get out of the mud.
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I'd have worn hearing protection too...that "music" was terrible