Lokar suck rant...



Well-Known Member
May 26, 2009
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Tulsa Oklahoma
So I’m pretty unhappy with Lokar now. I ordered a trans kickdown cable, part number: LOK-KD-2904HT. Well the cable was about 6 inches to short, so I called Lokar. The rep said he had never heard of this before, so he offered to send me some pics to show how to hook it up. I thought, ok better detailed pics, I might have something wrong…. The pictures the rep sent were wrong; the upper half of the cable (the part that should have been hooked to the carb) was going into the trans bell housing! I called back and asked why they had it ran there, and said there is a big *** bolt going through mine in that location. The rep stated that is how it should be ran, and he doesn’t know what else to tell me. So I think Lokar isn’t all that great. I don’t see how such a big company with a reputation for such fine parts would just blow me off like that. So I went to the local bicycle shop, and picked up the proper length of brake cable and housing and made my own cable, using the Lokar ends of course. The kickdown cable is kind of cool, it says Shimano on it.

The first pic is the Lokar example, the second and third is of my new Shimano kickdown.

727 Kickdown and Shifter 4.jpg


Maybe you should post the pics they sent you. I am thinking of getting their cables as well but wanna make sure they are wright for what I have. I will be hooking up to a 226 with a Holley 4bbl carb. Thanks for the pics
Theese re the four pictures Lokar sent me. If you do end up buyin it, keep the reciept in case you have to return it. You could also do what I did and go to your local bike shop and get cable. It cost me nine dollars.

727 Kickdown and Shifter.jpg

727 Kickdown and Shifter 2.jpg

727 Kickdown and Shifter 3.jpg

727 Kickdown and Shifter 4.jpg
i really don't like that shifter mounted to the tranny. Must shake/move inside car with torque.
On the other side of that transmission bolt hole there is something in the way called the engine block. There must be another bracket like is on the tail housing that is supposed to be there.
I have the lokar kick down cable on my 727 and didn't have any length problems, although I certainly didn't go through the bell housing haha. Mine took a little different route. It goes back, over the tail shaft, forward a bit, over the bell housing, and does a couple of curves on its way up. Which is an even longer path than the example. So I'm not for sure why your was too short. Faulty cable maybe?

And i think maybe they mounted the end of the cable on the bell housing for display purposes, (because the transmission shown is on a stand, which makes me think they use it for advertisement booths) and the goofball sales rep doesn't have any common sense. Just my guess
looks like how mine is (well except going through the bell housing bolt..lol). i have installed quite a few of the throttle and kickdown cables and have never had a problem. infact they are usually on the long side so i cut them down....
And i think maybe they mounted the end of the cable on the bell housing for display purposes, (because the transmission shown is on a stand, which makes me think they use it for advertisement booths) and the goofball sales rep doesn't have any common sense. Just my guess

thats what i'm thinking
Sucks:angry7: you had a problem but at least you figured out a work around:cheers:
I've also used the Lokar kickdown also and had to cut mine (as it says in the directions) because they give you extra to guard against these kind of problems.

Every time I've called Lokar for help (granted only twice), they've been excellent. THey've taken care of me no questions asked.

As far as the price goes, I don't think Lokar is out of line. The kit only costs like $25.00

I,ve used the Lokar setup also,connected at the tailshaft and the other bracket was at the carb(for adjustment)I also had to cut mine as it was too long.
So the general consensus is that everyone that had the cable said it was too long. When I talked to the tech, he said I would have to trim some off. He gave me the measurements to what the cable and housing should have been, lengthwise I mean, and it was right. But it just didn’t fit kind of weird. I wonder where the problem was, since so many of you guys have had good cables. And yeah, I too would assume the trans in the pic was for display!
Bouchillon: Made by Mopar guys for Mopars.

Nice job on making the Shimano cable work!
The upper end goes to a carb mounting bracket. Their pic is correct on the trans end. It should have worked for you, lengthwise unless you ran it around a bunch of stuff in an odd way.
I've got one of their kickdown cables in my 64 dart and have not had a problem with it since day one. I did have to do some very minor hammer clearancing in the trans tunnel for the rear mounting bracket but thats it.
Looks like your shimano fix works good but I would be careful of the housing melting if it gets too close to hot components.
Mine works like a charm...my cables both the trottle and the kick down were too long..I had to cut both of them...I am using a B&M unimatic floor shift and the cable exits the rear and through the floor under the drivers seat...I also put a return spring at the bottom just in case the cable were to break and get caught up inside the cable housing..




Hell yeah, Shimano.... brought a smile to my face. :D
I happen to be a bicycle mechanic and work at a bike shop... for now.
Nice improvising!
Well I to run the Lokar and have to say I am thrilled with them. Never had a problem, easy install... all good.... maybe you just had a bum day/time with them for some reason. At least you improvised. Good job.

So I’m pretty unhappy with Lokar now. I ordered a trans kickdown cable, part number: LOK-KD-2904HT. Well the cable was about 6 inches to short, so I called Lokar. The rep said he had never heard of this before, so he offered to send me some pics to show how to hook it up. I thought, ok better detailed pics, I might have something wrong…. The pictures the rep sent were wrong; the upper half of the cable (the part that should have been hooked to the carb) was going into the trans bell housing! I called back and asked why they had it ran there, and said there is a big *** bolt going through mine in that location. The rep stated that is how it should be ran, and he doesn’t know what else to tell me. So I think Lokar isn’t all that great. I don’t see how such a big company with a reputation for such fine parts would just blow me off like that. So I went to the local bicycle shop, and picked up the proper length of brake cable and housing and made my own cable, using the Lokar ends of course. The kickdown cable is kind of cool, it says Shimano on it.

The first pic is the Lokar example, the second and third is of my new Shimano kickdown.
Correct me if I am wrong but I think the throttle cable goes on top and the kickdown cable goes on the bottom..:read2: