Looking for good (good) flicks and TV shows not drenched in Social Justice



Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2010
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What makes for good entertainment, of course, is subjective. I like to drop in front to the tube to de-stress like anyone else. In recent years, however, the programming (good word for it) seems to have turned into an unrelenting woke commercial, determined to tell me how weak, unfair, incompetent, pathetic, greedy and downright evil are anything or anyone who identifies with capitalism, heterosexuality, marriage, Christianity, Western civilization (with emphasis on America) and individuality. Anyone of lighter complexion is usually the bad guy in these masterpieces.

Oh, and for the record: I love well-drawn, smart and capable characters whatever their gender or ethnicity. Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones) and Ripley (Alien) rock. Gimmee Denzel in Hunt for Red October or Red in Shawshank Redemption anytime. Just no Mary Sue Star Wars stuff please!

And I'm not calling for a boycott. It's still a free country, and I'm not into censorship. Such programs simply do not constitute entertainment for me. Since my family loves to find a good series and binge from time to time, I wouldn't mind advance word on series or movies that are not drenched in Social Justice themes. What have you recently discovered that you really like? BTW, I love good horror flicks, (non revisionist) historical dramas, thrillers and comedies.

I'll start us off with a gentle, but really well made British series called "The Detectorists." It explores the friendships and dreams of a couple of truly ordinary guys who just happen to have a passion for metal detecting. Two thumbs way up! It's on Amazon Prime, Tubi and Crackle among others.
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What makes for good entertainment, of course, is subjective. I like to drop in front to the tube to de-stress like anyone else. In recent years, however, the programming (good word for it) seems to have turned into an unrelenting woke commercial, determined to tell me how weak, unfair, incompetent, pathetic, greedy and downright evil are anything or anyone who identifies with capitalism, heterosexuality, marriage, Christianity, Western civilization (with emphasis on America) and individuality. Anyone of lighter complexion is usually the bad guy in these masterpieces.

I'm not calling for a boycott. It's still a free country, and I'm not into censorship. Such programs simply do not constitute entertainment for me. Since my family loves to find a good series and binge from time to time, I wouldn't mind advance word on series or movies that are not drenched in Social Justice themes. What do you like? BTW, I love good horror flicks, (non revisionist) historical dramas, thrillers and comedies.

I'll start us off with a gentle, but really well made British series called "The Detectorists." It explores the friendships and dreams of a couple of truly ordinary guys who just happen to have a passion for metal detecting. Two thumbs way up! It's on Amazon Prime, Tubi and Crackle among others.
I've been watching a lot of foreign shows when I get a chance to watch TV. It seems to have more substance and quality. I really liked two shows on Netflix called Hinterland and Bordertown.
for the reasons mentioned above (and my dislike for foul language) i am back to watching the twilight zone
I know what you mean by the foul language! I'm not exactly an altar boy (ok, I was), but the f-bomb parade has simply become astonishing and even pathetic.
I have been told that profanity is the weak mind attempting to express itself forcibly

That seems to line up with the weak character we see on TV nowadays

On top of that, I'm trying to raise a family here, and I refuse to he caught watching entertainment that features this I would not allow my kids to engage in...which really narrows it down

On a side note, how is your french?

The word "muse" means to think upon or give thought to

A signifies a negation so to A-muse means to NOT think upon something

And that is the term we use for the mind washing we watch
This is a tall order.
I am hoping that the country will reach a point where we reverse course and stop pandering to the freaks and crybabies.
I absolutely hate seeing every TV show polluted with the forced inclusion of what we used to only see on pay-cable TV shows.
It is abundantly clear that there are strong forces pushing gays, drug use, freaks, transgenders and white guilt upon every viewer.
Screw that.
Every TV show and ad seems to have at least a racially mixed couple, a stupid white guy with no guts, a flamboyant flamer, strong willed and smart women and some other thing. Hey, I don't pretend that those things exist but they are very much OVER-represented on TV. I have no problem with smart women...I married one. I'm just tired of seeing white guys painted as dumb asses, racists or incompetent morons.
The pilot episode of 9-1-1 Lonestar had the lead characters interviewing candidates to staff a firehouse. Of course the Captain has a gay son. Who doesn't? They also include people of ALL colors, a Muslim woman, a black transgender he/she and a few others.
Yes, these people exist and I don't deny that BUT why do they have to be in every TV show as if they comprise a huge percentage of the population? TG people make up what.....1.5% of the population? Gay people are maybe 8%? If so, that is approx 9 people out of 100. If a show has 10 people in the cast, why are 4 of them in these categories UNLESS there are people trying to push an agenda on the viewers?
Been watching some old western movies and Gunsmoke. Also got hooked on Secret of Oak Island on History channel.
Regarding Drug use....
The way I see it, certain actions and lifestyles should be included in storylines IF they have an impact on them.
If the story arc includes a guy wrecking his car and going to jail for a DUI....sure, there should be some drinking leading up to the event.
If a guy eventually goes to rehab or makes some terrible decision, then drug use building up to that makes sense.'
They don't always show it that way though. I see casual drug use in TV and movies that leads nowhere. THIS seems eerily similar to showing other deviant habits onscreen.....A clear effort to normalize bad behavior and make it seem mainstream.
The original..." Bad Detective " with Harvey Keitel.
Romper stompers, westerns , spaghetti westerns, Italian tough guy movies from the 70's.
You know, Kern, I don't mind the "inclusion" of gays, females in non-traditional roles and more ethnic minority characters. I just get irked by portrayal of all those characters as competent and smart, and white males as wimps, boobs or evil.

I was really enjoying binging on "Resident Alien" (lead Alan Tudyk is very funny) till creepingly it emerges that all the smart and successful (and even kick-***) characters are women. The men, with the usual exceptions of the very old (a Native American man, natch) or the very young (boy schooled by a Muslim girl, natch) are idiots, jerks or helpless. The mayor is whipped by his wife. The sheriff is consistently out-thought by his female deputy. They even have the male federal agent completely dominated physically and intellectually by the uber confident, butt-kicking 110 pound female agent. The lead character is ostensibly male but also an alien who says his society does not have genders equivalent to humanity. And, of course, he's schooled in how to behave by his female co-lead. Sheesh.

Sometimes, you can take advantage of this utter predictability. My wife was really into "The Queen's Gambit," a series about a female chess prodigy navigating the sexist world of chess. I would expect a good story to have a woman tough it out and show strength in the pre-Women's Lib era. But these days, you're more likely to get that story line salted (heavily) by uniformly incompetent and evil men. I watched for five minutes, then bet her the only sympathetic male characters would be young, really old and/or non-white. That wasn't entirely (though mostly) true. But I scored big when I bet her the main character would have a romance, but that it would absolutely, positively have to be with a non-white male or a female. Yup, I won. Just pissed her off, though.
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Remind me to get my copy of Knox' commentary on Jonah when I get a minute...I believe he had some good insight on this (though just ad a side note)
All of this is reminding me I need to get back into A-bodies--I've had none since I sold my '64 Dart GT several years ago. Time to get away from the tube!
Well, here are some things to consider

A Bodies in movies and on TV

A bodies on tv

A-Bodies on TV

Found that book in the mean time, printed in 1998

TV just warps the mind , up until 10 years ago no tv in my house ,even now just an antenna . The children had books and a few videos and computers locked down and lots of educational dvd and cd. they turned out all right hard working while going to university . they just don't get the lazy *** millennials out there . I think if we had tv in the house while they were young things would be different
I’ve been DVRing some old detective shows like Mannix (he drives a 72 convertible cuda), Cannon and Barnaby Jones. Early 70’s shows that while a little cheesy don’t depict the woke or cancel culture of today. Those plaid pants and wide ties are something else!!
Same here, crazy ain't it i enjoy them more , but laugh at stunts and stuff :thumbsup::thankyou:
I’ve been DVRing some old detective shows like Mannix (he drives a 72 convertible cuda), Cannon and Barnaby Jones. Early 70’s shows that while a little cheesy don’t depict the woke or cancel culture of today. Those plaid pants and wide ties are something else!!
I never watch any news, that'll really piss you off. I can't believe the networks are under the delusion that they are unbiased.....
I’ve been DVRing some old detective shows like Mannix (he drives a 72 convertible cuda), Cannon and Barnaby Jones. Early 70’s shows that while a little cheesy don’t depict the woke or cancel culture of today. Those plaid pants and wide ties are something else!!
i like mannix the 2nd and 3rd season he uses that Dart always wanted one just like that the cuda was nice , like the episode where he literally drives the wheels off it .
Been watching some old western movies and Gunsmoke. Also got hooked on Secret of Oak Island on History channel.
Justified on hulu is a good one, Kentucky Marshall trying to clean up a couple counties filled with dope dealers, some are his old friends. Don't let your children watch.. I have a family member acting in it, and one of my sons songs get played in the 3 series.
I ditched DirecTV a few months ago, not paying 149 a month for primarily garbage. I went from the 149 per month to 5.99 a month for HULU, lol.

I switched over to an antenna for local stations, streaming shows on HULU and a few other free apps that have old shows on so I just watch those. Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Adam 12, Hogan's Heroes, MASH etc etc. For newer shows I like Blue Bloods, there are subtle references to SJ once in a while based on current events to make the show relevant, I can deal with that.