Lost an old friend today



It’s a sickness!
Jan 11, 2012
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My lab dog has been a loyal friend for 14 years. Well he travel his last mile today he had lukemia and I had to have him put under today. I will miss the old boy for sure:sad7:
i feel for you i got a 14 year old Boston Terrier its sad to watch them grow old so quickly.my condolences .
My heart goes out to you!!! They get to a very important part of our families. Keep him in your heart and mind and he will never be completely gone.
Sorry for your loss. Those darn critters sure do get under your skin...
I'm sorry man. They sure are a man's best friend.

One time I heard a dogs only fault is they don't live long enough.
Sometimes it as tough to lose these guys as a human friend.
One of the most emotional days of my life when I had to put my Lab down. Had to sit in the reception room for 30 minutes before i could drive home. Maybe time for a new friend and companion.
Sorry for your loss,
It's tough to make the decision to put them down...

Sorry for your loss...

Remember all the joy and good times that you had with him...
Thanks so much guys for the kind words. I will always have the memories
of him they are the most loyal friend a man could have and tough to lose them for sure.
I feel and understand your lose. I also have the most faithful friend in a welsh terrior that is all but 15 and in the last 4 months he has gone all but blind and cant hardly hear. He still fellows me and I have to lift him up on the furniture and bed at night. I will certainly miss him when its his time to go. Remember all the good memories that you shared together. Best friends are so hard to find!
Sorry for your loss Scott. We are former black lab owners as well. Eerily quite at tes. Our condolences.
Sorry to hear of your loss! Our Chocolate Lab is a sweetheart and I do not look forward to that day. My wife will be a wreck when she is gone.:(

I'm very sorry for your loss. I truly believe that the reason a dog loves their human so givingly, and faithfully, is that they know they don't have a lot of time on this earth to do it. My little dog Prissy is snuggled right up against me on the couch as I type this. Again, so very sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss, we lost our chihuahua on Friday. Our pups are like kids, so it is pretty traumatic for sure.

Some people change pets like their socks, personally I just don't get it.
Having had to put my 16 year old cat Stubby down earlier this year, I can certainly sympathize. My condolences.
Last Labor Day weekend, I had to put our 14 yr old Golden Rtvr down. She had always been right at 79 lbs. The previous 3 months she started having a hard time going down the stairs, but going up was ok. Stopped jumping in the truck another 3 months earlier... Ironically, her hips were fine. It was her front half that was eaten up.... She weighed in at only 48 lbs the day I took her.... It was time. She never complained, but we could tell.

Wet eyes still, while typing this... I feel for ya man.
I am sorry for all of you who posted about your loss. Been there several times. Nothing is more pure than the love of a Dog or Cat.
Condolences... Raised Schnauzer's ,had several cats.. They are family, it never hurts any less....
My lab dog has been a loyal friend for 14 years. Well he travel his last mile today he had lukemia and I had to have him put under today. I will miss the old boy for sure:sad7:

Keep the memories and I hope you find a new friend soon, I had to do the same to a friend I had for 15 years, sending my condolences this early morning Scott :glasses7: reading this put my little friend in my mind and wish she was looking at me this morning wanting to go outside. :)
I'll be looking for a new friend soon I guess it will be another Lab