Master Cylinder Bellows



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2021
Reaction score
Amston, CT
I'm installing my new master cylinder. Is the retention clip a temporary fixture to be removed before installation?

you remove that the hole piston will spring out. leave it.
This is what the bellows mounted will look like.


If you have the correct bellows bracket you MIGHT be able to use it and the keeper OR you MIGHT be able to use the bellows bracket in place of the keeper.

Either way if you remove the keeper, keep pressure on the piston so it does not pop out



I think the OEM MCs had a snap ring to keep the piston in, and the bellows was just bolted on as a dust seal. (I added 2 black dots to show where the bellows bolt holes would be.)
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#3 post is correct. Your M/C with that little "finger" is the setup for power brakes- no bellows or rod. For manual brakes- then use the rod w/ bellows and bracket. The bracket replaces the "finger" to retain the piston.
I have no bellows retainer. I apparently failed to remove it from the old MC prior to discarding it. Has anyone got a spare retainer available?
I wouldn't trust that tear drop to hold the piston in place. Think about what would happen if you accidentally pull up on the brake pedal (my shoe laces have gotten wrapped around the pedal many times over the years). My bellows plate was also all bent up from master cylinder removal (pulling pedal back to remove rod from master) over the years causing various issues (pedal not returning properly causing lights to stay on, dragging brakes, etc). I made a new plate using the bellows plate as a template for the piston stop. Just make one picking up the two tapped holes clearing the firewall when you reinstall. Wouldn't be too worried about the missing boot.
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