Maxi is going to the vet...



Nov 15, 2005
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on the 16th. I made an appointment with the best orthopedic surgeon here in Colorado to see if they can fix her leg. I hate to see her limp around and I know that the rimadyll they have prescribed will eventualy shut down her liver. She's only about 5 1/5 so I know she has has a lot of life left to her. Other than the the occasional broken nail, this has been her only health problem.

I've been saving up the dough working overtime, etc. so I could get this done for her. They'll take a radiograph on the 16th and then the surgeon and I will discuss our options.

I'm really looking forward to this and am hoping that they can fix her on a permanant basis.
keeping my fingers crossed that they are able to get her all fixed up..
Have faith, there are very good docs out there today. Look at my Lilly she has made about an 80 percent recovery which is more then the docs said she would. Be 2 years next month.
Maxi's blessed to have you, Joe. So many others would have given up long ago.
Keep us informed.
keeping my fingers crossed that they are able to get her all fixed up..

Oh that is good news. I hope it all goes well.

Me too guys. Thanks for the well wishes.

Have faith, there are very good docs out there today. Look at my Lilly she has made about an 80 percent recovery which is more then the docs said she would. Be 2 years next month.

Wow, has it been that long? This is really good to hear and I'm glad she is doing well. This does give me faith.

Maxi's blessed to have you, Joe. So many others would have given up long ago.
Keep us informed.

Thanks OC. I can't give up on her, she's far too much like me. :joker:

I'll be sure to post up after her first vet visit.
Great to hear this Joe....Plz keep us posted on what the surgeon says :prayer: I know you have her best interests in mind.
You are the keeper and a great one Joe
Keeping maxi in the best health and happy is your goal :hello2:
Maxi is a blest one for sure to have you by her side.
I truly hope everything goes good and she can enjoy her days even more after the doctor see's her .
Thank you for what you do and putting her first over other worldly things :cheers:
Great to hear this Joe....Plz keep us posted on what the surgeon says :prayer: I know you have her best interests in mind.

Thanks C! She deserves a long pain free life.

You are the keeper and a great one Joe
Keeping maxi in the best health and happy is your goal :hello2:
Maxi is a blest one for sure to have you by her side.
I truly hope everything goes good and she can enjoy her days even more after the doctor see's her .
Thank you for what you do and putting her first over other worldly things :cheers:

Thanks Mike! She been with me through the worst of times and she's always been by my side. I owe it to her.

Rooting for Maxi,hope all goes well Joe!:hello2:

Thanks pettyblu! I just hope I hear a "Yep, we can fix her right up!" from the surgeon.
You know I worry about my Husky just as much as I worry about friends and family when they are ill. I don't even think about my Dart when he is feeling bad. He is eight and I think he is suffering from joint pain. Ever hear a Husky howl at three in the morning? eerie. He is on dog aspirin and joint tablets;jeez that stuff is expensive.
I hope surgery will mend Maxi's leg. Its hard to mend age though. I wish I could harness his pain so he doesn't have to. We all have been through it. Take care for all you pet owners out there.
Thanks OTR, she's kinda sad in that pic I posted. Here's a better one from better days:

Just cought the thread.
Sorry to hear.:sad5:
Good Luck to you guys!
Me and Vinny goin through some hip limpin stuff. The Vin is so old though all we can do is keep him happy and make life easier on him. Wish I could do more but Vet wasn't into it and niether was I due to Vinny's age.
I hope things work out for you both.
Prayers are with you guys!


You know I worry about my Husky just as much as I worry about friends and family when they are ill. I don't even think about my Dart when he is feeling bad. He is eight and I think he is suffering from joint pain. Ever hear a Husky howl at three in the morning? eerie. He is on dog aspirin and joint tablets;jeez that stuff is expensive.
I hope surgery will mend Maxi's leg. Its hard to mend age though. I wish I could harness his pain so he doesn't have to. We all have been through it. Take care for all you pet owners out there.

Sorry to hear about your Husky SoulSurvivor. Like you say, all pet owners have to deal with the age thing and sucks to see them decline. Have you tried Dasaquin for his joints? It's great stuff.

Wishing the best for Maxi, shes lucky to have a good owner like you Joe.

Thanks stansblu72. THat means a a lot to me.

Just cought the thread.
Sorry to hear.:sad5:
Good Luck to you guys!
Me and Vinny goin through some hip limpin stuff. The Vin is so old though all we can do is keep him happy and make life easier on him. Wish I could do more but Vet wasn't into it and niether was I due to Vinny's age.
I hope things work out for you both.

Thanks John and prayers out to Vinny. I've seen pictures of him skateboarding when he was younger, how cool is that! These Rotts have a personality unlike anything I've ever seen in a dog and I've had two GSDs and a Austrailian Shepherd prior. They are special.

That's a GREAT pic. Shows a lot of personality.

Thanks Thrash, she's the smartest dog I've ever had. Just take a look into those eyes, you can see the intelligence behind them. Merlin's not quite so bright but his personality makes up for it. :)
Poor puppy, at least you're taking care of her, unlike alot of people would do. Most would give her up. We love our little goober. Last month we spent nearly $600 at the vet just cuz we changed his dog food. Nearly killed him.
Gunner says hi from Colorado Springs!


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