Maxi is in the Hospital......

So sorry to hear about Maxi, Joe.

She's a toughie, I'm sure that she'll pull through. There's no way that she'll let anyone try and stop her from being the dog that she is. She will overcome.

My boys are sending their best. Here's a big WOOF, for Maxi.
Wow, she snapped that bone in two! That hurts just looking at the X-ray. Knowing dogs like I do she`ll probably want to chase the ball with a cast on and you`re going to have to keep her calmed down for a while. Not too calm though as they heal much faster when they`re allowed to move and put some weight on the leg. I think she`ll be back on all four before you know it. Best regards.
WOW, that is a nasty break, poor thing. I sure hopes she will be able to fully recover and again be able to play and run again, but maybe not quite as vigoriously. A speeding recovery too.
last year, I let my sheltie out into the yard to go do her thing....
When i called her to come back in she didnt. I found her laying in the grass, and she looked fine but wouldnt come when i called her.

She tore the "kneecap" from her back leg and lost use of the leg. It cost me 3500 bucks to get it fixed. I was so pissed because while I would never NOT help the dog, I know those bastards ripped me off. She's been fine and can walk and run, but it's definitely weaker than it used to be.

I love dogs more than people though. If it was my mother in law, I would have to have her put to sleep. That's a nasty broken leg. I hope everything works out.
Wow, that break looks nasty. I hope and pray everything will work out ok.

Geez I'm sorry to read about this Joe.I will be praying for Maxi to recover and get back home where she's happy.And I will ask for some strength for you,Joe ,to get throught yet another difficult time.I'm sure you will make it,it's time to stay strong.8)
wow joe that is a nasty'd think a big old dog like that is impervious to any harm...but dang...I guess not.

aloha sent....Mike
So sorry to hear about Maxi, Joe. Hang in there! Prayers and our best thoughts to both you and Maxi, and Merlin too.
We've been through several broken pet bones over the years and can't believe how fast they're up and getting around, complete with casts or bandages. I had an Irish Setter years ago that broke his right front leg when he was hit by a car. He was up and getting around with a cast in no time. In fact, he used to 'paw' us with that cast to get our attention. Talk about getting clubbed by your best friend!
Our current Rhodesian Ridgeback broke a toe on his right front leg a couple of years ago when he stepped in a hole while running at the park. He kept chewing the cast off (twice on Christmas day) and ended up wearing a 'lamp shade' so he couldn't get to it.
Maxi will pull through just fine. How's Merlin without Maxi being around the house?
I was given three options from the surgeon:

Euthanasia.... I talked to an older (close to 60) buddy of mine here who has had many dogs, most rescued. He played the devil's advocate and said "Joe, are you sure you not being a selfish SOB and just prolonging her pain so you can still have her by your side? I know dogs and they'll be by your side 'till their last dying breath no matter how much they are suffering. Is this really what you want? A dog that will be in pain for the rest it's life? I'm not telling you what to do but I have to put this in front of you. You gave her 4 years that she never would have had unless you rescued her and there are plenty of dogs that need your help too." Well damn, he's got a point........ BUT!!! Maxi has been by my side through a loss or a fiance', a loss of house, a loss of my job, a loss of my mom. I OWE her.

Surgery..... 2500 bucks plus long time care and no gaurantee that she will be the dog she once was. 75%-80% chance is what I was told.

Custom splints, changed every 10 days and than an orthotic splint custom made here in Colorado. She may have to wear it the rest of her life. The custom splints are x money every 10 days and the custom orthotic is 900$. She'll look a bit like Mad Max and maybe have to have it forever.

The amount of care it's going to take is incredible......That little pucker opening on the front of her cast is so I can stick my finger in there and feel her toes. If she's agitated that means that the cotton lining has compressed and is allowing movement of the tarsal joint, if her toes are cold that means that an infection has set in and there's swelling that's cutting off her blood supply. I have to monitor this at least three times a day.

She has just crawled out of her crate so she can see me here in my office. I have to let Merlin in now.... He's thrilled that Maxi is not the top dog. He pissed on her though her crate when I went back to work. Paybacks a *****.....

I chose the Mad Maxi option. I just don't have the money for the "Maybe" surgery and choose to put in the time for her to try to fix herself. I just can't put her down, no way. She still hasn't really ate yet, but she's home. I know she hurts but they gave me some good drugs for her. I'm just trying to do my best.... If I had the money, she'd be bionic..... :-D

I just saw this I'm sorry about Maxi. We send our prayers and hope for a speedy and complete recovery.
Thanks John, I know you and your better half are going through some heartbreaking pet problems too and you know the feeling....

This is the more likelly option....Now you know why I might have to change her name to "Mad Maxi"....

Is that the appliance you have to replace every so often ?

No, right now it's custom cast if that makes sense. IF she gets better and the tarsal casts (which are relatively inexpensive, but cause pressure points and dermatitus) work and start to stabilize the tarsus, I can then move her to the far more pricey yet ortopedic examples I've given above. Now you see why she'd be "Mad Maxi!" :-D They would have to be replaced every now and again, but WTF. Her loyalty and protection over the last four years would cost more for an alarm and do less. She's worth every penny.
Hope she feels better soon.

When dogs such as..[ rotty's, pitbull, mastiff, german shepard] get old, you gotta be careful of how/where you play with'em.

them bones get mighty brittle, especially the hip area.
Hey Maxi it'll be ok trust me I know. If I can go from paralyzed to walking in less then 2 months then you should be ok. This is my back after surgery and then me again this past Saturday playin in the snow with my brother and sister. Look I'm an airplane!!!!LOL Well no matter what keep yer chin up and things will get better.

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Snow and tax parts LOL 002.jpg

Snow and tax parts LOL 010.jpg
Wow, those xrays look brutal!

All the best to Maxi from my dog Poohead. She was in pain recently, got too fat over the winter and her hips are starting to go. We're hoping a little diet and exersize will help.

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As someone who broke my leg in a car wreck many years ago - I feel your pain. Hang in there girl. Prayers are on their way for you and master Joe. Here's to a speedy recovery.

Sorry to hear this Joe,

Glad she is on the road to recovery! Prayers sent your way!


Thanks Kim! I still owe you lunch and don't forget for moment that I forgot. :read2:

Hope she feels better soon.

When dogs such as..[ rotty's, pitbull, mastiff, german shepard] get old, you gotta be careful of how/where you play with'em.

them bones get mighty brittle, especially the hip area.

She's only 4.5 years old....OK, maybe 4.7. She's just a mutt with a will and muscles stronger than her frame. Think a stroker BB with no frame connectors...... Something's gotta go... She's got the will and the way but not the frame to support it. It sucks....

Hey Maxi it'll be ok trust me I know. If I can go from paralyzed to walking in less then 2 months then you should be ok. This is my back after surgery and then me again this past Saturday playin in the snow with my brother and sister. Look I'm an airplane!!!!LOL Well no matter what keep yer chin up and things will get better.

LOL! I love the "airplane dachshund!" 72! She's a fighter plane if I saw one. :)
Joe you and Maxi are on the prayer list buddy. I lost my dog Zeus (black lab) to old age back in 04. He was with me in the most difficult times of my life. I know where you are coming from... hope she gets better!
Wow, those xrays look brutal!

All the best to Maxi from my dog Poohead. She was in pain recently, got too fat over the winter and her hips are starting to go. We're hoping a little diet and exersize will help.

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Hey Poop shooter! From one dog to another I will tell you that swimming (low impact exersize) and any food with Glucosamine and Chondrotin will make you feel like the Poohead you derserve to be. :-D Trust me.... Don't I look trustworthy? :toothy10: My name is Merlin and I am Magic. :)

Joe you and Maxi are on the prayer list buddy. I lost my dog Zeus (black lab) to old age back in 04. He was with me in the most difficult times of my life. I know where you are coming from... hope she gets better!

Thank you Ax. You know how I feel to have "Man's Best Friend" in the worst of times. I'm sure Zeus is in the land of the slow squirrels as is my buddies Rocky, Sandy and Joshua. I hope they get some..... :)