maybe it's just me?



Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2004
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Seems to me people my age(specifically girls) are getting dumber. Most of the girls I've known in my life have had kids most are single some are in a "serious" relationship, a couple are getting married. Point is their late teens-early 20's and still live at home. It just seems weird these people have kids and seem to not be bothered by the fact their young have a child to take care of for a long time and still live at home. Just doesn't make sense to me that people can be content with their lives like that. I dunno maybe I have the order all mixed up. I figured it was 1. Get educated 2. Move out on my own 3. Get married and then 4. Start a family. lol maybe it's just backwards.
NO you are still OK, it is the dumding of the world.. you are on the right track..
Dyno Dave is right, we have been teaching to the lowest common denominator for 25 years now and this is what you get.

Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy. That is were current generation is leading us. Keep the faith CanadianGT,you have it right.

hey guys and girls let start with im 64 years old been to the mountain top and back let me just say that CanadianGT your right things aren't the way they should be i see a lot (not all) but a lot of our youth don't have there heads screwed on right but who do we blame this one ME i think its the fact the we are now a world of both mom and dad working and no one home to teach the kids the right way maybe im wrong but we need more family life in our life so today who is teaxhing our youth COMPUTERS. X-BOX PS3 OR 4 OR 5 what every they have out now don't get me wrong i don't think all that stuff is bad just to many hours spent of it look in the mirrow see if the person in there is taking there kids fishing taking the out to play sports you dads that are building cars are you letting your young sons help moms are you showing your daughters how to cook to much SEX DURGS AND KILLING ON TV DOSEN'T HELP do i need to say anymore like i say im not picking on anyone BUT IF THE SHOW FITS WEAR IT i hope i didn't upset to many of the great people in here I GUESS IM JUST OLD AND WHAT DO I KNOW ANYWAY
NO you are still OK, it is the dumding of the world.. you are on the right track..

Dyno Dave is right, we have been teaching to the lowest common denominator for 25 years now and this is what you get.


Yep. And of those single mothers how many are living off the state? If they have means to support the family and are helping out there parents then thats not to bad. My mother loves having my looser brothers out of wedlock, no job, convicted felon, living off momma, little girl come and stay the weekends, and she takes care of her the whole time.:angry7:
If you enable them like most parent have done, this is what happens.
I too got caught up in the give my first born everything I didnt have. Well it didnt work out to good. He is a 22 Y.O. looser.
hey guys and girls let start with im 64 years old been to the mountain top and back let me just say that CanadianGT your right things aren't the way they should be i see a lot (not all) but a lot of our youth don't have there heads screwed on right but who do we blame this one ME i think its the fact the we are now a world of both mom and dad working and no one home to teach the kids the right way maybe im wrong but we need more family life in our life so today who is teaxhing our youth COMPUTERS. X-BOX PS3 OR 4 OR 5 what every they have out now don't get me wrong i don't think all that stuff is bad just to many hours spent of it look in the mirrow see if the person in there is taking there kids fishing taking the out to play sports you dads that are building cars are you letting your young sons help moms are you showing your daughters how to cook to much SEX DURGS AND KILLING ON TV DOSEN'T HELP do i need to say anymore like i say im not picking on anyone BUT IF THE SHOW FITS WEAR IT i hope i didn't upset to many of the great people in here I GUESS IM JUST OLD AND WHAT DO I KNOW ANYWAY

See I don't completely agree with the whole tv/video game influencing people. I've grown up playing Grand Theft Auto games, wrestling games, I've got a Xbox 360, Gamecube, N64, etc all at home and use them pretty regularily. I think it comes down to what kind of a personality has been instilled in you from birth. IMO it comes down to the first few years of life that dictates whether someone is productive or a waste.

Nothing wrong with being old. Personally I'm 20 and I fit in better with people 35-40. lol
We have alot of enablers out there. What I mean is that alot of parents enable there kids to be useless. My inlaws are like that. I won't go into all the details but, they ae in there 60's raising a great grand child. Believe me that is just the tip of the iceburg. I don't know what happened throughout the generations to bring this about but, there are alot of parents raising grand kids. I see it all the time. I also see alot of aduls living at home well past the age of moving out. I couldn'nt wait to get on my own.
I agree that a lot of peope are guilty of trying to give their kids everything they didn't have growing up (including me) but at some point we have to ask ourselves WHY? Did we turn out so bad? I have always tried to instill the idea of responsibility in my two daughters but it doesn't always work out the way you plan so last year when my oldest (18) dropped out of university in the second semester of her first year my wife and I didn't kick her out but set room and board at $600 per month. As expected she opted to get a job and move out on her own. Well after 6 months on her own she enrolled back into university and is back home (and studying alot). I know I don't have all the answers but I do feel, as I know many of you feel that our youth is not made to be accountable for their actions and as hard as it is to sometimes do we have to take responsibility ourselves and push those cute little birds out of the nest to learn how to fend for themselves to force them to GROW UP !!! Kev
Glad to see that I'm not off lol. This has been kind of bugging me because every time I see someone tell their friends their pregnant everyone gets all excited and happy for them nobody wonders who's going to pay the bills for that new baby. I would assume it's just like you guys said and everyone assumes that because their parents took care of them they'll take care of their baby to.

When I got the talk, my dad spelled it out plain and simple to me. If I ever came home and told them I got a girl pregnant I would get a swift boot out the front door.
Glad to see that I'm not off lol. This has been kind of bugging me because every time I see someone tell their friends their pregnant everyone gets all excited and happy for them nobody wonders who's going to pay the bills for that new baby. I would assume it's just like you guys said and everyone assumes that because their parents took care of them they'll take care of their baby to.

When I got the talk, my dad spelled it out plain and simple to me. If I ever came home and told them I got a girl pregnant I would get a swift boot out the front door.

And that's why you think the way you do, give your dad a hug and a thanks next time you see him. (maybe just a thanks if he's not into the hugging the son thing ) LOL. Kev
frustrates me to see kids having kids. :angry7::angry7::angry7::angry7::angry7:
Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy. That is were current generation is leading us. Keep the faith CanadianGT,you have it right.


You nailed it on the head with Idiocracy,Oldschool! (the majority of)Todays youth is controlled by television and whats "in" , not old fashioned values
You nailed it on the head with Idiocracy,Oldschool! (the majority of)Todays youth is controlled by television and whats "in" , not old fashioned values

lol last fad I got pulled into my individualism showed through. lol young and dumb at 15 wanting to rice out a datsun lol. Individualism because most go for sunfires, cavaliers, hondas etc. lol IMO it's better to be an individual then a photocopy
I know my sister is 24 and living at home... but she is also working, going to college, and dating a good guy. I also know that I am gunna stay at home for a few years after highschool so that I dont have as many things to pay for... I will chip in but it will still be cheaper.
They think why should I work when the government is going to give me everything and pay me for each child, and that is sorry, if a kid sees his mom and or dad doing it that is what they are going to do, the US is turning into a welfare state
My two oldest adopted girls could not wait to get out and party it up with their loser friends.
Nothing sucks worse than watching two beautiful girls that you and your wife have invested so much time, energy and love into, throw it all away while their vampire scum friends drag them down to their level and suck the youth and success right out of them.
Nah it's not you CanadianGT, ultimately it's up to the parents to make every effort, and in some cases force, their "adult" children out into the real world if they don't go willingly. My daughter was perfectly happy to live at home while also working and used every excuse to stay until we said enough is enough and even chipped in for the rent for her apartment. My parents would never let any of my brothers or sisters stay at home, unless there were dire surcumstances, and were always told get an education, get a job and get out, it's mostly how my generation was raised. Todays generation (kids and parents) are mostly about B.S. excuses and "it's not my fault" it's someones elses fault. Noboby wants to take responsibility for all the crap that goes on. Friends of mine ***** and complain about what the kids are being taught in school these days and conversely what they aren't being taught and I always say to them "well who the hell do ya think is to blame", I wonder. Again we can only blame ourselves if our "adult children" try choosing not to get their own life and for allowing it to happen in the first place.

Yeah I know I'm not 100% right, I'm not the perfect kid but I know how the order should work. I doesn't make things easy tho. I come across as an ahole easily because of the fact I find it ridiculous for people to congratulate their friends for the fact their pregnant. Maybe someday the world will get back on track. But it will take alot.
Yeah I know I'm not 100% right, I'm not the perfect kid but I know how the order should work. I doesn't make things easy tho. I come across as an ahole easily because of the fact I find it ridiculous for people to congratulate their friends for the fact their pregnant. Maybe someday the world will get back on track. But it will take alot.

You're not alone in that thought. Today my niece turns 21. She watched her friends in high school and now work go spastic over being pregnant even though they are still living at home, don't have the means to support the child or think it takes a baby to make her "complete." Most of her friends have done it as a way of blackmail to keep the guy around, even though, they're what, 16, 17, 18 years old (then) and don't really truly know what love is? Nice to know the kid is being used as a weapon in that way.
My niece still lives at home with her folks, by the way. And they haven't set a deadline. She has a part time job, which is about the only thing available working in a tourist town. But, she helps with the household bills, isn't in any rush to start a family, and is still planning for the future as to what she wants to do.
Kid these days are clueless.

My son is 21, his ex-girlfriend is about the same age, maybe 20. Not that my kid is perfect, far from it, but she is a spoiled little *****. They broke up over a year ago.

So what does she do? Starts dating her married, Karate/other useless martial art, instructor. Even has the guy's wife trying to find her so she can kick her ***.

And then? Yup, shows up preggers. She's 20. Had a part time job at the local store till a week back or so, can't work now, too fat. I think she's back living with Mom and Dad, I know all her stuff is there, cause she has my friend's TV still. I'm told the kid is her "boyfriend's", not the instructor's, but he's nowhere to be found. Supposedly out of town working. Ya, right :angry7:.

It's really hard to bite your tongue and not act like a parent, when someone does something so foolish. I can't believe that her parents allow it. Maybe they have blinders on, too.

Guess it's part of small town life. (The biting your tongue part)