mopar preformance cams



Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2009
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well guys i need a little help i have a 318 stock bottom end in putting a mild mopar purpleshaft in it now my problem

the cam calls for install at 110 degree
but mopar preformance tell me it should be installed at 108 degree

what im looking for is WHY WOULD MOPAR put it at 110 and then mopar preformance say it install at 108 am i nut or what

You would advance or retard a cam to enhance the way it acts in the engine and the way it performs.
They know what there talking about.
no you are not nuts...

they are recommending the you advance the camshaft two degrees.

most people run their camshaft a couple of degrees advanced...

do you have the tools to degree in a camshaft?
If not, put it in straight up, unless you have an expensive roller chain, then just put the 2* key in it, close your eyes, and run it.
And if the cam is cut with a 108 intake CL you don't have to do anything but make sure the timing set installs it straight up.

Plenty of cams are cut with an intake cl advanced. The one in my Dart is a 112 LSA and the intake CL is 107, 5 degrees advanced. Make sure you install it per the instructions or speak with someone knowledgable regarding the grind. I know some of the MP cams say install it at say 108 and some guys have put them in at say 104 and they run good. Every situation is different.
yes a friend of mine has all the stuff to do the cam
thanks guys for you help when we put the cam in we started with a stock key cam came in at 114.5 degrees not knowing how the cam keys worked we put in the number the white key lol took it to like 102 degrees so we took it apart and changed it for the to the blue and BANG right on the money 108.5 center line... again thanks for all the help its nice to know we have so many on line friends
if you asking what key set i used if was mopar oreformance ket set 5 different keys
And BTW, the fact that it started at 5° says volumes about the quality of the rest of the grinding. The worst I've found was 8° out in the wrong direction.